www.thomsonlinear.com Precision Ball Splines Robust Rotary and Linear Motion Integration for High-Precision Applications 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Multi-Motion Performance and Stability As automation spreads farther and wider into the industrial sector, the need for flexible solutions that address multi-axis motion exponentially grows. Thomson precision ball splines meet the demands of this trend by offering nearly friction- free linear and rotary motion integrated on a single shaft. Merging Motions Thanks to a design that incorporates one or more linear grooves that guide balls along the shaft,…
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PRM2-06 Dn 06 (D03) Qmax 30 l/min (8 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) T P B A G 0,75 (0.03) 4xM5-6Hx13 15,5 (0.61) 31,75 (1.25) 5,1 (0.20) 25,9 (1.16) 31 (1.22) 12 ,7 (0 .5 0) 21 ,5 (0 .8 5) 30 ,2 (1 .1 8) 40 ,5 (1 .5 9) ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 Kanály P, A, B a T - max. ∅7,5 mm (0.29 in) Změny vyhrazeny · PRM2-06_5104_4cz_02/2021 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 Proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč Technické parametry Jmenovitá světlost 06 (D03) Max. provozní tlak v kanálech P, A a B bar (PSI) 350 (5080) Max. tlak v kanálu T bar (PSI) 210 (3050) Rozsah provozní teploty kapaliny (NBR) °C (°F) -30 ... +80…
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Ball Screws, Trapeziodal Screws and Lead Screws Precision Screws Built for Optimized Performance, Repeatability and Stiffness www.thomsonlinear.com Thomson – the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of performance, life and cost. Quickly Configure the Optimal Mechanical Motion Solution Thomson has several advantages that makes us the supplier of choice for motion control technology. • Thomson owns the broadest standard…
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Telescopic Line Interactive catalogs on: www.rollon.com General catalogue English https://www.rollon.com/ TO SUPPORT YOU, WE DESIGN AND PRODUCE An industrialized process with various levels of customization V a l u e s Appl ica t ions S o l u t i o n s Collaboration COLLABORATION VALUES High-level technical consulting and cross-competence allow us to identify the needs of our clients and transform them into guidelines for continuous exchange, while our rent industrial sectors becomes an factor in developing projects and innovative applications. For over 40 years, Rollon has adopted an approach…
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PRM2-04 Dn 04 (D02) Qmax 20 l/min (5 GPM) • pmax 320 bar (4600 PSI) 22,5 (0.89) 23,25 (0.92) 4, 3 (0 .1 7) 12 (0 .4 7) 19 ,7 (0 .7 8) 11,25 (0.44) 2,25 (0.09) 20,25 (0.8) 24 (0 .9 4) 0,75 (0.03) 4xM 5 -6Hx13 A PT B G ISO 4401-02-01-0-05 Změny vyhrazeny · PRM2-04_5105_4cz_02/2021 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 Proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč › Proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč s montážní plochou tělesa podle ISO 4401 (Dn 04) a DIN 24340 (CETOP 02) › Ventil je určen pro řízení směru pohybu spotřebiče a plynulé řízení rychlosti v daném rozsahu › Objemový průtok ventilem je úměrný elektrickému…
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Herderstraat 4 Industriepark Zuid B-8700 Tielt T. +32 (0)51 403 806 F. +32 (0)51 401 567 O.N. 0 405 233 534 info@vulkoprin.be www.vulkoprin.be TECHNISCHE VORMARTIKELEN • PIECES TECHNIQUES HALFFABRIKATEN • PRODUITS SEMI-FINIS PLATEN PRINTHANE D • PLAQUES PRINTHANE D 1 1 1.1 1.1.1 0 1 /0 7 /2 0 1 7 TECHNISCHE VO RMA RTIKELEN 12016PIECES TECHNIQUESPRODU ITS SEMI -FINISHALFFABR IKATEN 1.11.1. 1PLA TEN PRIN THANE DPLA QUES PRINTHAN E D Plaat in elastische polyurethaan PRINTHANE® D 70°, 80° en 90° Shore A: kleur natuur, heel slijtvast, makkelijk vervormbaar. Feuille élastique en polyuréthane…
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BARKSDALE BOT PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Series BTX Transducer 2 www.barksdale.de Subject to technical changes BOT: THE NEXT- GENERATION DIGITAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Configure Standard Options or Cus- tomize With Fully Engineered Solu- tions to Meet Your Unique Needs Get the digital pressure transducers that match your exact monitoring and control requirements for gas delivery or mobile hydraulic equipment and vehicle applications right when you need them. That’s the value of specifying the new BoT Series Pressure Transducer from Barksdale. Configure it from 55 available standard options. Or, leverage…
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A L T R A M O T I O N SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems VISIT US ON THE WEB AT STROMAG.COM Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of hydraulically,…
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RPE3-062x/xS3 Dn 06 (D03) Qmax 80 l/min (21 GPM) pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) T P B A G 0,75 (0.03) 4xM5-6Hx13 15,5 (0.61) 31,75 (1.25) 5,1 (0.20) 25,9 (1.16) 31 (1.22) 12 ,7 (0 .5 0) 21 ,5 (0 .8 5) 30 ,2 (1 .1 8) 40 ,5 (1 .5 9) Kanály P, A, B, T - max. ∅7,5 mm (0.29 in) ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 FUNKČNĚ BEZPEČNÝ VENTIL SIL 3 ČSN EN 61508 PL d ČSN EN ISO 13849 Změny vyhrazeny · RPE3-062x/xS3_4087_2cz_05/2022 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com 4/2 Elektromagneticky ovládaný rozváděč se snímačem a certifikací funkční bezpečnosti Technické parametry Technická data › Elektromagneticky ovládaný přímo řízený…
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PRM8-06 Dn 06 (D03) Qmax 140 l/min (37 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) T P B A G 0,75 (0.03) 4xM5-6Hx13 15,5 (0.61) 31,75 (1.25) 5,1 (0.20) 25,9 (1.16) 31 (1.22) 12 ,7 (0 .5 0) 21 ,5 (0 .8 5) 30 ,2 (1 .1 8) 40 ,5 (1 .5 9) ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 Změny vyhrazeny · PRM8-06_5178_4cz_05/2021 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 Nepřímo řízený proporcionální rozváděč › Nepřímo řízený proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč s vysokým hydraulickým výkonem › Montážní obrazec tělesa rozváděče podle normy ISO 4401 (Dn 06), DIN 24340 (CETOP 03) › Ventil je určen pro řízení směru pohybu spotřebiče a plynulé řízení rychlosti…
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