Domov Engineering - Logistika - Servis Mechatronika BIBUS SK, s.r.o. ponúka kompletný rad pohybových technologických komponentov, vrátane ovládacích jednotiek, motorov, senzorov, spojok, bŕzd, ozubených prevodov a lineárnych pohonov. Náš sortiment je doplnený priemyselnými plynovými pružinami, spínacími technológiami a bezpečnostnými technickými a hliníkovými profilovými systémami. Zabezpečujeme tak výber z jedného zdroja. Pneumatika BIBUS SK, s.r.o. ponúka široký rad pneumatických výrobkov s technickým riešením vhodným pre aplikácie vo všetkých oblastiach na trhu. Ponúkame výber moderných…
Rulli per trasportatori a gravità Rollers for gravity conveyors 73 1 Serie GL GL series Serie 111 111 series Nuovo tipo per applicazioni silenziose New type for noiseless applications Serie GM GM series Serie MPS MPS series Serie PS PS series Rulli guida Guide rollers Esecuzioni tubo a richiesta Tube executions on request 74 78 89 Serie 117 117 series 82 91 94 102 108 110 Serie 119 119 series 98 74 Serie Series GL1 RULLI FOLLI PER TRASPORTO DI COLLI CON CARICHI LEGGERI E MEDI IN AMBIENTI INTERNI NORMALI Sono rulli in acciaio con rotolamento su cuscinetti radiali a sfere schermati e…
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165 Pressure Transmitters and Transducers 1 ESI Technology Ltd THE WORLDWIDE SPECIALIST FOR CUSTOMISED HIGH PRECISION PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS & TRANSMITTERS For decades, ESI Technology with headquarters in Wrexham, UK, has served its customers with consistent product development, special engineered solutions and outstanding technical service and sales support. In 2009 ESI Technology Ltd was acquired by SUCO. By forming part of a bigger organisation, yet keeping its own independence, ESI has gained the strength to expand its sales efforts and services world-wide. ESI Technology has become one of…
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165 Pressure Transmitters and Transducers 1 ESI Technology Ltd THE WORLDWIDE SPECIALIST FOR CUSTOMISED HIGH PRECISION PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS & TRANSMITTERS For decades, ESI Technology with headquarters in Wrexham, UK, has served its customers with consistent product development, special engineered solutions and outstanding technical service and sales support. In 2009 ESI Technology Ltd was acquired by SUCO. By forming part of a bigger organisation, yet keeping its own independence, ESI has gained the strength to expand its sales efforts and services world-wide. ESI Technology has become one of…
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Industrial Disc Brakes R e g a l R e x n o r d Twiflex, with headquarters in Twickenham, England, specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of Advanced Braking Technology for industrial applications. With extensive in-house facilities, Twiflex enjoys a global reputation for quality. Founded in 1946, Twiflex has produced more than half a million brake units, frequently for safety-critical duty, for applications around the world. From textile machines in the north of England to the world’s deepest mine shaft in South Africa, Twiflex brakes are specified by engineers and system designers…
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Industrial Disc Brakes R e g a l R e x n o r d Twiflex, with headquarters in Twickenham, England, specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of Advanced Braking Technology for industrial applications. With extensive in-house facilities, Twiflex enjoys a global reputation for quality. Founded in 1946, Twiflex has produced more than half a million brake units, frequently for safety-critical duty, for applications around the world. From textile machines in the north of England to the world’s deepest mine shaft in South Africa, Twiflex brakes are specified by engineers and system designers…
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Bezpečnosť a funkčnosť majú vedenia na reguláciu plynu najvyššiu prioritu. Užívateľ musí byť schopný spoľahnúť sa na dokonalú kvalitu použitých tvaroviek. Preto musí byť každá armatúra dokonale zladená s armatúrou, ktorá za ním nasleduje. Viac informácií...
Flexibilný, univerzálny, zapuzdrený do kovového telesa so širokým sortimentom príslušenstva a s klasickou technológiou do 500 Nm. Nano + ponúka klasickú technológiu pohonu v modernom dizajne. Viac informácií...
Precision chain systems for drive and conveyor purposes Product range © Copyright iwis antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany 2016 The contents of this catalogue are the copyright of the publisher and may not be repro- duced (even extracts) unless permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this catalogue but no liability can be accept- ed for any errors or omissions. Printed: W3 EN 04/2016, 2.000 Welcome iwis SIT S.p.A. - 3 The direct route to your order! to iwis antriebssysteme! You can reach our…
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