IUM - WORKING INSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCE - ATEX MANUAL CONTENTS General Information ......................................................... 2 Safety Warnings Product operation .............................................................. 2 Prevalent use .................................................................... 2 Transport .......................................................................... 2 Long-term storage ............................................................. 2 Environmental management ............................................. 2 Product Layout…
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utf-8 1.0 pc Čecho Patrik cecho@bibus.sk 4.7.7 Friday 18. January 2013 _ALL 1 1 23865 23865 23804 Products & solutions 2771 tx_pitsbgimage_background dam_mm_ref 504 db tx_dam:504 993ab2e1d567e24724c8608b87cf2264 504 93543 23865 [Translate to Bulgarian:] Teaser Product... 4759 23 sys_language 93542 tt_content bodytext typolink_tag 626 - internal-link "Opens internal link in current window" db pages:626 58520601f1d0ce249a3f2aab6e745764 626 93542 23865 Teaser Products & solutions 4380 bodytext typolink_tag 626 - internal-link "Opens internal link in current window" db pages:626…
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44 BLIND MATE WITH CONICAL CLAMPING RING 15 - 1,500 Nm Ø D 1H 7 Ø D 2H 7 C1 G G C2 A +0.5 (assembled length) preload compression Ø B Ø F bellows body tapered segment multi-position (standard) single position with one larger drive lug (optional) 6 x E ISO 4762 H MODEL BK6 SIZE 15 30 60 150 300 500 800 1500 Rated torque (Nm) TKN 15 30 60 150 300 500 800 1500 Overall length (gesteckt) (mm) A+0,5 58 65 68 76 79 89 97 109 113 127 132 145 140 158 Outside diameter (mm) B 49 55 66 81 110 124 133 157 Fit length (mm) C1 13.3 21.5 17.5 30 37 32 42.5 53 Fit length (mm) C2 29 34 39 49.5 59 68 74 90.5…
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Basic Information H1 Axial Piston Pumps Single and Tandem www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev January 2021 Changed document number from 'BC00000057' to 'BC152886483968' and added 280cc information 0901 November 2019 Speed sensor, Integral Charge Pressure Filtration data changes. 0703 April 2019 CCO topic update. 0702 May 2018 Angle sensor for EDC controls added. 0701 April 2017 NFPE and AC controls added. 0602 May 2016 Updated to Engineering Tomorrow design. 0601 Nov 2010-Nov 2015 Various changes. BA-0501 Jul 2009 First edition. AA Basic…
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Basic Information H1 Axial Piston Pumps Single and Tandem www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev January 2021 Changed document number from 'BC00000057' to 'BC152886483968' and added 280cc information 0901 November 2019 Speed sensor, Integral Charge Pressure Filtration data changes. 0703 April 2019 CCO topic update. 0702 May 2018 Angle sensor for EDC controls added. 0701 April 2017 NFPE and AC controls added. 0602 May 2016 Updated to Engineering Tomorrow design. 0601 Nov 2010-Nov 2015 Various changes. BA-0501 Jul 2009 First edition. AA Basic…
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81 506/121 ED 1/4 — PZME3 valves are three-port pressure reducing valves, pilot operated, with proportional control. They are designed in modular version with mounting interface in compliance with ISO 4401-03 standards. — These valves reduce pressure in the secondary branches of the circuit thus ensuring stability of controlled pressure in the event of variations in the flow rate through the valve. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or by an electronic control card, to maximize the valve performance (see point. 8). — The PZME3 valve is available in three…
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RW-COUPLINGS.COM 1 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR R+W METAL BELLOWS COUPLINGS MODELS BK / MK GENERAL FUNCTIONING Please carefully and completely read the following installation, operation and maintenance procedures for the R+W safety couplings. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in poor performance and/or failure of the bellows coupling. Installation of the bellows couplings should be performed by a qualified technician. Additional information can be found in the individual product catalog, BK / MK. TRANSPORT R+W bellows couplings are delivered ready for…
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MANUAL piFLOW®am piFLOW AM® 100.SX.PNEU.0.5L.Ø23.BF.AL Specifications subject to change without notice. Rev00 2 CONTENTS FEATURES.............................................................................................................................................. 3 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 4 TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................................................ 12 Function…
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1- 0- 00 -9 99 -0 92 | 0 | 1 0. 19 | 4 . E di tio n an overview Mechanical Pressure Switches Electronic Pressure Switches Pressure Transmitter Electronic Pressure Sensors Transmission Technology SUCO Product Overview Pressure Monitoring & Transmission Technology Electronic Pressure Sensors Transmission Technology El ec tr on ic P re ss ur e Se n so rs Tr an sm is si on T ec h n ol og y Centrifugal Brakes SUCO centrifugal brakes automatically limit the maximum RPM of a shaft, so providing protection against over speed, without necessiting external controls. SUCO can provide ‚specials‘ based on…
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SD6H-AY3 3/4-16 UNF • Qmax 30 l/min (8 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) Y 3 2 1 3 2Y 3 2 1 1 Y 1 Změny vyhrazeny · SD6H-AY3_4052_1cz_01/2024 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 2/2 vestavný hydraulicky ovládaný rozváděč Ventil je určen k rozvádění pracovní hydraulické kapaliny pomocí šoupátka, které se posouvá v ocelovém pouzdru působením tlaku kapaliny na čelní plochu (1). Tlak, potřebný k přestavení šoupátka, se nastavuje stlačením pružiny pomocí nastavovacího šroubu. Bodový přenos síly pružiny na čelní plochu šoupátka pomocí kalené kuličky eliminuje působení radiálních sil a příčení šoupátka v…
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