21 SUCO Antr iebstechnik Elektromagnetkupplungen und -bremsen Individuallösungen Fliehkraftkupplungen und -bremsen Produktkatalog Antriebstechnik 3. Ausgabe, März 2019, © Inhalte und Design sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Artikelnummer: 1-0-00-999-131 Nachdruck und Vervielfältigung nur mit Genemigung des Herausgebers 2 1 Willkommen bei SUCO Das erwartet Sie auf den nächsten Seiten: SUCO PRESSOSTATS MÉCANIQUES TRANSMETTEURS DE PRESSION SUCO SUCO – ein weltweit agierender Spezialist für Antriebstechnik SUCO – eine Erfolgsgeschichte SUCO – ein Produktionsstandort mit Zukunft SUCO weltweit –…
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WM 19 · GB DESCH DRIVE- AND SYSTEM SOLUTIONS for machine tools 22 As one of the market leaders in the development and production of complex, customized drive systems, DESCH provides planetary gearboxes and special gearboxes for cutting and splitting machine tools. In this field, DESCH combines decades of know-how with use of ultra-modern machinery to offer premium- quality products. DESCH gearboxes offer the perfect solution for each client due to selectable ratios and selectable internal bore diameters. DESCH responds to the demand for increased rotation speeds and increased torques by…
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L H3L2 C2C1 d 2d 1D 2 D 1 SD E TKNHD 1) TKNHT 1) nmax dpre 3) d1k;d2k max 4) C1 / C2 E H3 D1 D2 L2 L SD nSc HSH Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 47 170 230 8400 10 32 39,5 7,5 7,5 70,5 47 5 86,5 24 6 63 320 420 6800 14 42 45 9 9 88 62,5 8 99 32 6 82 750 1050 5400 15 55 55 10,5 10,5 116 82 10 120,5 40 6 98 1350 1750 4600 19 65 60 12 12 140,5 98 11 132 47 6 118 2400 3000 3800 25 85 75 13 13 166,5 118 12 163 55 6 141 4000 5200 3400 30 95 90 15 15 198,5 141 14 195 64 6 169 6500 8500 3000 39 115 125 21 21 238 169 16 271 81 6 205 21000 26000 2500 59 140 160 28 28 295 205 22 348 112 8 254…
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1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Travel limit 9 Mains cabinet and switch 2 Articulating jib crane 10 Lift unit 3 Collision shock absorber 11 Base plate 4 Magnet holder connector 12 Adjustable column 5 Support wheel 13 Vacuum filter 6 Lift tube 14 Pump unit 7 Parking 15 Power inlet 8 Control box 16 Remote for up&down of column Mobile High Frequency Lifter This product is a mobile version of our very popular High frequency lifter. Our most rapid lifter grips and lifts boxes and other packaged goods in no time. With a comfortable handle for one-hand use you can lift and move goods with…
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TBM2G Frameless Motors Exceptional performance. No customization required. Robot ready. Engineer the Exceptional ENGINEER THE EXCEPTIONAL E N G I N E E R T H E E X C E P T I O N A L Simply Better Design Are You Ready for the next generation of design, performance and productivity? Backed by years of robotics-targeted R&D, the new TBM2G series of frameless motors is now ready to help you build more compact, precise and powerful robots. These frameless servo motors are purpose-built to address the unique design challenges, performance demands and scalability requirements of advanced robotics.…
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www.meclube.com MADE IN ITALY MADE IN ITALY LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT Catalogue 01/2022 Service Our company is able to offer to all our customers items of high quality and availability. It has a modern and innovative equipment of project, a lot of machines with a huge productive potential, a wide range of stamps, manufacturing cycles, tools, test and assemby machinery. Our customers represent the most important patrimony of MECLUBE. We are convinced that people make the difference, and we are at their disposal to start a relationship of growth and innovation, always having in mind the only…
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RPEX3-06*S6 GG 0,75 (0.03) 5,1 0.20( ) 15,5 (0.61) 25,9 (1.16) 31( )1.22 31,75 (1.25) T P B A 4xM5-6Hx13 12 ,7 0.5 0 ( ) 21 ,5 0.8 5 ( ) 30 ,2 1.1 8 ( ) 40 ,5 1.5 9 ( ) G ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 Označení certifikátu EPS14ATEX1744 X IECEx EPS14.0064 X AC elektromagnet lI 2G Ex mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb Ex mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb DC elektromagnet lI 2G Ex e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb Ex e mb IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb Označení certifikátu PTB 01 ATEX 2207 X IECEx PTB14.0013 X Snímač polohy lI 2G Ex ia IIC T6 Gb Ex ia IIC T6/T4 Gb Kompletní rozváděč lI 2G Ex h IIC T4...T6 Kanály P, A, B, T - max. ∅7,5 mm (0.29 in) Změny…
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RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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