Rulli per trasportatori a gravità Rollers for gravity conveyors 73 1 Serie GL GL series Serie 111 111 series Nuovo tipo per applicazioni silenziose New type for noiseless applications Serie GM GM series Serie MPS MPS series Serie PS PS series Rulli guida Guide rollers Esecuzioni tubo a richiesta Tube executions on request 74 78 89 Serie 117 117 series 82 91 94 102 108 110 Serie 119 119 series 98 74 Serie Series GL1 RULLI FOLLI PER TRASPORTO DI COLLI CON CARICHI LEGGERI E MEDI IN AMBIENTI INTERNI NORMALI Sono rulli in acciaio con rotolamento su cuscinetti radiali a sfere schermati e…
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Referenced at: MADE IN ITALY MADE IN ITALY LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT Catalogue 01/2022 Service Our company is able to offer to all our customers items of high quality and availability. It has a modern and innovative equipment of project, a lot of machines with a huge productive potential, a wide range of stamps, manufacturing cycles, tools, test and assemby machinery. Our customers represent the most important patrimony of MECLUBE. We are convinced that people make the difference, and we are at their disposal to start a relationship of growth and innovation, always having in mind the only…
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Referenced at: Electrak® XD Heavy Duty Smart Electric Linear Actuator Designed for the Toughest Applications Ideal for Hydraulic Conversion Opportunities Handles Heavy Loads in Harsh Environments 2 Electrak® XD – The Next Evolution of Electric Actuators Electric linear actuators have come a long way since their origin as basic, slow, medium load pushing-and-pulling devices more than a half century ago. Protection against the elements has greatly improved, integrated controls have added intelligence to their functionality, and life, reliability and performance have all steadily improved.…
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Highly Flexible Couplings for Cardan Shafts Solutions for New Technologies A L T R A M O T I O N 2 Highly Flexible Couplings for Cardan Shafts 2 Stromag +49 2303 102-0 .... ..P-8468-SG | D-880-90000C 04/19 Stromag IGE...FG Highly flexible rubber coupling with a progressive characteristic for connecting a cardan shaft directly to a diesel engine. For the transmission of high torques with its compact design and light weight. The coupling is flange- mounted to the B-side of the coupling. The cardan shaft is flange-mounted to the B-side of the coupling. Deflection angle of the cardan shaft of up…
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Compact Flow Rate Sensor RAPIFLOW® FSM3 Series CC-1393A Compatible Diversified High Performance User-friendly Diversified High performance User-friendly 2 Diversified High performance Five types of gases can be measured with just one unit Gas type switching function (LCD display, IO-Link) (full scale flow rate 200 L/min or less model) Air, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, gas mixture (mixture of Ar: CO2 (8:2)) supported with this single flow rate sensor. Gas types can be switched by operating buttons on the body. In the IO-Link specifications, the gas type can be changed remotely from a host…
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2 Drucksensoren 1 ESI Technology Ltd Der Spezialist für kundenspezifische, hochgenaue Drucksensoren Seit Jahrzehnten bietet ESI Technologie aus Wrexham (UK) spezielle technische Lösungen und kundenspezifische Entwicklungen im Bereich der Drucküberwachung an. 2009 wurde ESI Technology von der Firma SUCO Robert Scheuffele GmbH & Co. KG übernommen und ist nun Teil eines weltweit agierenden Firmennetzwerkes. Durch die strategische Nutzung der Vorteile einer gro- ßen Organisation auf der einen Seite, bei gleichzeitiger Wahrung der Unab- hängigkeit auf der anderen Seite, hat ESI die Möglichkeit…
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2 Drucksensoren 1 ESI Technology Ltd Der Spezialist für kundenspezifische, hochgenaue Drucksensoren Seit Jahrzehnten bietet ESI Technologie aus Wrexham (UK) spezielle technische Lösungen und kundenspezifische Entwicklungen im Bereich der Drucküberwachung an. 2009 wurde ESI Technology von der Firma SUCO Robert Scheuffele GmbH & Co. KG übernommen und ist nun Teil eines weltweit agierenden Firmennetzwerkes. Durch die strategische Nutzung der Vorteile einer gro- ßen Organisation auf der einen Seite, bei gleichzeitiger Wahrung der Unab- hängigkeit auf der anderen Seite, hat ESI die Möglichkeit…
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