www.argo-hytos.com Monitor částic OPCom Průběžné monitorování stavu oleje Monitor částic Použití OPCom je kompaktní monitor částic pro průběžné sledování znečištění hydraulických a mazacích médií. Popis funkce Identifikace změn Monitory částic oznámí přesně každou změnu ve znečištění systému. Tak lze při zvýšené koncentraci částic rychle zareagovat a zavést příslušná protiopatření. Minimalizují se tak následné škody a redukují se náklady. Vysoký rozsah tlaků Monitor částic OPCom je dimenzován pro použití při vysokém pracovním tlaku. Lze ho tak připojit přímo na tlakové vedení. Intuitivní…
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43 105/124 ED 1/14 43 105/124 ED KT* SOLENOID OPERATED CARTRIDGE, POPPET TYPE SERIES 1 OPERATING PRINCIPLE — The KT* are 2-port pilot operated poppet valves, actuated by solenoid. They are available in three nominal sizes, in normally closed versions (NC) and in normally open versions (NO). — Single flow, reverse flow and double seal designs are available, with maximum flow rate up to 150 l/min. — KT* valves ensure a low internal leakage, which decreases while the pressure increases. — Coils for DC power supply with standard connection type EN 175301-803 (ex DIN 43650), AMP Junior or DEUTSCH…
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ISO 4014 / 4017 - 10.9 ISO 4762 - 10.9 dw 1 m in . / d w 1 m ax . dw 2 m in . / d w 2 m ax . G CA Z LN LF L Total ISO 4017 Version A Version B ISO 4017 dw1 dw2 A C G LF LN Ltotal Z T nSc3 DG3 TA3 SDD nSD DSD TA Gw mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Nm mm Nm mm mm Nm kg 075 70 70 240 210 170 136 44 147 4 6980 6 16 210 100x170 12 8 30 2675 75 7600 100x170 12 8 30 80 80 9100 100x170 12 8 30 090 70 70 305 265 215 160 48 169 5 6980 6 20 420 100x170 12 8 30 48 75 75 7600 100x170 12 8 30 80 80 9100 100x170 12 8 30 > 80 > 80 9250 125x215 12 10 59 90 90 13100 125x215 12 10 59 100 100 17850 125x215 12 10 59 100…
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ISO 4014 / 4017 - 10.9 ISO 4762 - 10.9 dw 1 m in . / d w 1 m ax . dw 2 m in . / d w 2 m ax . G CA Z LN LF L Total ISO 4017 Version A Version B ISO 4017 dw1 dw2 A C G LF LN Ltotal Z T nSc3 DG3 TA3 SDD nSD DSD TA Gw mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Nm mm Nm mm mm Nm kg 075 70 70 240 210 170 136 44 147 4 6980 6 16 210 100x170 12 8 30 2675 75 7600 100x170 12 8 30 80 80 9100 100x170 12 8 30 090 70 70 305 265 215 160 48 169 5 6980 6 20 420 100x170 12 8 30 48 75 75 7600 100x170 12 8 30 80 80 9100 100x170 12 8 30 > 80 > 80 9250 125x215 12 10 59 90 90 13100 125x215 12 10 59 100 100 17850 125x215 12 10 59 100…
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106 Horisontal spænder. Force-pressure-hold. Horizontal clamps. Force-pressure-hold. Spænder, horisontal sidemontage. Force-pressure-hold. Side horizontal clamp. Force-pressure-hold. Varenr. Item no. Vægt Weight F daN F1 daN F2 daN A A1 A2 A3 B B1 B2 C ØD G H H1 H2 L L1 L2 M N O α 58.901 0,09 90 25 6 13,3 25 5,7 - 21,5 32 15,6 - - 2 36 10 21 121 41 15-30 M5x30 4,9 5 90° 58.902 0,19 130 35 9 26 37 5,2 13,7 28,2 39 20,6 5 4,8 2,5 46 13 26 163 61 22-50 M6x35 5,5 6 90° 58.012 0,27 150 55 9 26 42 7,9 - 38 50 20,3 - - 3 51 14 29 186 57 17-44 M6x40 6,1 6 90° 58.903 0,4 210 60 12 25,7 40 7,6 12,9 30,3…
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Telescopic Line Interactive catalogs on: www.rollon.com General catalogue English https://www.rollon.com/ TO SUPPORT YOU, WE DESIGN AND PRODUCE An industrialized process with various levels of customization V a l u e s Appl ica t ions S o l u t i o n s Collaboration COLLABORATION VALUES High-level technical consulting and cross-competence allow us to identify the needs of our clients and transform them into guidelines for continuous exchange, while our rent industrial sectors becomes an factor in developing projects and innovative applications. For over 40 years, Rollon has adopted an approach…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Linear Motion Systems New! RediMount™ motor mounting adapter kit available as standard Thomson - the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of performance, life and cost. Quickly Configure the Optimal Mechanical Motion Solution Thomson has several advantages that makes us the supplier of choice for motion control technology. • Thomson owns the broadest standard product offering of mechanical motion…
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#ThisIsBansbach Ihr Experte für blockierbare Gasdruckfedern! #WECANDOIT! Egal, ob klein oder groß: Wir halten Ihre Anwendung an jeder gewünschten Position! Unsere blockierbaren Gasfedern sind vielseitig einsetzbar, da sie in vielen verschiedenen Größen und Varianten erhältlich sind. Sie ermöglichen einen platzsparenden Einbau und passen sich so optimal an Ihre gewünschte Anwendung an. So finden sich unsere blockierbaren Gasdruckfedern in vielen Branchen und Anwendungen wieder. Zum Beispiel in Pilotensitzen, Bistrotischen, Zugsitzen, Operationstischen, Gabelstaplern und vielem mehr. Zunächst…
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83 270/121 ED 1/16 — The DSE5G* are proportional directional control valves, direct operated, with integrated electronics and mounting surface compliant with ISO 4401-05 standards. — They are used for the control of position and speed of hydraulic actuators. — Valves are available with different types of electronics,with analogue or fieldbus interfaces. — A solenoid current monitoring signal is available. — The valves are easy to install. The driver manages digital settings directly. DSE5G* PROPORTIONAL DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE WITH INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS HYDRAULIC SYMBOLS (typical) MOUNTING…
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196 Aluminium surringsskinne. Aluminium load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Runde huller uden hak. Galvanized load bonding track. Round holes without notch. Lysegrå plastik endestykker. Vægt: 14 g. Passer til 50.033010A, 50.033010X og 50.033010XB Light grey plastic ends. Weight: 14 g. Fits 50.033010A, 50.033010X and 50.033010XB Ankerende med snapbeslag. Passer til 50.033010 skinner. Anchor part with snap…
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