SIME Brakes Braking Systems Overview A l t r a M o t i o n The Brands of Altra Motion Couplings Ameridrives Bibby Turbo ex www.bibbyturbo Guardian Couplings Huco Lami ex Couplings www.lami Stromag TB Wood’s Linear Systems Thomson Geared Cam Limit Switches Stromag Engineered Bearing Assemblies Kilian Electric Clutches & Brakes Matrix Stromag Warner Electric…
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MODEL LP1 2x Hub with keyway 6x Bushing 6x Screw (ISO 4762) 6x Ring 6x Nut (ISO 4032) 2x Set screw (ISO 4029) Disc pack INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR R+W DISC PACK COUPLINGS: SERIES LP coupling while it is rotating. Make sure the machine is “locked out” and cannot be accidentally started during installation or maintenance of the coupling. Please pay attention to important notes / Safety warning MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION According to EG guidelines for machinery 2006/42/EG, Ap- pendix IIB. As per machinery guidelines (MR), shaft couplings are not considered machines, but rather…
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25.09.2018 1/4 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR R+W SERVO DISC COUPLINGS MODEL SCL GENERAL INFORMATION Please carefully and completely read the following in‐ stallation, operation and handling procedures for R+W servo disc couplings. Failure to comply with these pro‐ cedures may result in failure of the coupling. Installation of the couplings should be perfor‐ med by a qualified technician. FUNCTION R+W servo disc couplings are used for zero backlash, torsionally stiff transmission. At the same time they compensate for angular and axial misalignment in the single flex version. In…
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Original KEM Dokument: ECO-Ex_D_DE_220101_E008 | Copyright KEM, Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten ECO Serie Impulsverstärker Einzel- und Doppelabgriff mit Frequenzausgang MERKMALE • Kompakte Bauart für Volumenzähler • Mediumstemperaturen bis +150 °C [+302 °F] • Skalierbare Analog- und Digitalausgänge • Erkennung der Durchflussrichtung • Kundenkonfigurierbar • Linearisierung mit bis zu 20 Punkten • Integrierte Temperaturmessung NUTZEN Passend für alle mechanischen Zähler Große Applikationsvielfalt mit einem Gerät Benutzerfreundlich - gleiche Funktionalität für alle mechanischen Zähler Kurze…
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Domov Prehľad produktov Mechatronika Servopohony a krokovacie mechanizmy MOOG servo motors MOOG servo motory Servomotory Moog sú elektronicky komutované synchrónne striedavé motory s budením permanentným magnetickým poľom, ktoré sú špeciálne navrhnuté pre vysoko dynamické priemyselné aplikácie v servopohonoch, kde sú často polohovacie časy 30 ms alebo menej. Kompaktný dynamický bezkartáčový servomotor Moog Kompaktný dynamický bezkartáčový servomotor Moog (tiež nazývaný Fastact G) ponúka jeden z najširších výkonových rozsahov v tomto odvetví so štandardnými modelmi, ktoré sú k dispozícii pri…
Catalogue 1 STAUFF Clamps Block Clamps Light Series Construction Series Metal Clamps Saddle Clamps U-Bolt Clamps Special Clamps Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this product catalogue are approximate values and are only valid as references, which are not binding (also in respect to any third parties’ rights of protection) and thus do not release the customer / user from checking and testing the suitability of the products for the foreseen purposes. Therefore, data and figures can only be used in a limited sense for construction purposes. The application of the…
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E A S Y L I F T S Y S T E M DE / 05 / 20 22 3Bansbach easylift2 Bansbach easylift Üb er si ch t Ov er vi ew Ga sd ru ck fe de rn Ga s Sp rin gs Bl oc ki er fe de rn Lo ck ab le G as S pr in gs Ga sz ug fe de rn Ga s Tr ac tio n Sp rin gs Ed el st ah l G as fe de rn St ai nl es s St ee l Dä m pf er Da m pe r An sc hl us st ei le Co nn ec tin g Pa rts ea sy m ot io n Fü hr un gs sä ul en Gu id e Co lu m ns So nd er lö su ng en Sp ec ia l S ol ut io ns Hi nw ei se Ad vi ce s Übersicht Overview 04 08 12 34 38 42 48 56 60 58 66 Gasdruckfedern Gas Springs Über uns About Us Blockierbare…
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Stuttgarter Str. 13 A 75179 Pforzheim | Germany T: +49.7231.44920.00 That is why the alternative is LED! LED retrofits are not an alternative, as: The EU‘s new RoHS and Ecodesign directives will sooner or later spell the end of fluorescent and com- pact fluorescent lamps that contain mercury and cannot meet the new energy efficiency requirements. ... in combination with an old luminaire, they no longer meet electrical safety standards ... the thermal management of an LED retrofit is different from that of a conventional luminaire, which can…
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EL8 Změny vyhrazeny · EL8_9155_1cz_04/2022 Strana 1 Elektronická řídicí jednotka EL8 v provedení na DIN lištu Popis funkce Technické parametry › Externí elektronika na DIN lištu je určena k řízení rozváděčů s jedním nebo dvěma elektromagnety v otevřené nebo uzavřené smyčce se zpětnou vazbou od polohy šoupátka › Elektronika řídí plynule polohu šoupátka rozváděče proporcionálně k velikosti vstupního signálu s minimální hysterezí › Výstupní řídicí proud pro cívku elektromagnetu je nezávislý na teplotních změnách a změnách impedance zátěže › Řízení cívky PWM signálem snižuje…
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53 Pagina 1 di 2 Sheet 1 of 223-1-3-01 EPX02 Campo di lavoro -1...0 bar, 0÷0.1 bar, 0 fino a 1000 bar Temperatura media -20°...+80°C (in funzione della guarnizione) Temperatura di lavoro -20°...+80°C (in funzione della guarnizione) Temperatura di stoccaggio -40°...+85°C (in funzione della guarnizione) Uscita segnale corrente 0÷10 V, 4÷20 mA, 0÷5 V, 0÷4.5 V o altri Tipo di interruttore di uscita 2x allarmi PNP o NPN regolabili Tempo di risposta ≤ 4 ms Tensione di alimentazione 10÷30 Vcc Precisione ≤ 0.5% F.S. (standard) Display LED, 4 digits Max. consumo di energia 3 W Vita…
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