106 Horisontal spænder. Force-pressure-hold. Horizontal clamps. Force-pressure-hold. Spænder, horisontal sidemontage. Force-pressure-hold. Side horizontal clamp. Force-pressure-hold. Varenr. Item no. Vægt Weight F daN F1 daN F2 daN A A1 A2 A3 B B1 B2 C ØD G H H1 H2 L L1 L2 M N O α 58.901 0,09 90 25 6 13,3 25 5,7 - 21,5 32 15,6 - - 2 36 10 21 121 41 15-30 M5x30 4,9 5 90° 58.902 0,19 130 35 9 26 37 5,2 13,7 28,2 39 20,6 5 4,8 2,5 46 13 26 163 61 22-50 M6x35 5,5 6 90° 58.012 0,27 150 55 9 26 42 7,9 - 38 50 20,3 - - 3 51 14 29 186 57 17-44 M6x40 6,1 6 90° 58.903 0,4 210 60 12 25,7 40 7,6 12,9 30,3…
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“Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world: it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius” George Sand WHY AIREKA AIREKA is the new brand under which Stima S.p.A. has decided to gather a series of diverse products that share the common feature of being simple and yet innovative solutions to long- standing and complex issues, for which we believe the market does not offer adequate answers. The simplicity is the result of creative work, know-how, and extensive experience that the designers instilled in these products. So, special features make them…
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www.deublin.com | www.deublin.euMT 233 DREHDURCHFÜHRUNGEN für Werkzeugmaschinen | Bearbeitungszentren | Transferstraßen DE Werkzeugmaschinen Katalog 2 DEUBLIN Werkzeugmaschinenkatalog 1 Hat die Maschine einen einzelnen Versorgungsanschluss (z.B. Kühlschmiermittel) oder mehrere Versorgungsanschlüsse (z.B. für Kombinationen aus Kühlschmiermittel, Druckluft und Hydrauliköl)? 2 Welches Medium oder Medien müssen durch die Drehdurchführung übertragen werden? 3 Welches ist der maximal benötigte Druck? 4 Wie hoch ist die maximale Spindeldrehzahl? 4 Schritte, die richtige Drehdurchführung für Ihre…
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easyE-line linear in-line actuators The flyer is subject to technical alterations and printing mistakes. Bansbach easylift GmbH Barbarossastraße 8 D-73547 Lorch Tel. +49 (0) 7172/9107-0 Fax +49 (0) 7172/9107-44 info@bansbach.de www.bansbach.de 04/2017 Connecting parts „motor side“: FEATURES: - Adjustable start and stop ramp - Adjustable current limit - Continuous-mode, impulse-mode - Easy interfacing to PLC etc. - DIN-rail fittable - Hall sensors not supported TECHNICAL DETAILS: - Supply: 12 or 24 VDC - Over voltage protection: 40 V - Idle current: Approx. 15 mA - Driving current: 10 A…
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www.deublin.com | www.deublin.euMT 233 ROTARY UNIONS for Machine Tools | Machining Centers | Transfer Lines GB Machine Tool Catalogue 2 DEUBLIN Machine Tool Catalogue 1 Does the machine have a single supply connection (for example, coolant) or multiple connections (such as a combination of coolant, air, and hydraulic oil)? 2 What fluid or fluids must be transferred by the rotary union? 3 What is the maximum pressure required? 4 What is the maximum spindle speed required? 4 Steps to Finding the correct Union Series for your Machine Tool Application 1 2 3 4 Maximum Speed (rpm) No of inputs…
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#ThisIsBansbach Ihr Experte für blockierbare Gasdruckfedern! #WECANDOIT! Egal, ob klein oder groß: Wir halten Ihre Anwendung an jeder gewünschten Position! Unsere blockierbaren Gasfedern sind vielseitig einsetzbar, da sie in vielen verschiedenen Größen und Varianten erhältlich sind. Sie ermöglichen einen platzsparenden Einbau und passen sich so optimal an Ihre gewünschte Anwendung an. So finden sich unsere blockierbaren Gasdruckfedern in vielen Branchen und Anwendungen wieder. Zum Beispiel in Pilotensitzen, Bistrotischen, Zugsitzen, Operationstischen, Gabelstaplern und vielem mehr. Zunächst…
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Domov Prehľad produktov Hydraulika Hydraulické systémy Spojenie hydraulických a motorových a invertorových technológií Drasticky vylepšené funkcie nad rámec energeticky usporných funkcií motora IPM Video vysvetľuje princíp úspory energie hybridných hydraulických jednotiek Daikin. Hybridné hydraulické jednotky ECORICH R sa okrem úspory energie vyznačujú nízkou hlučnosťou, nízkou tvorbou tepla a minimalizáciou hydraulických obvodov. Danfoss formálne dokončil akvizíciu divízie hydrauliky spoločnosti Eaton. Spoločnosť Danfoss oficiálne dokončila akvizíciu divízie hydrauliky spoločnosti Eatonv…
14 201/418 ED 1/12 RV1P VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT VANE PUMPS SERIES 10 OPERATING PRINCIPLE HYDRAULIC SYMBOL — RV1P are variable displacement vane pumps with hydraulic operated pressure compensator, that permit instantaneous adjustment of the flow rate according to the circuit requirements. Energy consumption is reduced and adequate in every cycle phase. — The pumping group is provided with double hydrostatic axial compensation, that improves the volumetric efficiency and reduces wear of the components. Both internal paths for inlet and outlet are double. — The pressure compensator operates keeping…
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143 2 Rulli per trasportatori con comando a catena Rollers for chain driven conveyors Rulli comandati con pignone P1C - P2C Pinion sprocket driven rollers P1C - P2C Rulli comandati con corone 1C - 2C Crown sprocket driven rollers 1C - 2C Serie 135: rulli comandati 135 series: driven rollers Rulli con ruota libera Free wheel rollers Serie 138: rulli frizionati 138 series: friction rollers Serie FDN-FDR: rulli frizionati FDN-FDR series: friction rollers 144 150 156 166 170 182 Serie 139 139 series 162 144 Rulli comandati con pignone P1C - P2C Pinion sprocket driven rollers P1C - P2C 2 RULLI…
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14 101/318 ED 1/10 RV1D VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT VANE PUMPS WITH DIRECT PRESSURE ADJUSTER SERIES 10 OPERATING PRINCIPLE — The RV1D pumps are variable displacement vane pumps with mechanical pressure compensator. — The pressure compensator keeps the cam ring of the pumping group in the eccentric position with use of an adjustable load spring. When the delivery pressure equals the pressure corresponding to the spring setting, the cam ring is moved toward the center instantaneously, adjusting the flow rate to the values required by the plant. — Energy consumption is reduced and adequate in every…
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