Domov Prehľad produktov Hydraulika Ventily a bloky Argo-Hytos Argo-Hytos ARGO – HYTOS : Nový 4/3 elektromagneticky ovládaný vstavaný šupátkový rozvádzač ARGO – HYTOS : Nová skupina proporcionálnych ventilov s novou riadiacou elektronikou EL7 ( veľkosť 04/06/10 ) ARGO – HYTOS Produktová novinka : Nový proporcionálny rozvádzač PRMF ARGO – HYTOS : Priamo riadený tlakový redukčný ventil s tlmením pohybu šupátka ARGO – HYTOS : Proporcionálny, elektromagneticky ovládaný, sedlový ventil, nepriamo riadený ARGO – HYTOS : Proporcionálny ventil s unikátnym výkonom ARGO – HYTOS : Elektromagneticky…
SR4E2-C2 1 1/16-12 UN • Qmax 180 l/min (48 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) /pmax p minP T p1 p2 Symbol Změny vyhrazeny · SR4E2-C2_5078_1cz_10/2023 Strana 1 Tlakový přepouštěcí ventil, nepřímo řízený, s přepínáním hodnot tlaku elektromagnetem Technické parametry Popis funkce Technická data Charakteristiky měřeno při ν = 32 mm2/s (156 SUS) Připojovací závit / komora 1 1/16-12 UN-2A / C2 (VC12-2) Maximální průtok l/min (GPM) 180 (47.6) Max. provozní tlak bar (PSI) 350 (5080) Max. tlak v kanálu T bar (PSI) 100 (1450) Min. nastavitelný tlak bar (PSI) 2,5 (36.3) Rozsah provozní…
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SR1A-CA2 1-1/16-12 UN • Qmax 120 l/min (32 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) P T T P ( 17 )2 6 (2901) ( 26)7 (5076) (5802) (3626) (4351) 100 50 300 400 (5.3) (10.6) (15.9) (2 .1)1 (26.4) (3 .7)1 20 40 60 80 100 120 350 ( 51)14 150 200 250 5 4 3 1 2 Změny vyhrazeny · SR1A-CA2_5077_1cz_10/2024 Strana 1 Vestavný tlakový přepouštěcí ventil, přímo řízený Technické parametry Popis funkce Technická data Charakteristiky měřeno při ν = 32 mm2/s (156 SUS) Pojistný tlak v závislosti na objemovém průtoku Tl ak p [b ar (P SI )] Objemový průtok Q [l/min (GPM)] Symbol › Vysoký objemový průtok…
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Tube Connectors Assembly Tools and Devices Catalogue 2 STAUFF Connect Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this product catalogue are approximate values and are only valid as references, which are not binding (also in respect to any third parties’ rights of protection) and thus do not release the customer / user from checking and testing the suitability of the products for the foreseen purposes. Therefore, data and figures can only be used in a limited sense for construction purposes. The application of the products is beyond the control possibilities of the…
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Tube Connectors Assembly Tools and Devices Catalogue 2 STAUFF Connect Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this product catalogue are approximate values and are only valid as references, which are not binding (also in respect to any third parties’ rights of protection) and thus do not release the customer / user from checking and testing the suitability of the products for the foreseen purposes. Therefore, data and figures can only be used in a limited sense for construction purposes. The application of the products is beyond the control possibilities of the…
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118 Poleret rustfrit sidedørshængsel, 180°. Godstykkelse: 2,5 mm. Polished stainless hinge. Thickness: 2,5 mm. 103,85 Rustfrit bladhængsel. Speciel flad udførelse. Stainless flap hinge. Special flat model. 130,5 Flad rustfrit hængsel. Flat stainless hinge. Poleret rustfrit bladhængsel. Polished stainless flap hinge. Rustfrit hængsel. Alternativ evt.: 50.DL1110. Stainless hinge. Optionally use: 50.DL1110. Rustfrit bladhængsel. Stainless flap hinge. Krøbt rustfrit hængsel. Alternativ evt.: 20.40245. Stainless cranked hinge. Optionally use: 20.40245. Rustfrit forkrøbbet hængsel. Stainless cranked…
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HySense® QM 100 Technisches Datenblatt Technical Data Sheet Rev. 01 • 2024-04-10 • 1/9 © Hydrotechnik GmbH Holzheimer Str. 94-96 • D-65549 Limburg HySense-QM_TED_ML2 Alle Rechte vorbehalten • All rights reserved Funktionsprinzip Operating principle Das Turbinenlaufrad wird durch die Strömungsenergie des durchströ- menden Mediums in Rotation versetzt. Dabei ist die Laufradfre- quenz annährend proportional zur mittleren Strömungsgeschwindigkeit (über dem Rohrquerschnitt). Resul- tierend daraus ist der Volumenstrom ebenfalls annährend proportional zur Laufradfrequenz. Diese…
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Catalogue 1 STAUFF Clamps Block Clamps Light Series Construction Series Metal Clamps Saddle Clamps U-Bolt Clamps Special Clamps Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this product catalogue are approximate values and are only valid as references, which are not binding (also in respect to any third parties’ rights of protection) and thus do not release the customer / user from checking and testing the suitability of the products for the foreseen purposes. Therefore, data and figures can only be used in a limited sense for construction purposes. The application of the…
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Bevel helical 2 i-FIT Helical In line Gearmotors 3i-FIT Helical In line Gearmotors 1 1 A smarter way to drive Bevel helical Features Benefits Fully interchangeable with market standards ➜ “Plug & Play” with no re-engineering costs Made in Europe ➜ Superior quality, minimum maintenance Full range with robust cast iron housing ➜ High performance and reliability: minimum deformation, no gearing misalignment, no vibration, and low noise level Gear precision as per DIN/ISO 6 or better ➜ Energy saving, low noise level, reduced backlash New IE2, IE3 compact electric motors ➜ Premium…
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1i-FIT Helical In line Gearmotors Helical inline 2 i-FIT Helical In line Gearmotors 3i-FIT Helical In line Gearmotors 1 Features Benefits Fully interchangeable with market standards ➜ “Plug & Play” with no re-engineering costs Made in Europe ➜ Superior quality, minimum maintenance Full range with robust cast iron housing ➜ High performance and reliability: minimum deformation, no gearing misalignment, no vibration, and low noise level Gear precision as per DIN/ISO 6 or better ➜ Energy saving, low noise level, reduced backlash New IE2, IE3 compact electric motors ➜ Premium efficiency…
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