RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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RS-RT WORM GEAR BOXES single-stage worm helical / worm two-stage worm CONTENTS Description .................................................................................. 2-4 Symbols ......................................................................................... 5 Modular system ........................................................................... 6-7 Flexible coupling G ......................................................................... 8 Flexible coupling Selection ............................................................. 9 IEC Flanges & flexible coupling…
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21 SUCO Antr iebstechnik Elektromagnetkupplungen und -bremsen Individuallösungen Fliehkraftkupplungen und -bremsen Produktkatalog Antriebstechnik 3. Ausgabe, März 2019, © Inhalte und Design sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Artikelnummer: 1-0-00-999-131 Nachdruck und Vervielfältigung nur mit Genemigung des Herausgebers 2 1 Willkommen bei SUCO Das erwartet Sie auf den nächsten Seiten: SUCO PRESSOSTATS MÉCANIQUES TRANSMETTEURS DE PRESSION SUCO SUCO – ein weltweit agierender Spezialist für Antriebstechnik SUCO – eine Erfolgsgeschichte SUCO – ein Produktionsstandort mit Zukunft SUCO weltweit –…
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Technical Information H1B 060/080/110/160/210/250 Bent Axis Motors Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev May 2020 Added DIN 250cc flange, changed document number from BC00000043 1213 December 2019 Updated model code section and corrected speed sensor pinout information. 1111 July 2019 Document Title and reference to STS TI. 1110 May 2019 Minor update. 1109 March 2018 Model code and ports update. 1108 February 2018 Model code update. 1107 December 2017 PWM data change. 1106 November 2017 Note for speed sensor added. 1105 April 2017…
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RPE3-062x/xS3 Dn 06 (D03) Qmax 80 l/min (21 GPM) pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) T P B A G 0,75 (0.03) 4xM5-6Hx13 15,5 (0.61) 31,75 (1.25) 5,1 (0.20) 25,9 (1.16) 31 (1.22) 12 ,7 (0 .5 0) 21 ,5 (0 .8 5) 30 ,2 (1 .1 8) 40 ,5 (1 .5 9) Kanály P, A, B, T - max. ∅7,5 mm (0.29 in) ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 FUNKČNĚ BEZPEČNÝ VENTIL SIL 3 ČSN EN 61508 PL d ČSN EN ISO 13849 Změny vyhrazeny · RPE3-062x/xS3_4087_2cz_05/2022 Strana 1 4/2 Elektromagneticky ovládaný rozváděč se snímačem a certifikací funkční bezpečnosti Technické parametry Technická data › Elektromagneticky ovládaný přímo řízený…
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21 SUCO Transmission Technology Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes Customized Solutions Centrifugal Clutches and Brakes 2 1 Welcome to SUCO What you'll see on the following pages: SUCO PRESSOSTATS MÉCANIQUES TRANSMETTEURS DE PRESSION SUCO SUCO – A transmission technology specialist active on the global stage SUCO – A success story SUCO – Tradition and innovation SUCO worldwide – our international sales network Page 40 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 SUCO CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCHES AND BRAKES Technical explanations F-Type – Self-increasing clutch S-Type – Pin-guided clutch with three fl yweights W-Type –…
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