#ThisIsBansbach Ihr Experte für blockierbare Gasdruckfedern! #WECANDOIT! Egal, ob klein oder groß: Wir halten Ihre Anwendung an jeder gewünschten Position! Unsere blockierbaren Gasfedern sind vielseitig einsetzbar, da sie in vielen verschiedenen Größen und Varianten erhältlich sind. Sie ermöglichen einen platzsparenden Einbau und passen sich so optimal an Ihre gewünschte Anwendung an. So finden sich unsere blockierbaren Gasdruckfedern in vielen Branchen und Anwendungen wieder. Zum Beispiel in Pilotensitzen, Bistrotischen, Zugsitzen, Operationstischen, Gabelstaplern und vielem mehr. Zunächst…
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TECHNOLOGY DRIVES INTELLIGENT LIFE Headquarter Global Divisions Xinchang Ningbo Guangzhou America Germany Japan India Malaysia Taiwan ADD : Provincial High Tech Park, Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province, China EMAIL : jc35@jiecang.com TEL : +86-575-86297980 FAX : +86-575-86297960 ADD : Linxu Road&Chaosheng North Crossroad, Cidong Economic Development Area, Cixi, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China ADD : No.114, Building 4, Qixi creative park, No.24 Xinyi road, Fangcun avenue east, Liwan district, Guangzhou, China EMAIL : sales24@jiecang.com TEL : 020-89114036 FAX : 020-89114037 ADD : 13617 Woodlawn Hills…
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CERTIFICAZIONI: CERTIFICATIONS: M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 Data di stampa: Settembre 2022 Print date: September 2022 TEKNO-HYGIENIC Piede inox 3-A con cella di carico 3-A stainless steel foot with loading cell Prolunga in poliammide Ø 123 Ø 123 Polyamide extension Ampliamento gamma: basi in plastica blu Range enlargement: blue plastic bases Vulcanizzato 3-A igienico Ø120 con due fori di fissaggio 3-A hygienic vulcanized bolt-down base Ø 120, double fixing LINEA PLASTICA PLASTIC LINE PLASTICA & TEKNO-CLEAN PLASTIC & TEKNO-CLEAN…
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E A S Y L I F T S Y S T E M DE / 05 / 20 22 3Bansbach easylift2 Bansbach easylift Üb er si ch t Ov er vi ew Ga sd ru ck fe de rn Ga s Sp rin gs Bl oc ki er fe de rn Lo ck ab le G as S pr in gs Ga sz ug fe de rn Ga s Tr ac tio n Sp rin gs Ed el st ah l G as fe de rn St ai nl es s St ee l Dä m pf er Da m pe r An sc hl us st ei le Co nn ec tin g Pa rts ea sy m ot io n Fü hr un gs sä ul en Gu id e Co lu m ns So nd er lö su ng en Sp ec ia l S ol ut io ns Hi nw ei se Ad vi ce s Übersicht Overview 04 08 12 34 38 42 48 56 60 58 66 Gasdruckfedern Gas Springs Über uns About Us Blockierbare…
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ACCESSORI INOX STAINLESS STEEL ACCESSORIES Martin Levelling Components Made in Italy M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K A CC ES SO RI M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 PAG. 198 SNODO PER CONSOLE STAINLESS STEEL ROTATING MOUNTING BRACKET PAG. 199 ACCESSORI INOXSTAINLESS STEEL ACCESSORIES PAG. 219 SUPPORTI INOX STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORTS 198 Caratteristiche: Snodo per console in acciaio inossidabile con guarnizione di tenuta, rotazione 90°, 180°, 270°, 360° Features: Steel Rotating Mounting Bracket with EPDM blue Gasket, Rotation 90°, 180°, 270°, 360° Rotazione 90° - 180° -…
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81 515/121 ED 1/8 — ZDE3K* are direct operated pressure reducing valves, with electric proportional control, with ISO 4401-03 mounting surface. — They are compliant with ATEX, IECEx, INMETRO or PESO requirements and are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, for surface plants or mines. — A low temperature version (up to - 40 °C) is also available. — The valves are used to reduce pressure in the secondary circuit branches thus ensuring stability of controlled pressure in the event of variations of the flow rate through the valve. — ZDE3K* valves are supplied with a finishing…
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Domov Prehľad produktov Mechatronika Servopohony a krokovacie mechanizmy Servopohony a krokovacie mechanizmy Servomeniče S700 do firmy KOLLMORGEN Nový modulárny elektrohydrostatický pohon (EAS) od spoločnosti Moog Polohovacie systémy od firmy ROLLCO NSA aktuátor od firmy IAI Prehľad bezkartáčových motorov MOOG KOLLMORGEN AKM MOOG servo motors KOLLMORGEN TBM KOLLMORGEN 2G Motion System Vysokofrekvenčne meniče ACOMEL / KOLLMORGEN ARIS nastavovacie pohony Autorotor - Kruhové otočné stoly serie AT pohanane servomotorom Rotačné motory s priamym pohonom Krokovacie mechanizmy Dosiahnutie maximálnej…
14 201/418 ED 1/12 RV1P VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT VANE PUMPS SERIES 10 OPERATING PRINCIPLE HYDRAULIC SYMBOL — RV1P are variable displacement vane pumps with hydraulic operated pressure compensator, that permit instantaneous adjustment of the flow rate according to the circuit requirements. Energy consumption is reduced and adequate in every cycle phase. — The pumping group is provided with double hydrostatic axial compensation, that improves the volumetric efficiency and reduces wear of the components. Both internal paths for inlet and outlet are double. — The pressure compensator operates keeping…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag Storm Brakes VISIT US ON THE WEB AT STROMAG.COM Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of hydraulically, pneumatically, and…
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Telescopic System TELESCOPIC ACTUATORS Maximize Productivity, Minimize Footprint. Discover the 6 main advantages for multiple applications in limited spaces. Compact design and space-saving with 2 or 3 stages solutions. Efficient space utilization Achieve optimal extension with synchronized belt system. Enhanced extension Seamlessly integrated into multiple axes configurations. Versatile configurations Precision-engineered steel components and extruded aluminum profiles for high stiffness and lightweight construction. High stiffness Automated lubrication system ensures longevity and low…
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