A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag ACS Cardan Shafts 2 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20 . . . . . P-8820-SG-A4 | BRC10155-01-B 10/19 SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems ACS Cardan Shafts 3P-8820-SG-A4 | BRC10155-01-B 10/19. . SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20 SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems ACS Cardan Shafts ACS CARDAN SHAFTS The best choice for coupling two rotating non-aligned shafts in difficult and challenging operating conditions. The ACS Cardan Shafts range offers an excellent reliability, high service life and low operating costs. Seven different designs in a large…
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Technical Information H1B 060/080/110/160/210/250 Bent Axis Motors www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev May 2020 Added DIN 250cc flange, changed document number from BC00000043 1213 December 2019 Updated model code section and corrected speed sensor pinout information. 1111 July 2019 Document Title and reference to STS TI. 1110 May 2019 Minor update. 1109 March 2018 Model code and ports update. 1108 February 2018 Model code update. 1107 December 2017 PWM data change. 1106 November 2017 Note for speed sensor added. 1105 April 2017…
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1- 0- 00 -9 99 -0 91 | 0 | 1 0. 19 | 4 . A ufl a ge Ein Überblick Mechanische Druckschalter Elektronische Druckschalter Drucktransmitter Drucksensoren Antriebstechnik SUCO Produktübersicht Drucküberwachung & Antriebstechnik Drucksensoren und -transmitter Antriebstechnik D ru ck se n so re n u n d - tr an sm it te r A nt ri eb st ec h n ik Fliehkraftbremsen SUCO Fliehkraftbremsen begrenzen unabhängig von ex- terner Energieversorgung die maximale Drehzahl eines Systems. Dies macht unsere Fliehkraftbremsen zu idealen Sicherheitselementen, die dafür sorgen, dass eine zulässige Drehzahl in einem…
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Basic Information H1 Axial Piston Pumps Single and Tandem www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev January 2021 Changed document number from 'BC00000057' to 'BC152886483968' and added 280cc information 0901 November 2019 Speed sensor, Integral Charge Pressure Filtration data changes. 0703 April 2019 CCO topic update. 0702 May 2018 Angle sensor for EDC controls added. 0701 April 2017 NFPE and AC controls added. 0602 May 2016 Updated to Engineering Tomorrow design. 0601 Nov 2010-Nov 2015 Various changes. BA-0501 Jul 2009 First edition. AA Basic…
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Basic Information H1 Axial Piston Pumps Single and Tandem www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev January 2021 Changed document number from 'BC00000057' to 'BC152886483968' and added 280cc information 0901 November 2019 Speed sensor, Integral Charge Pressure Filtration data changes. 0703 April 2019 CCO topic update. 0702 May 2018 Angle sensor for EDC controls added. 0701 April 2017 NFPE and AC controls added. 0602 May 2016 Updated to Engineering Tomorrow design. 0601 Nov 2010-Nov 2015 Various changes. BA-0501 Jul 2009 First edition. AA Basic…
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Say hello to innovation! The new Ex-Valves 2.0 series brings solid enclosure coils, transforming safety measures in explosive environments. With compact design, flexible cable connections and impressive hydraulic power, these valves are a game-changer across industries. Let us explore the future of safety tech! NEW PRODUCT LINE OF EX-VALVES WITH A 2.0 COIL TECHNICAL ARTICLE T he fundamental difference in the new series of valves for potential explosive atmospheres lies in the method used to protect the electromagnetic coil. While the original series has the coil protected by potting compound…
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STAUFF Multi-Line Schellen Typ MLC www.stauff.com STAUFF Connect www.stauff.com STAUFF Multi-Line Schellen Typ MLC 2 STAUFF Multi-Line Schellen Typ MLC www.stauff.com 3 Produktbeschreibung Produktmerkmale Multi-Line Schellen des Tys MLC von STAUFF ermöglichen die einfache und gleichzeitig sichere Befestigung von wahlweise 2, 3, 4 oder 6 einzel- nen Leitungen mit nur einem Schellenkörper. Sie sind in Anlehnung an Original STAUFF Schellen der Standard-Baureihe entsprechend DIN 3015 (Teil 1) in 3 unterschiedlichen Baugrößen ausge- legt für alle gängigen metrischen und zölligen Leitungsdurchmesser…
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STAUFF Multi-Line Clamps Type MLC www.stauff.com STAUFF Connect www.stauff.com STAUFF Multi-Line Clamps Type MLC 2 STAUFF Multi-Line Clamps Type MLC www.stauff.com 3 Product Description Features Multi-Line Clamps of the Type MLC from STAUFF enable the simple and at the same time safe fastening of either 2, 3, 4 or 6 individual lines with only one clamp body. Based on the Original STAUFF Clamps of the Standard Series according to DIN 3015 (Part 1), they are available in 3 different sizes for all common metric and imperial diameters from 6 mm to 25,4 mm (1/4“ to 1“). Alternative outside…
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#ThisIsBansbach Ihr Experte für blockierbare Gasdruckfedern! #WECANDOIT! Egal, ob klein oder groß: Wir halten Ihre Anwendung an jeder gewünschten Position! Unsere blockierbaren Gasfedern sind vielseitig einsetzbar, da sie in vielen verschiedenen Größen und Varianten erhältlich sind. Sie ermöglichen einen platzsparenden Einbau und passen sich so optimal an Ihre gewünschte Anwendung an. So finden sich unsere blockierbaren Gasdruckfedern in vielen Branchen und Anwendungen wieder. Zum Beispiel in Pilotensitzen, Bistrotischen, Zugsitzen, Operationstischen, Gabelstaplern und vielem mehr. Zunächst…
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Profile Rail Linear Guides High-Precision Rails and Carriages Produced for Easy Retrofitting into Existing Linear Applications or Designing into New Ones www.thomsonlinear.com Application Centers Global Design & Engineering CentersGlobal Manufacturing Operations Thomson – the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of perfor- mance, life and cost. The Best Positioned Supplier of Mechanical Motion Technology Thomson has…
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