1- 0- 00 -9 99 -0 92 | 0 | 1 0. 19 | 4 . E di tio n an overview Mechanical Pressure Switches Electronic Pressure Switches Pressure Transmitter Electronic Pressure Sensors Transmission Technology SUCO Product Overview Pressure Monitoring & Transmission Technology Electronic Pressure Sensors Transmission Technology El ec tr on ic P re ss ur e Se n so rs Tr an sm is si on T ec h n ol og y Centrifugal Brakes SUCO centrifugal brakes automatically limit the maximum RPM of a shaft, so providing protection against over speed, without necessiting external controls. SUCO can provide ‚specials‘ based on…
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Telescopic System TELESCOPIC ACTUATORS Maximize Productivity, Minimize Footprint. Discover the 6 main advantages for multiple applications in limited spaces. Compact design and space-saving with 2 or 3 stages solutions. Efficient space utilization Achieve optimal extension with synchronized belt system. Enhanced extension Seamlessly integrated into multiple axes configurations. Versatile configurations Precision-engineered steel components and extruded aluminum profiles for high stiffness and lightweight construction. High stiffness Automated lubrication system ensures longevity and low…
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Precision chain systems for drive and conveyor purposes Product range 100.iwis.com © Copyright iwis antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany 2016 The contents of this catalogue are the copyright of the publisher and may not be repro- duced (even extracts) unless permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this catalogue but no liability can be accept- ed for any errors or omissions. Printed: W3 EN 04/2016, 2.000 Welcome iwis SIT S.p.A. - www.sitspa.it 3 The direct route to your order! to iwis antriebssysteme! You can reach our…
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ASO GmbH Produktkatalog 2021 Product Catalogue 2021 Safety, Sensors & Controls Gültig ab 3. Juni 2021 Valid from 3. June 2021 2 32 3 INHALT | CONTENTS ASO Produktmarken ASO Product Brands ASO Sicherheitskontaktleisten ASO Safety Contact Edges ASO Sicherheitskontaktpuffer ASO Safety Contact Bumpers ASO Sicherheitskontaktmatten ASO Safety Contact Mats ASO Lichtgitter ASO Light Curtains ASO Sicherheitsschaltgeräte ASO Safety Relays 8 Bestellschlüssel Order Key 9 Beschreibung SENTIR edge Description SENTIR edge 10–29 SENTIR edge Serie SENTIR edge Series 30–35 Kontaktstecker KS Contact Plug KS…
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Domov Prehľad produktov Mechatronika Servopohony a krokovacie mechanizmy Servopohony a krokovacie mechanizmy Servomeniče S700 do firmy KOLLMORGEN Nový modulárny elektrohydrostatický pohon (EAS) od spoločnosti Moog Polohovacie systémy od firmy ROLLCO NSA aktuátor od firmy IAI Prehľad bezkartáčových motorov MOOG KOLLMORGEN AKM MOOG servo motors KOLLMORGEN TBM KOLLMORGEN 2G Motion System Vysokofrekvenčne meniče ACOMEL / KOLLMORGEN ARIS nastavovacie pohony Autorotor - Kruhové otočné stoly serie AT pohanane servomotorom Rotačné motory s priamym pohonom Krokovacie mechanizmy Úprava štandardných…
VACUUM CONVEYING 5.0 Simplifying material handling 3 Index Piab Vacuum Academy 5 PVA emphasizes the basics 5 A typical vacuum conveying system 6 Material handling 6 Pneumatic Conveying system 10 Components of vacuum conveying 11 System design 13 Application illustrations 16 Vacuum pumps 20 Tables 22 Standards 26 piFLOW® 31 Industrial – piFLOW®i 34 Food grade – piFLOW®f 36 Premium – piFLOW®p 38 piFLOW® – Conveyor Customer Code 40 Accessories & spare parts 43 Accessories 44 Spare parts 48 Selection data – piFLOW®p 49 Legend – piFLOW®p 50 Legend – piFLOW®i/f 52 Selection data – piFLOW®i/f 53…
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Telescopic Line Interactive catalogs on: www.rollon.com General catalogue English https://www.rollon.com/ TO SUPPORT YOU, WE DESIGN AND PRODUCE An industrialized process with various levels of customization V a l u e s Appl ica t ions S o l u t i o n s Collaboration COLLABORATION VALUES High-level technical consulting and cross-competence allow us to identify the needs of our clients and transform them into guidelines for continuous exchange, while our rent industrial sectors becomes an factor in developing projects and innovative applications. For over 40 years, Rollon has adopted an approach…
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Stromag Couplings SVKL, SVW and SVR A L T R A M O T I O N Altra Motion Altra is a leading global designer and producer of a wide range of electromechanical power transmission and motion control components and systems. Providing the essential control of equipment speed, torque, positioning, and other functions, Altra products can be used in nearly any machine, process or application involving motion. From engine braking systems for heavy duty trucks to precision motors embedded in medical robots to brakes used on offshore wind turbines, Altra has been serving customers around the world for…
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Domov Engineering - Logistika - Servis Mechatronika BIBUS SK, s.r.o. ponúka kompletný rad pohybových technologických komponentov, vrátane ovládacích jednotiek, motorov, senzorov, spojok, bŕzd, ozubených prevodov a lineárnych pohonov. Náš sortiment je doplnený priemyselnými plynovými pružinami, spínacími technológiami a bezpečnostnými technickými a hliníkovými profilovými systémami. Zabezpečujeme tak výber z jedného zdroja. Pneumatika BIBUS SK, s.r.o. ponúka široký rad pneumatických výrobkov s technickým riešením vhodným pre aplikácie vo všetkých oblastiach na trhu. Ponúkame výber moderných…