Precision chain systems for drive and conveyor purposes Product range © Copyright iwis antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany 2016 The contents of this catalogue are the copyright of the publisher and may not be repro- duced (even extracts) unless permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this catalogue but no liability can be accept- ed for any errors or omissions. Printed: W3 EN 04/2016, 2.000 Welcome iwis SIT S.p.A. - 3 The direct route to your order! to iwis antriebssysteme! You can reach our…
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Wartungsanzeiger 1. Kurzdarstellung - _ Filterelemente sind nur dann wirtschaftlich eingesetzt, wenn ihre Schmutzaufnahmekapazität voll ausgenutzt wird. Dies gewährleis- tet der Einsatz von Filtergehäusen mit Wartungsanzeigern. MAHLE stellt Wartungsanzeiger in folgenden Ausführungen her: - Differenzdruckanzeiger Staudruckanzeiger/Druckschalter/Manometer Unterdruckschalter/-anzeiger/-manometer - Bei jedem Filterelement reduziert sich durch die Ansammlung von Schmutzpartikeln die Anzahl der freien Poren oder anders ausgedrückt: Dem Flüssigkeitsstrom steht immer weniger freier Querschnitt zur…
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“Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world: it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius” George Sand WHY AIREKA AIREKA is the new brand under which Stima S.p.A. has decided to gather a series of diverse products that share the common feature of being simple and yet innovative solutions to long- standing and complex issues, for which we believe the market does not offer adequate answers. The simplicity is the result of creative work, know-how, and extensive experience that the designers instilled in these products. So, special features make them…
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A L T R A I N D U S T R I A L M O T I O N Stromag Vector® Couplings Altra is a leading global designer and manufacturer of quality power transmission and motion control products utilized on a wide variety of industrial drivetrain applications. Altra clutches and brakes, couplings, gearing and PT component product lines are marketed under the industries most well known manufacturing brands. Each brand is committed to the guiding principles of operational excellence, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Highly-engineered Altra solutions are sold in over 70 countries and utilized in…
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L L2 H3 C1 C2 d 2D 1 D 2 d 1 ESD TKNHD 1) TKNHT 1) nmax 2) dpre 3) d1k;d2k max 4) C1 / C2 E 5) H3 D1 D2 L2 L SD nSc HDH Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 47 170 230 8400 10 32 39,5 60 7,5 70,5 47 5 139 24 6100 179 140 219 63 320 420 6800 14 42 45 70 9 88 62,5 8 160 32 6 80 170 100 190 140 230 82 750 1050 5400 15 55 55 100 10,5 116 82 10 210 40 6140 250 180 290 98 1350 1750 4600 19 65 60 100 12 140,5 98 11 220 47 6140 260 180 300 118 2400 3000 3800 25 85 75 100 13 166,5 118 12 250 55 6140 290 180 330 141 4000 5200 3400 30 95 90 140 15 198,5 141 14 320 64 6 180 360 169 6500 8500 3000 39…
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TECHNOLOGY DRIVES INTELLIGENT LIFE Headquarter Global Divisions Xinchang Ningbo Guangzhou America Germany Japan India Malaysia Taiwan ADD : Provincial High Tech Park, Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province, China EMAIL : TEL : +86-575-86297980 FAX : +86-575-86297960 ADD : Linxu Road&Chaosheng North Crossroad, Cidong Economic Development Area, Cixi, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China ADD : No.114, Building 4, Qixi creative park, No.24 Xinyi road, Fangcun avenue east, Liwan district, Guangzhou, China EMAIL : TEL : 020-89114036 FAX : 020-89114037 ADD : 13617 Woodlawn Hills…
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Stromag Couplings Set Standards A l t r a I n d u s t r i a l M o t i o n The Brands of Altra Industrial Motion Couplings Ameridrives Bibby Turboflex www.bibbyturbofl Guardian Couplings Huco Lamiflex Couplings www.lamifl Stromag TB Wood’s Geared Cam Limit Switches Stromag Electric Clutches & Brakes Inertia Dynamics Matrix Stromag Warner Electric Linear Products Warner Linear…
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ASO GmbH Produktkatalog 2021 Product Catalogue 2021 Safety, Sensors & Controls Gültig ab 3. Juni 2021 Valid from 3. June 2021 2 32 3 INHALT | CONTENTS ASO Produktmarken ASO Product Brands ASO Sicherheitskontaktleisten ASO Safety Contact Edges ASO Sicherheitskontaktpuffer ASO Safety Contact Bumpers ASO Sicherheitskontaktmatten ASO Safety Contact Mats ASO Lichtgitter ASO Light Curtains ASO Sicherheitsschaltgeräte ASO Safety Relays 8 Bestellschlüssel Order Key 9 Beschreibung SENTIR edge Description SENTIR edge 10–29 SENTIR edge Serie SENTIR edge Series 30–35 Kontaktstecker KS Contact Plug KS…
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41 410/123 ED 1/14 41 410/123 ED — The DSP5 and DSP5R are 4-ports directional valves, pilot operated, solenoid actuated, with mounting surface according to ISO 4401-05 standards. — DSC5 are the hydraulic actuated versions. — A high pressure version (H) is available. — These valves are available with different spool types (see points 2 and 3), with some options for the opening control. — They are available also with zinc-nickel surface treatments, that ensure a salt spray resistance up to 600 hours. DSP5 DSP5H Maximum operating pressure - ports P - A - B - port T (external drainage) - port T…
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T H E R I G H T V I B E F O R I N D U S T R I A L A U T O M A T I O N Tumac S.R.L. is a leading company in the design and production of systems and components for industrial automation. Thanks to a know-how and R&D consolidated in over 50 years of activity, the activity operates in the most varied sectors. Founded in 1965 in San Giuliano Milanese, Tumac continues to operate in the same location. T H E C O M P A N Y The high quality of the raw materials leads our products to stand out for the high performance achieved and for the long seal. Our power supply systems are entirely built and…
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