196 Aluminium surringsskinne. Aluminium load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Runde huller uden hak. Galvanized load bonding track. Round holes without notch. Lysegrå plastik endestykker. Vægt: 14 g. Passer til 50.033010A, 50.033010X og 50.033010XB Light grey plastic ends. Weight: 14 g. Fits 50.033010A, 50.033010X and 50.033010XB Ankerende med snapbeslag. Passer til 50.033010 skinner. Anchor part with snap…
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INDUSTRIAL BRAKING SYSTEMS F O R C R A N E A P P L I C A T I O N S 2 www.stromag.com P-8313-SG-A4 | BRC10102-01-L 09/23 Stromag is a global supplier of braking packed solutions for crane market. Constant attention to evolving needs and its effort to focus its product development on quality and innovation allow our company to meet global supply requirements with standard or fully customised braking systems solutions. At Stromag, the accent is placed firmly upon research and innovation. That is why every year, the company invests heavily into Research and Development to provide leading edge…
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T H E R I G H T V I B E F O R I N D U S T R I A L A U T O M A T I O N Tumac S.R.L. is a leading company in the design and production of systems and components for industrial automation. Thanks to a know-how and R&D consolidated in over 50 years of activity, the activity operates in the most varied sectors. Founded in 1965 in San Giuliano Milanese, Tumac continues to operate in the same location. T H E C O M P A N Y The high quality of the raw materials leads our products to stand out for the high performance achieved and for the long seal. Our power supply systems are entirely built and…
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BIBUS SK, s.r.o Trnavská 31, SK-94 901 Nitra Tel.: 037/ 7777 911 Fax.: 037/ 7777 999 Email: sale@bibus.sk http://www.bibus.sk 页 1 页 2 页 3 页 4 页 5 页 6 页 7 页 8 页 9 页 10 页 11 页 12
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25.09.2018 1/4 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR R+W SERVO DISC COUPLINGS MODEL SCL GENERAL INFORMATION Please carefully and completely read the following in‐ stallation, operation and handling procedures for R+W servo disc couplings. Failure to comply with these pro‐ cedures may result in failure of the coupling. Installation of the couplings should be perfor‐ med by a qualified technician. FUNCTION R+W servo disc couplings are used for zero backlash, torsionally stiff transmission. At the same time they compensate for angular and axial misalignment in the single flex version. In…
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1- 0- 00 -9 99 -0 91 | 0 | 1 0. 19 | 4 . A ufl a ge Ein Überblick Mechanische Druckschalter Elektronische Druckschalter Drucktransmitter Drucksensoren Antriebstechnik SUCO Produktübersicht Drucküberwachung & Antriebstechnik Drucksensoren und -transmitter Antriebstechnik D ru ck se n so re n u n d - tr an sm it te r A nt ri eb st ec h n ik Fliehkraftbremsen SUCO Fliehkraftbremsen begrenzen unabhängig von ex- terner Energieversorgung die maximale Drehzahl eines Systems. Dies macht unsere Fliehkraftbremsen zu idealen Sicherheitselementen, die dafür sorgen, dass eine zulässige Drehzahl in einem…
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TKNHD 1) TKNHT 1) nmax d1;d2 3) min d1;d2 3) max C1 / C2 E H3 D1 L2 L nSc L8 QCQ Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 82 750 1050 3600 38 65 55 46,5 10,5 116 10 156,5 6 5,3 98 1350 1750 3600 50 70 60 55 12 140,5 11 175 6 5,3 E d 2d 1DD 1 L8 L8 L L2 H3 C1 C2 Gwsp CTdynHD CTdynHT ΔKaHD ΔKaHT ΔKwHD ΔKwHT ΔKrHD ΔKrHT QCQ kg 106 Nm/rad 106 Nm/rad mm mm mm mm 82 1,8 0,309 0,360 1,4 0,6 2 1,4 0,5 0,4 98 2,9 0,569 0,607 2 1 2 1,4 0,7 0,5 Tech Paper Partner for Performance 08.2021EN www.ringfeder.com 1 Max. Permissible Misalignment 7) axial Size Steel Disc Couplings RINGFEDER® TND QCQ Hubs with Open…
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Jacob GmbH, Elektrotechnische Fabrik, Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 11, 71394 Kernen, Germany Phone +49 (0)7151 4011-0, info@jacob-sensors.de, www.jacob-sensors.com Supply voltage Output type Switching current Ambient temperature range Maximum overpressure Process 7 ... 34 V DC PNP, NAMUR max. 300 mA -40°C ... +80°C 100 bar Thread G1/2“, G3/4“, M27x2 IP67 / IP68 Jacob GmbH, Elektrotechnische Fabrik, Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 11, 71394 Kernen, Germany Phone +49 (0)7151 4011-0, info@jacob-sensors.de, www.jacob-sensors.com BIBUS SK, s.r.o Trnavská 31, SK-94 901 Nitra Tel.: 037/ 7777 911 Fax.: 037/ 7777 999…
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www.argo-hytos.com LubCos H2O Použití Voda je v hydraulických a mazacích médiích nežádoucí. Vysoké koncentrace vody mohou způsobit vážné poruchy provozu a škody na zařízeních. Popis funkce LubCos H2O měří relativní vlhkost oleje a přímo zobrazuje stupeň nasycení vodou: 0 %: absolutně suchý olej. 100 %: olej je úplně nasycen vodou. Olej už není schopen další vodu absorbovat a ta zůstává oddělená. Na rozdíl od anylýzy vlhkosti v laboratoři, při které se zobrazuje absolutní obsah vody v ppm (Parts per Million), lze pomocí měření relativní vlhkosti měřit nasycení oleje. Výhodou relativní vlhkosti…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag Storm Brakes VISIT US ON THE WEB AT STROMAG.COM Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of hydraulically, pneumatically, and…
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