Height adjustment by hydraulic pump - a clever alternative not only for beds With the new Bansbach hydraulic pump, the height of a great variety of applications can be adjusted by simply pumping. The pump can be completely operated without external energy supply. The movement is effected by simply pumping. Due to the weight of the application, the reset is always controlled and can be effected by opening the valve with a movement at the lever. The known charachteristics of the Bansbach gas springs apply of course for this Bansbach product, too. We offer here also a very flexible product range…
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221 Galvaniseret C-skinne. Længde: 5,8 m. Galvanized C-rail. Length: 5,8 m. Jernrulle med leje. Ø30 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020010. Galvaniseret C-skinne. Længde: 5,8 m. Galvanized C-rail. Length: 5,8 m. Jernrulle med leje. Ø44 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020020. Jernrulle med leje. Ø30 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020010. Forniklet messing møtrik. Indv. sekskant. Indvendig M6. Nut, nickle plated brass. Inside thread M6. Galvaniseret træmøtrik med Ø7,5 mm hals. Indslagsmøtrik M6 x 12 mm. 1.000…
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2 Drucksensoren 1 ESI Technology Ltd Der Spezialist für kundenspezifische, hochgenaue Drucksensoren Seit Jahrzehnten bietet ESI Technologie aus Wrexham (UK) spezielle technische Lösungen und kundenspezifische Entwicklungen im Bereich der Drucküberwachung an. 2009 wurde ESI Technology von der Firma SUCO Robert Scheuffele GmbH & Co. KG übernommen und ist nun Teil eines weltweit agierenden Firmennetzwerkes. Durch die strategische Nutzung der Vorteile einer gro- ßen Organisation auf der einen Seite, bei gleichzeitiger Wahrung der Unab- hängigkeit auf der anderen Seite, hat ESI die Möglichkeit…
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A, E, G, H, EP series ATEX operating instructions 2 Rossi ATEX Operating instructions − UTD.123.04-2018.00_EN 1 - General safety information ..............................................................................................................4 1.1 - Recycling ...................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 - Safety .........................................................................................................................................................4 2 -…
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1- 0- 00 -9 99 -0 92 | 0 | 1 0. 19 | 4 . E di tio n an overview Mechanical Pressure Switches Electronic Pressure Switches Pressure Transmitter Electronic Pressure Sensors Transmission Technology SUCO Product Overview Pressure Monitoring & Transmission Technology Electronic Pressure Sensors Transmission Technology El ec tr on ic P re ss ur e Se n so rs Tr an sm is si on T ec h n ol og y Centrifugal Brakes SUCO centrifugal brakes automatically limit the maximum RPM of a shaft, so providing protection against over speed, without necessiting external controls. SUCO can provide ‚specials‘ based on…
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Page 385www.argo-hytos.com VFT-2500 Connection up to G1¼ or 6-hole · Nominal flow rate up to 2500 l/min / 660 gpm Ventilating Filter - lockable Description Application Filling / ventilation of tanks for hydraulic and lubrication systems as well as gearboxes. General The oil levels in the tanks of hydraulic systems are subject to continuous variation due to temperature changes and the operation of cylinders and pressure vessels. To prevent over pressurizing of tanks, an exchange of air with the external atmosphere is necessary. By the use of a ventilating filter, the outside air that is drawn…
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41 430/123 ED 1/14 41 430/123 ED — The DSP8 are 4-ports directional valves, pilot operated, solenoid actuated, with mounting surface according to ISO 4401-08 standards. — DSC8 are the hydraulic actuated versions. — A high pressure version (H) is available. — These valves are available with different spool types (see points 2 and 3), with some options for the opening control. — They are available also with zinc-nickel surface treatments, that ensure a salt spray resistance up to 600 hours. MOUNTING INTERFACE DSP8 DSP8H Maximum operating pressure - ports P - A - B - port T (external drainage) -…
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117 1 Componenti vari Components Rotelle Wheels Minirail Minirail Medirail Medirail Heavyrail Heavyrail Rotelle OW OW wheels Sfere portanti Ball transfer units Regolatori di velocità Speed controllers Profili Profiles 118 122 123 124 126 128 134 138 118 1 Rotelle Wheels RSR 48 Sono rotelle metalliche zincate particolarmente robuste, con piste di rotolamento cementate e temperate. RSR 48 Zinc-plated metallic wheels particularly strong, with cemented and hardened rolling surfaces. RSR 50 Sono rotelle a strisciamento in Poliammide di colore rosso la corona esterna e colore nero il mozzo;…
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ACCUMULATOR 47 3 MOTOR HAND PUMP COUPLING BELL HOUSING PUMP 4 OFF HOLES Ø11 370 470 320 375 25 LITRE RESEVOIR OIL LEVEL SWITCH LEVEL GAUGE BRAKE CONTROL CIRCUITS RETURN LINE FILTER 594 74 0 “MP” Electro Hydraulic Power Units DS3002 This data sheet describes the Modular Power (MP) Electro Hydraulic Power Units, which have been designed to provide an advanced and flexible means of brake control. The MP unit is particularly useful when the installation requires the operation and control of two or more independent brake circuits, dual braking, or where there is a special requirement for meeting a…
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MANUAL piFLOW®am piFLOW AM® 100.SX.PNEU.0.5L.Ø23.BF.AL Specifications subject to change without notice. Rev00 2 CONTENTS FEATURES.............................................................................................................................................. 3 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 4 TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................................................ 12 Function…
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