41 410/123 ED 1/14 41 410/123 ED — The DSP5 and DSP5R are 4-ports directional valves, pilot operated, solenoid actuated, with mounting surface according to ISO 4401-05 standards. — DSC5 are the hydraulic actuated versions. — A high pressure version (H) is available. — These valves are available with different spool types (see points 2 and 3), with some options for the opening control. — They are available also with zinc-nickel surface treatments, that ensure a salt spray resistance up to 600 hours. DSP5 DSP5H Maximum operating pressure - ports P - A - B - port T (external drainage) - port T…
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01/09/20 M10152-01-B Disc brake Installation and maintenance SIME Brakes 1/8 Technical data SVK and SDK Leaflet N° T10152-02 SVKL and SDKL Leaflet N° T10152-01 SVKL, SVKL MLP and MLV Leaflet N° T10152-03 Elastic disc couplings series SDK, SVK, SDKL, SVKL, SDKL-ML, and SVKL-ML If the instructions in this manual are not adhered to, the performance, correct operation and the safety of the equipment cannot be guaranteed. www.stromag.com - Customer service / Tel. : +33(0)1 49 90 32 20 / Fax : +33(0)1 48 63 23 33 SUMMARY 1 - PRESENTATION 3 1-1 Designation 3 1-2 Description 3 1-3 Construction 3 2 -…
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WM 19 · GB DESCH DRIVE- AND SYSTEM SOLUTIONS for machine tools 22 As one of the market leaders in the development and production of complex, customized drive systems, DESCH provides planetary gearboxes and special gearboxes for cutting and splitting machine tools. In this field, DESCH combines decades of know-how with use of ultra-modern machinery to offer premium- quality products. DESCH gearboxes offer the perfect solution for each client due to selectable ratios and selectable internal bore diameters. DESCH responds to the demand for increased rotation speeds and increased torques by…
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EL8 Změny vyhrazeny · EL8_9155_1cz_04/2022 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com Elektronická řídicí jednotka EL8 v provedení na DIN lištu Popis funkce Technické parametry › Externí elektronika na DIN lištu je určena k řízení rozváděčů s jedním nebo dvěma elektromagnety v otevřené nebo uzavřené smyčce se zpětnou vazbou od polohy šoupátka › Elektronika řídí plynule polohu šoupátka rozváděče proporcionálně k velikosti vstupního signálu s minimální hysterezí › Výstupní řídicí proud pro cívku elektromagnetu je nezávislý na teplotních změnách a změnách impedance zátěže › Řízení cívky PWM signálem snižuje…
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221 Galvaniseret C-skinne. Længde: 5,8 m. Galvanized C-rail. Length: 5,8 m. Jernrulle med leje. Ø30 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020010. Galvaniseret C-skinne. Længde: 5,8 m. Galvanized C-rail. Length: 5,8 m. Jernrulle med leje. Ø44 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020020. Jernrulle med leje. Ø30 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020010. Forniklet messing møtrik. Indv. sekskant. Indvendig M6. Nut, nickle plated brass. Inside thread M6. Galvaniseret træmøtrik med Ø7,5 mm hals. Indslagsmøtrik M6 x 12 mm. 1.000…
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01/09/20 M10156-01-A Installation and maintenance SIME Brakes 1/8 Technical data SVR & SDR Leaflet Nr. T10156-01 SVW & SDW Leaflet Nr. T10174-01 Couplings series SVR / SDR and SVW / SDW If the instructions in this manual are not adhered to, the performance, correct operation and the safety of the equipment cannot be guaranteed. www.stromag.com - Customer service / Tel. : +33(0)1 49 90 32 20 / Fax : +33(0)1 48 63 23 33 SUMMARY 1 - PRESENTATION 3 1-1 Designation 3 1-2 Description 3 1-3 Construction 3 2 - INSTALLATION OF AN ELASTIC COUPLING 4 2-1 Mounting 5 2-2 Coupling alignmentt 6 3 - OPERATION…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag ACS Cardan Shafts 2 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20 . . . . . P-8820-SG-A4 | BRC10155-01-B 10/19 SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems ACS Cardan Shafts 3P-8820-SG-A4 | BRC10155-01-B 10/19. . SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20 SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems ACS Cardan Shafts ACS CARDAN SHAFTS The best choice for coupling two rotating non-aligned shafts in difficult and challenging operating conditions. The ACS Cardan Shafts range offers an excellent reliability, high service life and low operating costs. Seven different designs in a large…
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Compact Flow Rate Sensor RAPIFLOW® FSM3 Series CC-1393A Compatible Diversified High Performance User-friendly Diversified High performance User-friendly 2 Diversified High performance Five types of gases can be measured with just one unit Gas type switching function (LCD display, IO-Link) (full scale flow rate 200 L/min or less model) Air, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, gas mixture (mixture of Ar: CO2 (8:2)) supported with this single flow rate sensor. Gas types can be switched by operating buttons on the body. In the IO-Link specifications, the gas type can be changed remotely from a host…
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SD2E-A4/H3 3/4-16 UNF • Qmax 30 l/min (8 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) 4 3 (P) 2 1(T) S1 S2 Změny vyhrazeny · SD2E-A4_H3_4097_4cz_02/2023 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com 4/3 elektromagneticky ovládaný vestavný šoupátkový rozváděč Čtyřcestný třípolohový šoupátkový rozváděč s připojovacím závitem 3/4-16 UNF ovládaný dvěma elektromagnety, určený pro vestavbu do standardní komory A4 (C-8-4) v bloku. Ventil řídí směr proudění kapaliny a tím směr pohybu spotřebiče, nebo jej zastavuje. Technické parametry Popis funkce Technická data Charakteristiky měřeno při ν = 32 mm2/s (156 SUS) Teplota oleje 80 °C…
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81 510/217 ED 1/6 — ZDE3 valves are direct operated pressure reducing valves with electric proportional control, with mounting interface in compliance with ISO 4401 standards. — These valves are used to reduce pressure in the secondary circuit branches thus ensuring stability of controlled pressure in the event of variations of the flow rate through the valve. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or by means of the relative electronic control units to exploit valve performance to the full (see par. 10). ZDE3 DIRECT OPERATED PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WITH…
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