81 101/121 ED 1/6 — The PLKE08 valve is a proportional pressure control valve, direct operated, cartridge type. They can be used in blocks and manifolds with SAE-08 seat. — The valve is suitable as a pilot stage for remote control of two stage pressure control and reducing valves. — The design of this valve has a mechanical pressure limitation feature for higher safety of the application. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or combined with an external electronic card to maximize the valve performances (see point 11). — The valve is available in four…
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www.hydrocontrol-inc.com HYDRONEWS DVS14 Nuovo Distributore Componibile New Sectional Valve Informazione Tecnica Technical Information TI.001.00.15 INFORMAZIONE TECNICA TECHNICAL INFORMATION HYDRONEWS IT.001.00.15 1HYDROCONTROL MEMBER OF INTERPUMP GROUP DVS14 Nuovo Distributore Componibile New Sectional valve Il distributore DVS14 è il nuovo distributore componibile da 80 l/min di Hydrocontrol, dotato di comandi elettroidraulici inte- grati. Il nuovo prodotto è ottimale per le più svariate applicazioni: gru da camion, pale, terne, compattatori, scarrabili, macchine di perforazione, carrelli,…
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CERTIFICAZIONI: CERTIFICATIONS: M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 Data di stampa: Giugno 2021 Print date: June 2021 TEKNO-HYGIENIC ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE TEKNO-FIX LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE AMPLIAMENTO PARCO MACCHINE MACHINE PARK ENLARGMENT SNODO INOX ROTATING MOUNTING BRACKET Ampliamento gamma: Ø 200 Range enlargment: Ø 200 Maniglia 1/4 giro con CAM, 3A e non 1/4 turn Handle with CAM with and without 3A cert Ampliamento gamma: Ø 120 con 1 e 2 fori Range…
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CERTIFICAZIONI: CERTIFICATIONS: M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 Data di stampa: Giugno 2021 Print date: June 2021 TEKNO-HYGIENIC ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES ACCESSORI 3A 3A ACCESSORIES LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE TEKNO-FIX LINEA VULCANIZZATA VULCANIZED LINE AMPLIAMENTO PARCO MACCHINE MACHINE PARK ENLARGMENT SNODO INOX ROTATING MOUNTING BRACKET Ampliamento gamma: Ø 200 Range enlargment: Ø 200 Maniglia 1/4 giro con CAM, 3A e non 1/4 turn Handle with CAM with and without 3A cert Ampliamento gamma: Ø 120 con 1 e 2 fori Range…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Linear Motion Systems New! RediMount™ motor mounting adapter kit available as standard Thomson - the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of performance, life and cost. Quickly Configure the Optimal Mechanical Motion Solution Thomson has several advantages that makes us the supplier of choice for motion control technology. • Thomson owns the broadest standard product offering of mechanical motion…
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MAHLE Industrialfiltration is now Filtration Group. For more information, visit industrial.filtrationgroup.com Aerosol separator LGAir E 1200 Basic/Advanced For emulsions, nominal flow rate 1200 m³/h 1. Summary Efficient device for the separation of Cooling lubricants from machine tool exhaust air The LGAir Basic/Advanced is a filtering separator with a specially matched filter stage configuration and efficient and durable filter elements for aerosol mist separation for emulsion applications. LGAir Basic is the cost-effective uncontrolled version LGAir Advanced is an energy-efficient design…
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A l t r a M o t i o n SIME Brakes Braking Systems Overview 2 www.stromag.com P-8313-SG-A4 | BRC10102-01-H 12/19 S I M E B r a k e s | I n d u s t r i a l B r a k i n g S y s t e m s w w w . s t r o m a g . c o m Stromag is a world leading manufacturer of industrial brakes. Constant attention to evolving needs and its effort to focus its product development on quality and innovation allow our company to meet global supply requirements with standard or fully customised braking systems solutions. At Stromag, the accent is placed firmly upon research and innovation. That is why every year, the…
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16 150/125 ED 1/14 — VPPD pumps are variable displacement axial-piston pumps with variable swash plate, suitable for applications with open circuits and intermediate pressures. — They are available in three displacements of 15, 23 and 38 cm3/rev. — The pump flow rate is proportional to the rotation speed and to the angle of the swash plate, which can be continuously modulated. The maximum angle can be limited mechanically via a suitable regulating screw. — They are supplied with a SAE J744 2-holes pilot flange and cylindrical keyed shaft end, with BSPP threaded ports. — They are available with…
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KA 19 · GB DESCH COMPLETE PRESS DRIVE KA 2 Application areas The KA replaces the entire spur gear transmission or one transmission stage on automatic punching machines, eccentric presses and knuckle joint presses or similar machines where the power required by the machine is taken from a fast moving flywheel. The DESCH standard complete drives cover a torque range of 16 kNm to 160 kNm with gear ratios 4 and 6. The unit which is ready to be installed consists of a single stage high per- formance planetary gear, a flywheel as power accumulator as well as a pneumatically or hydraulically actuated…
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EPS14ATEX1744 X AC l M2 Ex mb I Mb lI 2G Ex mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb lI 2D Ex mb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db DC l M2 Ex e mb I Mb lI 2G Ex e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb lI 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db IECEx EPS14.0064 X AC Ex mb I Mb Ex mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb Ex mb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db DC Ex e mb I Mb Ex e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db (1450) (2176) (725) (4351) (5076) (2901) (3626) 100 150 50 300 350 200 250 0 50 100 15025 75 125 (13.2) (26.4) (39.6)(6.6) (19.8) (33.0) Změny vyhrazeny · SD3EX-C2*S5(S6)_4091_2en_01/2022 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com…
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