Domov Prehľad produktov Pneumatika Vákuová technika Piab Vákuové kártridže Vákuové kártridže COAX® MICRO COAX® MINI COAX® MIDI
Domov Prehľad produktov Pneumatika Vákuová technika Piab Kombinácia pumpy a prísavky Kombinácia pumpy a prísavky VGS™2010 (small 10 – 40 mm) VGS™3010 (medium 35 – 110 mm) VGS™3040 (medium 35 – 110 mm) VGS™5010 (Groß 50 – 150 mm) Príslušenstvo
Domov Prehľad produktov Pneumatika Pneumatika Vákuová technika Piab Pneumatické pohony Ventily Úprava stlačeného vzduchu Príslušenstvo Elektronické meranie a regulácia prietoku médií, elektronické meranie tlaku Vzduchové motory Polohovacie a manipulačné jednotky Rotačné prívody Pneumatické komponenty ATC Vzduchom poháňané chladiče série VR a VRX Vzduchové zosilňovače AM / UGR Vzduchové nože ABT / ABX/ ABZ
Domov Prehľad produktov Pneumatika Vákuová technika Piab piLIFT® SMART piLIFT® SMART piLIFT® SMART je prvý vákuový manipulátor, ktorý vyhovuje potrebám priemyslu 4.0. Schopnosť použitia, flexibilita a schopnosť správy dát ho zaraďujú do vlastnej kategórie. piLIFT® SMART kombinuje to najlepšie z technológie vákuového zdvíhania so 76% nižšou spotrebou energie, minimálnou hlučnosťou a inteligentnými dátovými funkciami, je skutočne skok vpred. piLIFT® SMART prináša najmodernejšiu technológiu, ktorá umožňuje operátorovi aj operácii získať živé informácie o výkone a stave prostredníctvom webovej…
Domov Prehľad produktov Mechatronika Dopravníky Tlmiaca technika Systémy na riadenie pnutia EZ-WHEEL - Prvé elektrické koleso s integrovaným elektromotorom a batériami Navíjacie technológie Servopohony a krokovacie mechanizmy Lineárne aktuátory a zdvíhacie stĺpy Lineárne jednotky Lineárne ložiská a vedenie Guličkové skrutky & vodiace skrutky Prevodovky & elektromotory Prenos krútiaceho momentu Priemyselné plynové pružiny Spínače & senzory Bezpečnosť strojov Hliníkové profily Manipulácia s komponentmi Obrábanie Mechanické a gumové komponenty Detektory kovov Videolab Pneumatika Vákuová technika…
Cobot Palletizing Tool The productivity booster Contact Fast palletizing with cobots If you need to increase efficiency and save costs in your palletizing operations check out our CPT. It does just that. With this smart and compact cobot gripper, you can get more products out at the same time and at lower cost. Multiple picks in one cycle IO-Link ready Low noise level Increase your competitiveness and time to market by palletizing products faster and picking several boxes even of different shapes in the same cycle. With its integrated piSMART® Valve Unit and multi-zone gripper surface the CPT…
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piFLOW®p conveyor Expanded piFLOW ®p conveyor family offers Wet-In-Place (WIP) function! piFLOW ®p optimised for the pharma, and food industry 2 Specifications subject to change without notice. Improving the work environment with WIP functionality The water sprayed by the WIP nozzles will wet any dust from food or pharmaceutical materials left in conveyors. This helps to prevent product from escaping into the air, where it can be inhaled by the processing staff during maintenance or cle- aning procedures. By wetting potentially harmful leftover material before the equipment is opened for final…
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piFLOW®p conveyor Expanded piFLOW ®p conveyor family offers Wet-In-Place (WIP) function! piFLOW ®p optimised for the pharma, and food industry 2 Specifications subject to change without notice. Improving the work environment with WIP functionality The water sprayed by the WIP nozzles will wet any dust from food or pharmaceutical materials left in conveyors. This helps to prevent product from escaping into the air, where it can be inhaled by the processing staff during maintenance or cle- aning procedures. By wetting potentially harmful leftover material before the equipment is opened for final…
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Bag lifting made easy LBG-50 Brochure LBG-50 Page 2/8 LBG-50 Lightweight bag gripper LBG-50 is a multi-functional gripping tool that easily lifts sacks and bags with weights of up to 50 kg. Handling sacks may pose a challenge as they are heavy and flexible, yet with a surface that is sensitive to pinching and puncture. The solution is spelled LBG-50, a lightweight bag gripper that securely handles sacks with weights of up to 50 kg. Slip sheet handling is performed just as gently with the aid of our vacuum-based upgrade option. LBG-50 is pre-engineered and therefore easy to install, finetune…
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Piab Custom-Line Mini Cobot Gripper Brochure Mini Cobot Gripper Page 2/8 Overview Our featherweight! Probably the lightest cobot gripper in the world. In the automated packaging of goods for example in e-commerce or when handling of goods in production in small and medium-sized businesses, the weight of the gripper is crucial. Because in addition to the objects to be moved, the weight of the gripper determines the size of the robot or cobot to be used. As a specialist for lightweight, high- performance vacuum grippers, especially for the growing cobot market, Piab has now developed the…
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