Technical Information H1B 060/080/110/160/210/250 Bent Axis Motors Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev May 2020 Added DIN 250cc flange, changed document number from BC00000043 1213 December 2019 Updated model code section and corrected speed sensor pinout information. 1111 July 2019 Document Title and reference to STS TI. 1110 May 2019 Minor update. 1109 March 2018 Model code and ports update. 1108 February 2018 Model code update. 1107 December 2017 PWM data change. 1106 November 2017 Note for speed sensor added. 1105 April 2017…
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41 410/123 ED 1/14 41 410/123 ED — The DSP5 and DSP5R are 4-ports directional valves, pilot operated, solenoid actuated, with mounting surface according to ISO 4401-05 standards. — DSC5 are the hydraulic actuated versions. — A high pressure version (H) is available. — These valves are available with different spool types (see points 2 and 3), with some options for the opening control. — They are available also with zinc-nickel surface treatments, that ensure a salt spray resistance up to 600 hours. DSP5 DSP5H Maximum operating pressure - ports P - A - B - port T (external drainage) - port T…
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83 270/121 ED 1/16 — The DSE5G* are proportional directional control valves, direct operated, with integrated electronics and mounting surface compliant with ISO 4401-05 standards. — They are used for the control of position and speed of hydraulic actuators. — Valves are available with different types of electronics,with analogue or fieldbus interfaces. — A solenoid current monitoring signal is available. — The valves are easy to install. The driver manages digital settings directly. DSE5G* PROPORTIONAL DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE WITH INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS HYDRAULIC SYMBOLS (typical) MOUNTING…
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81 506/121 ED 1/4 — PZME3 valves are three-port pressure reducing valves, pilot operated, with proportional control. They are designed in modular version with mounting interface in compliance with ISO 4401-03 standards. — These valves reduce pressure in the secondary branches of the circuit thus ensuring stability of controlled pressure in the event of variations in the flow rate through the valve. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or by an electronic control card, to maximize the valve performance (see point. 8). — The PZME3 valve is available in three…
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PRM8-06 Dn 06 (D03) Qmax 140 l/min (37 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) T P B A G 0,75 (0.03) 4xM5-6Hx13 15,5 (0.61) 31,75 (1.25) 5,1 (0.20) 25,9 (1.16) 31 (1.22) 12 ,7 (0 .5 0) 21 ,5 (0 .8 5) 30 ,2 (1 .1 8) 40 ,5 (1 .5 9) ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 Změny vyhrazeny · PRM8-06_5178_4cz_05/2021 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 Nepřímo řízený proporcionální rozváděč › Nepřímo řízený proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč s vysokým hydraulickým výkonem › Montážní obrazec tělesa rozváděče podle normy ISO 4401 (Dn 06), DIN 24340 (CETOP 03) › Ventil je určen pro řízení směru pohybu spotřebiče a plynulé řízení rychlosti…
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RPE3-062x/xS3 Dn 06 (D03) Qmax 80 l/min (21 GPM) pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) T P B A G 0,75 (0.03) 4xM5-6Hx13 15,5 (0.61) 31,75 (1.25) 5,1 (0.20) 25,9 (1.16) 31 (1.22) 12 ,7 (0 .5 0) 21 ,5 (0 .8 5) 30 ,2 (1 .1 8) 40 ,5 (1 .5 9) Kanály P, A, B, T - max. ∅7,5 mm (0.29 in) ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 FUNKČNĚ BEZPEČNÝ VENTIL SIL 3 ČSN EN 61508 PL d ČSN EN ISO 13849 Změny vyhrazeny · RPE3-062x/xS3_4087_2cz_05/2022 Strana 1 4/2 Elektromagneticky ovládaný rozváděč se snímačem a certifikací funkční bezpečnosti Technické parametry Technická data › Elektromagneticky ovládaný přímo řízený…
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82 230/224 ED 1/6 QDE3GL PROPORTIONAL COMPENSATED FLOW CONTROL VALVE WITH INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS 82 230/224 ED — QDE3GL are proportional pressure-compensated flow control valves with on-board electronics and mounting surface according to ISO 6263-03. Depending on the presence of the P port in the mounting surface, they can operate as either 2- or 3-port flow control valves. — These valves are suitable for controlling flow in sub- systems of a hydraulic circuit or for controlling the speed of a hydraulic cylinder. — These valves are equipped with compact integrated electronics, with analogue or…
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71 000/117 ED 1/30 71 000/117 ED DESCRIPTION PERFORMANCES — Double acting cylinders constructed in compliance with ISO 6020-2 and DIN 24554. — The compact design of the square ends with tie rods plus the high quality material and seals render these cylinders highly reliable and therefore strongly recommended for all types of industrial applications. — The cylinder is available with 14 different mounting styles as well as a vast range of accessories to meet all application requirements. A - scraper ring B - Piston rod seal C - Piston seal D - Guide rings E1 - Front cushioning adjustment screw…
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For more than 40 years, Danfoss has been developing state-of-the-art components and systems for mobile machinery used in off-highway operations around the world. We have become a preferred supplier by offering the best of what really matters: The hardware inside your vehicle application. The DDC pump uses proven technology which enables it to operate reliably in light duty applications. Its design includes many optional features which provides for a large degree of application flexibility. Its compact size helps the DDC pump fit in tight places and allows for a more simplified hydraulic…
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Technical Information Proportional Valve Group PVG 48 Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev May 2023 First edition 0101 Technical Information PVG 48 2 | © Danfoss | May 2023 BC452663518638en-000101 PVG 48 is an addition to the pre-compensated PVG family. The PVG 48 program is intended to deliver the highest possible flow and lowest possible pressure drop, using the same interface as PVB 32. PVB 48 is a compensated module that is intended for controlling a work function behavior in terms of flow and pressure, independent of the load pressure…
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