90 Zinkstøbt, sort. Fintandet. Zinc cast. Black. D R h H d D Varenr. Item no. Type Gevind Thread R mm d mm l mm h mm H mm D mm 18.7012320B A M5 indv. 50 M5 8 35 Ø9,8 18.7012321B B M5 x 16 50 M5 16 35 Ø9,8 18.7012322B B M5 x 20 50 M5 20 35 Ø9,8 18.7012323B B M5 x 25 50 M5 25 35 Ø9,8 18.7012330B A M6 indv. 50 M6 9 35 Ø9,8 18.7012331B B M6 x 16 50 M6 16 35 Ø9,8 18.7012332B B M6 x 20 50 M6 20 35 Ø9,8 18.7012333B B M6 x 25 50 M6 25 35 Ø9,8 18.7012440B A M8 indv. 63 M8 12 44 Ø12,9 18.7012442B B M8 x 20 63 M8 20 44 Ø12,9 18.7012443B B M8 x 25 63 M8 25 44 Ø12,9 18.7012444B B M8 x 32 63 M8 32 44 Ø12,9…
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Od 12.4 do 16.4 2021 sa uskutoční prvá digitálna edícia známej HANNOVER MESSE. Spolu s našim dlhoročným dodávateľom tlakových spínačov a snímačov SUCO Robert Scheuffele GmbH & Co. KG, Vás srdečne na túto pozývame. e-lístky si môžete zakúpiť na tejto adrese. Viac informácií o produktoch SUCO na našich stránkach.
www.easy-link-system.com Mod. 82PG01_6_Rev9 Check-list Easy-Link ® IT-EN Tutti i diritti riservati. È vietata la riproduzione anche parziale del contenuto senza autorizzazione scritta da parte della NC COMPONENTI S.p.A. All right reserved. Any complete or partial copy of the contents without written approval of NC COMPONENTI S.p.A. is forbidden ® by 1. Movimentazione Cliente / Customer Compilatore Conveyor System Cod Rif. RO Rif. VA Rif. VC Rif. UTC 1.1. Grandezza catena Chain width 65 76 85 105 195 FlexNC Altro Others 1.2. Componenti Fittings Comprensivo di sponde fisse With fixed side guides…
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Technology driving the best results WEGscan Motors Energy | Automation | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings www.weg.net Technology driving the best results Good results are achieved with technological intelligence. Therefore, we developed the WEGscan, which meets the needs of companies and industries with maximum precision and reliability. Modular, versatile and multipurpose, the sensor can be coupled to different types of equipment and assets, automatically collecting data and performing online monitoring. ▪ Remote operation for update, measurement and setup ▪ Integrated with WEG digital…
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140 Galvaniseret hængsel. Galvanized hinge. Galvaniseret bladhængsel. Galvanized hinge. 38 2 100 Galvaniseret hængsel med messingtap. Løs stift. Galvanized hinge with brass pin. Galvaniseret hængsel med messing stift. Tynd galvanisering. Kun til indendørs brug. 2. Sortering - PARTIVARE. Galvanized hinge with brass pin. Thin galvanisation. For indoor use only. Surplus stock. 59,3 0,35 2 76,1 50,5 60° +- 37,7 0,35 +- 28,9 0,35 +- Galvaniseret hængsel. Bukket, med 2 mm åbning. 10 - 12 micron zink med messing stift. Restlager - når udsolgt min. 1.000 stk. Galvanized hinge. Bendet, with 2 mm gap.…
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Our newly developed Electromagnetic Fail-Safe Brake This special electromagnetic fail-safe brake combines highest performance on smallest space with best protection against environmental influences up to IP67. This working, holding and emergency stop brake makes your application safe! This new design is based on the current technologies and calculation methods to meet all current requirements. The modular system offers different variations. The high protetcion of each part allows a long lifetime in harsh environments, like offshore or marine. Usable for nearly all kinds of winches, hoists and…
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MANUAL piFLOW®am piFLOW AM® 100.SX.PNEU.0.5L.Ø23.BF.AL Specifications subject to change without notice. Rev00 2 CONTENTS FEATURES.............................................................................................................................................. 3 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 4 TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................................................ 12 Function…
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CERTIFICAZIONI: CERTIFICATIONS: M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 Data di stampa: Giugno 2021 Print date: June 2021 TEKNO-HYGIENIC ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE TEKNO-FIX LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE AMPLIAMENTO PARCO MACCHINE MACHINE PARK ENLARGMENT SNODO INOX ROTATING MOUNTING BRACKET Ampliamento gamma: Ø 200 Range enlargment: Ø 200 Maniglia 1/4 giro con CAM, 3A e non 1/4 turn Handle with CAM with and without 3A cert Ampliamento gamma: Ø 120 con 1 e 2 fori Range…
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CERTIFICAZIONI: CERTIFICATIONS: M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 Data di stampa: Giugno 2021 Print date: June 2021 TEKNO-HYGIENIC ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE TEKNO-FIX LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE AMPLIAMENTO PARCO MACCHINE MACHINE PARK ENLARGMENT SNODO INOX ROTATING MOUNTING BRACKET Ampliamento gamma: Ø 200 Range enlargment: Ø 200 Maniglia 1/4 giro con CAM, 3A e non 1/4 turn Handle with CAM with and without 3A cert Ampliamento gamma: Ø 120 con 1 e 2 fori Range…
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0 15 20 25 30 100 150 50 300 200 250 5 01 (5.3) (6.6)(1.3) (4.5)(2.6) (7.9) (1450) (730) (2180) (2900) (3630) (4350) 400 350(5080) (5800) 1 2 0 15 20 25 30 10 15 5 30 20 25 5 10 3 2 4 1 (1.3) (145) (73) (218) (290) (363) (435) (2.6) (4.5) (5.3) (6.6) (7.9) 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1S1 S2S1 S2 SD2E-A4/H3 3/4-16 UNF • Qmax 30 l/min (8 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) 4 3 (P) 2 1(T) S1 S2 Změny vyhrazeny · SD2E-A4_H3_4097_1cz_03/2022 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com 4/3 elektromagneticky ovládaný vestavný šoupátkový rozváděč Čtyřcestný třípolohový šoupátkový rozváděč s připojovacím závitem 3/4-16 UNF ovládaný…
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