A-A B-B C-C A A B B C C FC-A45G 16_01_04 Kundenanschluss Anschlusstoleranzen und Anschlussmaße des Kunden kundenseitiges Gehäuse (zwingend erforderlich zur Sicherung der Anlaufscheibe) 1451110 0 h7 17 2 22 0 h7 11 0 1, 5 17 0 h7 21 9 30° 15 ° 2x M8 für Demontage 202 12x Ø9 für Befestigungs- schrauben M8 - 12.9 30° 2x M12 für Demontage und Befestigungsschrauben M10 - 12.9 10x Ø11 für Befestigungs- schrauben M10 - 12.9 15 0 14 5 1,5 16,54927 0,3 5 (92,5) (97,5) 0,050 B m in . 17 4 - m ax . 18 2 9 ()(49) B A 0,030 A * * * * * *8 JS9 27 ,3 - 0 ,00, 2 + 24 H7 11 ( ) 12 18 )M( 8 35 12 (M ) 18 12 Z…
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A L T R A I N D U S T R I A L M O T I O N 4 BZFM Brake for Offshore and Marine Application, flood- and seawater-proof Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of…
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ISO 4014 / 4017 - 10.9 ISO 4762 - 10.9 dw 1 m in . / d w 1 m ax . dw 2 m in . / d w 2 m ax . G CA Z LN LF L Total ISO 4017 Version A Version B ISO 4017 dw1 dw2 A C G LF LN Ltotal Z T nSc3 DG3 TA3 SDD nSD DSD TA Gw mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Nm mm Nm mm mm Nm kg 075 70 70 240 210 170 136 44 147 4 6980 6 16 210 100x170 12 8 30 2675 75 7600 100x170 12 8 30 80 80 9100 100x170 12 8 30 090 70 70 305 265 215 160 48 169 5 6980 6 20 420 100x170 12 8 30 48 75 75 7600 100x170 12 8 30 80 80 9100 100x170 12 8 30 > 80 > 80 9250 125x215 12 10 59 90 90 13100 125x215 12 10 59 100 100 17850 125x215 12 10 59 100…
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SUCO Robert Scheuffele GmbH & Co. KG Keplerstrasse 12-14 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen Deutschland 1-0 -0 0- 99 9- 11 5 / 0 / 0 1. 20 19 / 2. A ufl ag e • NAMUR Widerstand – Kurzschluss- und Kabel- brucherkennung • Heißleiter (NTC) – Kaltstartfunktion • Varistor – Überspannungsschutz zur Schaltung induktiver Last • Kaltleiter (PTC) – Einschaltstrombegrenzung • LED – Anzeige des Schaltzustandes • Multifuse (PPTC) – Elektronische Sicherung Wir freuen uns, Ihnen diese Zusatzfunktionen zu erklären. Kontaktieren Sie einfach Ihren nächsten SUCO-Partner. Unsere Druckschalter PLUS sind die ideale Lösung…
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1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Travel limit 9 Mains cabinet and switch 2 Articulating jib crane 10 Lift unit 3 Collision shock absorber 11 Base plate 4 Magnet holder connector 12 Adjustable column 5 Support wheel 13 Vacuum filter 6 Lift tube 14 Pump unit 7 Parking 15 Power inlet 8 Control box 16 Remote for up&down of column Mobile High Frequency Lifter This product is a mobile version of our very popular High frequency lifter. Our most rapid lifter grips and lifts boxes and other packaged goods in no time. With a comfortable handle for one-hand use you can lift and move goods with…
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A-A B-B C-C A A B B C C FC-A65G 16_01_05 Kundenanschluss Anschlusstoleranzen und Anschlussmaße des Kunden kundenseitiges Gehäuse (zwingend erforderlich zur Sicherung der Anlaufscheibe) 50 121 30 h 7 21 2 27 0 h7 2x M10 für Demontage 249 12x Ø11 für Befestigungs- schrauben M10 - 12.9 30° 2x M16 für Demontage und Befestigungsschrauben M12 - 12.9 10x Ø14 für Befestigungs- schrauben M12 - 12.9 18 7 15 5633 0,3 5 (112) (117) 0,065 B m in . 21 4 - m ax . 22 6 0,030 A * * * * * * Z (5:1) Z 55 * max. R0,5 max. R0,5 R5 30° 14 0 1, 5 21 0 h7 26 9 1 5° 2 A B 16 (M ) 16 20 16 14 ( ) 20 4110(M )(56) 11( )…
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ASO GmbH Produktkatalog 2021 Product Catalogue 2021 Safety, Sensors & Controls Gültig ab 3. Juni 2021 Valid from 3. June 2021 2 32 3 INHALT | CONTENTS ASO Produktmarken ASO Product Brands ASO Sicherheitskontaktleisten ASO Safety Contact Edges ASO Sicherheitskontaktpuffer ASO Safety Contact Bumpers ASO Sicherheitskontaktmatten ASO Safety Contact Mats ASO Lichtgitter ASO Light Curtains ASO Sicherheitsschaltgeräte ASO Safety Relays 8 Bestellschlüssel Order Key 9 Beschreibung SENTIR edge Description SENTIR edge 10–29 SENTIR edge Serie SENTIR edge Series 30–35 Kontaktstecker KS Contact Plug KS…
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SUCO Robert Scheuffele GmbH & Co. KG Keplerstrasse 12-14 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen Germany 1-0 -0 0- 99 9- 11 6 / 1 .0 00 / 0 3. 20 16 / Ed iti on N o. 1 Enhanced functionalities by adding electronic features to our mechanical pressure switches such as • Resistor – for fail-safe applications • NTC Thermistor – for cold start functionalities • Varistor – for switching inductive loads • PTC thermistor – for in-rush protection • LED – convenient switching status monitoring • Multifuse – overcurrent protection with a self-resetting fuse We are looking forward to explaining and discussing these…
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• family owned company, located in Tielt (Belgium) • more than 55 years of experience • in-house design, engineering & production • global customer base in material handling-, machinery- and theme park industry Maintenance, Repair & Operations Vulkoprin-MRO-32-210609-EN.indd 1 9/06/21 09:15 Index Polyurethane industrial wheels6 Intro4 Drive wheels10 Guiding rollers14 Pallet roller and Press-on tyre16 Nylon industrial wheels18 Rubber industrial wheels22 Stainless steel wheels24 Wheels glass industry28 Equipment wheels30 Technical molded parts34 + 32 (0)51 403 806 | info@vulkoprin.be |…
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rálumro ýnčakilpA F Adre as oneM acilU oksivzeirP amriF ČSP nófeleT E-Mail eledairh énznapxe ékcitamuenP yknitu ertemaraP D yknitud remeirp ýnrotúnV ± yknitud remeirpíšjaknoV yknitudlairetaM einajívaN ❏ einajívan évoľedairh-ondeJ ❏ einajívan évoľedairhjovD - ❏ moľedairh mynlátnoziroh s akčajívaN moclav mýndaz a ❏ moclav mýnson mýnanh s einajívaN ❏ imaclav imýnson imýnanh amovds einajívaN ❏ aktondej aicajívaN ❏ aktondej ánanh enlartneC ❏ aktondej aicajívdO ❏ aktondej ánanh ovodovbO ykvadaižop ékcinhceT Materái l usáp ťsolhcýR (max. ) m/min usáp eitunP (max. ) N;(N/cm) akríš ánvocarP (max. ) mm…
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