CERTIFICAZIONI: CERTIFICATIONS: M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 Data di stampa: Settembre 2022 Print date: September 2022 TEKNO-HYGIENIC Piede inox 3-A con cella di carico 3-A stainless steel foot with loading cell Prolunga in poliammide Ø 123 Ø 123 Polyamide extension Ampliamento gamma: basi in plastica blu Range enlargement: blue plastic bases Vulcanizzato 3-A igienico Ø120 con due fori di fissaggio 3-A hygienic vulcanized bolt-down base Ø 120, double fixing LINEA PLASTICA PLASTIC LINE PLASTICA & TEKNO-CLEAN PLASTIC & TEKNO-CLEAN…
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CERTIFICAZIONI: CERTIFICATIONS: M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 Data di stampa: Giugno 2021 Print date: June 2021 TEKNO-HYGIENIC ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE TEKNO-FIX LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE AMPLIAMENTO PARCO MACCHINE MACHINE PARK ENLARGMENT SNODO INOX ROTATING MOUNTING BRACKET Ampliamento gamma: Ø 200 Range enlargment: Ø 200 Maniglia 1/4 giro con CAM, 3A e non 1/4 turn Handle with CAM with and without 3A cert Ampliamento gamma: Ø 120 con 1 e 2 fori Range…
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Domov Prehľad produktov Mechatronika Spínače & senzory Snímanie prietoku Špirálové prietokomery KEM pri procese spájania lopatiek rotora Veterná energia sa používa na celom svete ako čistý zdroj energie. Kompozity zo sklenených vlákien a uhlíkových vlákien sa etablovali ako materiály pre lopatky rotora veterných turbín. Technické údaje : Médium : Adhezívne Teplota : +20 °C až +40 °C [+68 °F až +104 °F] Tlak : 120 až 200 bar [1 740 až 2 900 psi] Rozsah merania : 8 až 12 l/min Viskozita : 50 000 až 300 000 cSt Hustota pri 20 °C : 1 150 kg/m3 Aplikácia Veterná energia sa používa na celom svete…
117 1 Componenti vari Components Rotelle Wheels Minirail Minirail Medirail Medirail Heavyrail Heavyrail Rotelle OW OW wheels Sfere portanti Ball transfer units Regolatori di velocità Speed controllers Profili Profiles 118 122 123 124 126 128 134 138 118 1 Rotelle Wheels RSR 48 Sono rotelle metalliche zincate particolarmente robuste, con piste di rotolamento cementate e temperate. RSR 48 Zinc-plated metallic wheels particularly strong, with cemented and hardened rolling surfaces. RSR 50 Sono rotelle a strisciamento in Poliammide di colore rosso la corona esterna e colore nero il mozzo;…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Linear Motion Systems New! RediMount™ motor mounting adapter kit available as standard Thomson - the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of performance, life and cost. Quickly Configure the Optimal Mechanical Motion Solution Thomson has several advantages that makes us the supplier of choice for motion control technology. • Thomson owns the broadest standard product offering of mechanical motion…
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IUM - WORKING INSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCE - ATEX MANUAL CONTENTS General Information ......................................................... 2 Safety Warnings Product operation .............................................................. 2 Prevalent use .................................................................... 2 Transport .......................................................................... 2 Long-term storage ............................................................. 2 Environmental management ............................................. 2 Product Layout…
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Herderstraat 4 Industriepark Zuid B-8700 Tielt T. +32 (0)51 403 806 F. +32 (0)51 401 567 O.N. 0 405 233 534 info@vulkoprin.be www.vulkoprin.be GLASINDUSTRIE • GLASS INDUSTRY KUGELSCHWENKROLLEN • BALL CASTORS GUMMI VERZINKT • RUBBER ZINC-PLATED 202 12 12.1 12.1.1 0 1 /0 7 /2 0 1 7 GLASIND USTRIE 1215/01/2014GLA SS IND USTRYKUGELSCHWENKROLLEN 12.1BALL CASTORS12.1.1G ummi verzinktRUBB ER ZINC-PLATED Kugelschwenkrolle in elastischer Naturgummi 70° Shore A, ideal für Transporttische in der Glasindustrie: Farbe schwarz, sehr leicht schwenkbar, weltweit bekannt als "thé original". L: linker Stift -…
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1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Travel limit 9 Mains cabinet and switch 2 Articulating jib crane 10 Lift unit 3 Collision shock absorber 11 Base plate 4 Magnet holder connector 12 Adjustable column 5 Support wheel 13 Vacuum filter 6 Lift tube 14 Pump unit 7 Parking 15 Power inlet 8 Control box 16 Remote for up&down of column Mobile High Frequency Lifter This product is a mobile version of our very popular High frequency lifter. Our most rapid lifter grips and lifts boxes and other packaged goods in no time. With a comfortable handle for one-hand use you can lift and move goods with…
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INDUSTRIAL BRAKING SYSTEMS F O R C R A N E A P P L I C A T I O N S 2 www.stromag.com P-8313-SG-A4 | BRC10102-01-L 09/23 Stromag is a global supplier of braking packed solutions for crane market. Constant attention to evolving needs and its effort to focus its product development on quality and innovation allow our company to meet global supply requirements with standard or fully customised braking systems solutions. At Stromag, the accent is placed firmly upon research and innovation. That is why every year, the company invests heavily into Research and Development to provide leading edge…
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Technical Information Counterbalance Valve Systems for H1B Motors in Open Circuits www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev April 2023 Added DN32B 0102 October 2022 First edition 0101 Technical Information Counterbalance valve systems for H1B motors in OC 2 | © Danfoss | April 2023 BC428678672746en-000102 General information Function of the counterbalance valve......................................................................................................................................4 Theory of…
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