RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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Technical Information H1B 060/080/110/160/210/250 Bent Axis Motors Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev May 2020 Added DIN 250cc flange, changed document number from BC00000043 1213 December 2019 Updated model code section and corrected speed sensor pinout information. 1111 July 2019 Document Title and reference to STS TI. 1110 May 2019 Minor update. 1109 March 2018 Model code and ports update. 1108 February 2018 Model code update. 1107 December 2017 PWM data change. 1106 November 2017 Note for speed sensor added. 1105 April 2017…
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Herderstraat 4 Industriepark Zuid B-8700 Tielt T. +32 (0)51 403 806 F. +32 (0)51 401 567 O.N. 0 405 233 534 FLURFÖRDERFAHRZEUGE • MATERIAL HANDLING VULKOLLAN HUBWAGENROLLEN • VULKOLLAN PALLETROLLERS HUBWAGENROLLEN MIT KUGELLAGER • PALLETROLLERS WITH BEARINGS 242 15 15.1 15.1.1 0 1 /0 7 /2 0 1 7 FLUR FÖR DERFA HRZEUGE 1515/01/2014MA TERIAL HA NDLIN GVulkollan Hubwagen rollen 15.1Vulkollan Palletrollers15.1.1Hubwagenrollen mit KugellagerPal let rollers wi th bearings Hubstaplerrolle mit Stahlkörper und elastischem, fest aufgegossenem Laufbelag in VULKOLLAN® 92°…
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Precision chain systems for drive and conveyor purposes Product range © Copyright iwis antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany 2016 The contents of this catalogue are the copyright of the publisher and may not be repro- duced (even extracts) unless permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this catalogue but no liability can be accept- ed for any errors or omissions. Printed: W3 EN 04/2016, 2.000 Welcome iwis SIT S.p.A. - 3 The direct route to your order! to iwis antriebssysteme! You can reach our…
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