MinimessXtreme® Pressure Technisches Datenblatt Technical data sheet Seite 1/8 Rev. 00 • 2020-10-22 © Hydrotechnik GmbH Holzheimer Str. 94-96 • D-65549 Limburg MinimessXtreme-Pressure_TED_ML2 Alle Rechte vorbehalten • All rights reserved MinimessXtreme® Pressure Testpunkte und Zubehör / Test points and equipment MinimessXtreme® Pressure Test- punkte sind mechanisch entsperr- bare Rückschlagventile. Sie dienen als Systemzugang für Analyseaufga- ben und Untersuchungen in Kreis- läufen mit flüssigen oder gasförmi- gen Medien und können bei Be- triebsdrücken von 1.000 bar und…
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196 Aluminium surringsskinne. Aluminium load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Galvanized load bonding track. Galvaniseret surringsskinne. Runde huller uden hak. Galvanized load bonding track. Round holes without notch. Lysegrå plastik endestykker. Vægt: 14 g. Passer til 50.033010A, 50.033010X og 50.033010XB Light grey plastic ends. Weight: 14 g. Fits 50.033010A, 50.033010X and 50.033010XB Ankerende med snapbeslag. Passer til 50.033010 skinner. Anchor part with snap…
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A L T R A I N D U S T R I A L M O T I O N 4 BZFM Brake for Offshore and Marine Application, flood- and seawater-proof Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of…
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