www.thomsonlinear.com Linear Motion Systems New! RediMount™ motor mounting adapter kit available as standard Thomson - the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of performance, life and cost. Quickly Configure the Optimal Mechanical Motion Solution Thomson has several advantages that makes us the supplier of choice for motion control technology. • Thomson owns the broadest standard product offering of mechanical motion…
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For more than 40 years, Danfoss has been developing state-of-the-art components and systems for mobile machinery used in off-highway operations around the world. We have become a preferred supplier by offering the best of what really matters: The hardware inside your vehicle application. The MP1 motor is designed for use primarily in mobile equipment using existing and proven technology. These motors have been optimized with regard to options, life, package size and installed cost. The MP1 motor is a fixed displacement axial piston motor and is intended for closed and open circuit medium power…
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EPS14ATEX1744 X AC l M2 Ex mb I Mb lI 2G Ex mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb lI 2D Ex mb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db DC l M2 Ex e mb I Mb lI 2G Ex e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb lI 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db IECEx EPS14.0064 X AC Ex mb I Mb Ex mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb Ex mb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db DC Ex e mb I Mb Ex e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135°C, T100°C, T85°C Db (1450) (2176) (725) (4351) (5076) (2901) (3626) 100 150 50 300 350 200 250 0 50 100 15025 75 125 (13.2) (26.4) (39.6)(6.6) (19.8) (33.0) Změny vyhrazeny · SD3EX-C2*S5(S6)_4091_2en_01/2022 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com…
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81 101/121 ED 1/6 — The PLKE08 valve is a proportional pressure control valve, direct operated, cartridge type. They can be used in blocks and manifolds with SAE-08 seat. — The valve is suitable as a pilot stage for remote control of two stage pressure control and reducing valves. — The design of this valve has a mechanical pressure limitation feature for higher safety of the application. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or combined with an external electronic card to maximize the valve performances (see point 11). — The valve is available in four…
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R E G A L R E X N O R D The MU caliper is the smallest lever brake in the Twiflex range. Typically it is used for light duty stopping and holding on 8 mm or 12.7 mm thick discs. The MS (aluminium construction) and MS100 (cast iron construction with pivoting shoes) calipers are designed to be used with 12.7 mm thick discs. The MR brake is a base-mounted (the SMR is available for side- mounting) lever type design. Discs of 12.7 mm or 25.4 mm thickness should be used. The MX range of calipers can accommodate 12.7 mm, 25.4 mm, 30 mm and 40 mm thick discs, and features a side-mounted option (SMX )…
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44 BLIND MATE WITH CONICAL CLAMPING RING 15 - 1,500 Nm Ø D 1H 7 Ø D 2H 7 C1 G G C2 A +0.5 (assembled length) preload compression Ø B Ø F bellows body tapered segment multi-position (standard) single position with one larger drive lug (optional) 6 x E ISO 4762 H MODEL BK6 SIZE 15 30 60 150 300 500 800 1500 Rated torque (Nm) TKN 15 30 60 150 300 500 800 1500 Overall length (gesteckt) (mm) A+0,5 58 65 68 76 79 89 97 109 113 127 132 145 140 158 Outside diameter (mm) B 49 55 66 81 110 124 133 157 Fit length (mm) C1 13.3 21.5 17.5 30 37 32 42.5 53 Fit length (mm) C2 29 34 39 49.5 59 68 74 90.5…
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PRM8-10 Dn 10 (D05) Qmax 210 l/min (55.5 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) Kanály P, A, B, T - max. ∅11,2 mm (0.44 in) ISO 4401-05-04-0-05 Změny vyhrazeny · PRM8-10_5253_1cz_02/2023 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 Nepřímo řízený proporcionální rozváděč › Nepřímo řízený proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč s vysokým hydraulickým výkonem › Montážní obrazec tělesa rozváděče podle normy ISO 4401 (Dn 10), DIN 24340 (CETOP 05) › Ventil je určen pro řízení směru pohybu spotřebiče a plynulé řízení rychlosti úměrně velikosti elektrického řídicího signálu › Řízení ventilu pomocí externí nebo integrované…
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Stepper Motor Linear Actuators Pre-engineered motorized lead screw assemblies and actuators for precision applications www.thomsonlinear.com 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Technology Overview Rotating screw assemblies (MLS) actuate by having the motor rotate a lead screw and translate a load that is attached to the lead nut. Rotating nut assemblies (MLN) actuate by rotating a nut within the motor body. Motion is achieved by constraining the motor and translating a load attached to the lead screw or constraining the lead screw and translating a load attached to the motor. Thomson offers three basic…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Miniature Lead Screws Precise Linear Motion Components for Small-Scale Applications DIAMETERS AS SMALL AS 2 MM 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Lead Screws to Meet Today’s Design Challenges As the demand for increasingly compact devices grows within various industries, the need for ever smaller components has grown with it. To help engineers meet these stringent design requirements, the Thomson line of miniature lead screws delivers the linear motion precision you’ve come to know from our lead screws with diameters as small as two millimeters. Big Precision in a Little Package…
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SWD® FULL RANGE Drives & Wheel Drives with integrated safety V-EN Copyright © 2021 ez-Wheel company ez-wheel.com Applications Mobile robotics AGVs AMRs SWD® Core SWD® 150 Motor disconnection STO SIL3/PLe Motion control SLS, SDI SIL2/PLd Braking SBC SIL2/PLd Encoder 30 ppr SIL2/PLd Interface CANopen Safety® Motor disconnection STO SIL3/PLe Motion control SLS, SDI SIL2/PLd Braking SBC SIL2/PLd Encoder 420 ppr SIL2/PLd Interface CANopen Safety® Speed range (traction) 0 to 130 rpm Nominal performance 20 Nm at 100 rpm Maximum rolling speed 130 rpm Option(s) Parking brake /B Applications Robots…
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