SV Solenoid Valves Technical Information AI423955357826en-000101 • August 2022 PERFORMANCE CURVES APPLICATIONS OPERATION SPECIFICATIONS SCHEMATIC 2-Way Poppet (Low Power, High Flow) SLP13-10-C/O 1 2 1 2 1-2 20 60 100 De-Energized 3 9 6 12080 l/min400 15 12 Pressure drop US gal/min3224168 psi bar 0 0 150 225 75 21.8 cSt [105 SUS] hyd.oil at 49°C [120 °F] 2-1 Energized Rated pressure* 350 bar [5075 psi] Rated flow at 7 bar [100 psi] 79 l/min [21 US gal/min] Leakage 10 drops/min @ Rated Pressure Weight 0.16 kg [0.35 lb] Cavity SDC10-2, C-10-2 Oil Temperature Range -40 to 100 °C (-40 to 212 °F)…
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Piab Custom-Line Mini Cobot Gripper Brochure Mini Cobot Gripper Page 2/8 Overview Our featherweight! Probably the lightest cobot gripper in the world. In the automated packaging of goods for example in e-commerce or when handling of goods in production in small and medium-sized businesses, the weight of the gripper is crucial. Because in addition to the objects to be moved, the weight of the gripper determines the size of the robot or cobot to be used. As a specialist for lightweight, high- performance vacuum grippers, especially for the growing cobot market, Piab has now developed the…
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NC COMPONENTI SPA – 2024 1 BIBUS Meeting 24.10.2024 2NC COMPONENTI SPA – 2024 Welcome to Turin! 3NC COMPONENTI SPA – 2024 Welcome to NC COMPONENTI! 4NC COMPONENTI SPA – 2024 Thurdsay 24/10 08,45-09,00 Welcome 9,00-12,30 Company and Easy-Link® presentation 12,30-14,00 Lunch break 14,00-17,00 Applications and Easy-Move presentation 19,00 Meeting c/o Tulip Hotel 19,30 Dinner c/o Piazza Martiri Restaurant in Rivoli Agenda 5NC COMPONENTI SPA – 2024 Thurdsay 25/10 09,00-13,00 Factory tour 13,00 Lunch break Agenda 6NC COMPONENTI SPA – 2024 • Founded in 1984 • Company team of 24 employees •…
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Godt køb / Best buy Rustfri og syrefaste svejsehængsel (316). Stainless and acid proof welding hinge (316). Varenr. Item no. Mål stift / totallængde Measure pin / total length mm 50.036SS316 6 x 60 50.038SS316 8 x 80 50.040SS316 10 x 100 50.042SS316 11 x 120 50.045SS316 13 x 150 Europæisk svejsehængsel med smørenippel og messingdorn. Bemærk: Stift 11 mm Totallængde: 120 mm uden smørenippel European welding hinge with grease nipple. With brass pin. Note: pin 11 mm Total length: 120 mm without greaser Europæisk svejsehængsel. Med messingring og ståldorn. Pin: 8, totallængde: 80 mm European…
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35* Skaffevare / Special order item El-galvaniseret kabinelås med håndtag, venstre. Inkl. låsebolt El-galvanized cabinet lock with handle, LH. Striker included. El-galvaniseret kabinelås med håndtag, højre. Inkl. låsebolt. El-galvanized cabinet lock with handle, RH. Striker included. El-galvaniseret indvendig dørlås uden sikring, venstre. PVC håndtag. Til små og medium døre. Passer til 10.600. El-galvanized internal door lock without safety device, LH. For small to medium doors. Fits 10.600. El-galvaniseret indvendig dørlås uden sikring, højre. PVC håndtag. Til små og medium døre. Passer til…
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Malé série 3/8 mm, 3/10 mm, 4/12 mm a 6/15 mm sú vďaka svojej kompaktnej veľkosti vhodné najmä pre aplikácie s obmedzeným priestorom. Viac informácií...
Neues Bausatz-System für genannten Baureihen werden ab diesem Zeitpunkt bei kleineren Bestellmengen als Bausatz versendet. Über dieses neue Verfahren stellen wir sicher, dass wir - trotz der immensen Variantenvielfalt unserer Produkte - immer die richtige Ausführung für Ihre Applikation zur Durch unser umfangreiches Fertigwarenlager werden wir in der Lage sein, die meisten Bausätze ab Lager in kürzester Zeit liefern zu können. • • eise einbaufertig . Sonderlackierungen, gelabeltes Typenschild) von dieser Systematik ausgenommen. Wann wird welche Baureihe umgestellt? • Pi 3xx / Pi 3xxx mit Start…
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01/09/20 M10152-01-B Disc brake Installation and maintenance SIME Brakes 1/8 Technical data SVK and SDK Leaflet N° T10152-02 SVKL and SDKL Leaflet N° T10152-01 SVKL, SVKL MLP and MLV Leaflet N° T10152-03 Elastic disc couplings series SDK, SVK, SDKL, SVKL, SDKL-ML, and SVKL-ML If the instructions in this manual are not adhered to, the performance, correct operation and the safety of the equipment cannot be guaranteed. - Customer service / Tel. : +33(0)1 49 90 32 20 / Fax : +33(0)1 48 63 23 33 SUMMARY 1 - PRESENTATION 3 1-1 Designation 3 1-2 Description 3 1-3 Construction 3 2 -…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag Storm Brakes Altra Motion P-XXXX-XX-A4 X/XX The Brands of Altra Motion Couplings Ameridrives Bibby Turbofl ex www.bibbyturbofl Guardian Couplings Huco Lamifl ex Couplings www.lamifl Stromag TB Wood’s Linear Systems Thomson Geared Cam Limit Switches Stromag Engineered Bearing Assemblies Kilian Electric Clutches & Brakes Matrix Stromag…
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01/09/20 M10156-01-A Installation and maintenance SIME Brakes 1/8 Technical data SVR & SDR Leaflet Nr. T10156-01 SVW & SDW Leaflet Nr. T10174-01 Couplings series SVR / SDR and SVW / SDW If the instructions in this manual are not adhered to, the performance, correct operation and the safety of the equipment cannot be guaranteed. - Customer service / Tel. : +33(0)1 49 90 32 20 / Fax : +33(0)1 48 63 23 33 SUMMARY 1 - PRESENTATION 3 1-1 Designation 3 1-2 Description 3 1-3 Construction 3 2 - INSTALLATION OF AN ELASTIC COUPLING 4 2-1 Mounting 5 2-2 Coupling alignmentt 6 3 - OPERATION…
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