21 SUCO Antr iebstechnik Elektromagnetkupplungen und -bremsen Individuallösungen Fliehkraftkupplungen und -bremsen Produktkatalog Antriebstechnik 3. Ausgabe, März 2019, © Inhalte und Design sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Artikelnummer: 1-0-00-999-131 Nachdruck und Vervielfältigung nur mit Genemigung des Herausgebers 2 1 Willkommen bei SUCO Das erwartet Sie auf den nächsten Seiten: SUCO PRESSOSTATS MÉCANIQUES TRANSMETTEURS DE PRESSION SUCO SUCO – ein weltweit agierender Spezialist für Antriebstechnik SUCO – eine Erfolgsgeschichte SUCO – ein Produktionsstandort mit Zukunft SUCO weltweit –…
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Technology driving the best results WEGscan Motors Energy | Automation | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings www.weg.net Technology driving the best results Good results are achieved with technological intelligence. Therefore, we developed the WEGscan, which meets the needs of companies and industries with maximum precision and reliability. Modular, versatile and multipurpose, the sensor can be coupled to different types of equipment and assets, automatically collecting data and performing online monitoring. ▪ Remote operation for update, measurement and setup ▪ Integrated with WEG digital…
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A L T R A M O T I O N SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems VISIT US ON THE WEB AT STROMAG.COM Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of hydraulically,…
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21 SUCO Transmission Technology Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes Customized Solutions Centrifugal Clutches and Brakes 2 1 Welcome to SUCO What you'll see on the following pages: SUCO PRESSOSTATS MÉCANIQUES TRANSMETTEURS DE PRESSION SUCO SUCO – A transmission technology specialist active on the global stage SUCO – A success story SUCO – Tradition and innovation SUCO worldwide – our international sales network Page 40 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 SUCO CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCHES AND BRAKES Technical explanations F-Type – Self-increasing clutch S-Type – Pin-guided clutch with three fl yweights W-Type –…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag ACS Cardan Shafts 2 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20 . . . . . P-8820-SG-A4 | BRC10155-01-B 10/19 SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems ACS Cardan Shafts 3P-8820-SG-A4 | BRC10155-01-B 10/19. . SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20 SIME Brakes Industrial Braking Systems ACS Cardan Shafts ACS CARDAN SHAFTS The best choice for coupling two rotating non-aligned shafts in difficult and challenging operating conditions. The ACS Cardan Shafts range offers an excellent reliability, high service life and low operating costs. Seven different designs in a large…
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A, E, G, H, EP series ATEX operating instructions 2 Rossi ATEX Operating instructions − UTD.123.04-2018.00_EN 1 - General safety information ..............................................................................................................4 1.1 - Recycling ...................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 - Safety .........................................................................................................................................................4 2 -…
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Basic Information H1 Axial Piston Pumps Single and Tandem www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev January 2021 Changed document number from 'BC00000057' to 'BC152886483968' and added 280cc information 0901 November 2019 Speed sensor, Integral Charge Pressure Filtration data changes. 0703 April 2019 CCO topic update. 0702 May 2018 Angle sensor for EDC controls added. 0701 April 2017 NFPE and AC controls added. 0602 May 2016 Updated to Engineering Tomorrow design. 0601 Nov 2010-Nov 2015 Various changes. BA-0501 Jul 2009 First edition. AA Basic…
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Basic Information H1 Axial Piston Pumps Single and Tandem www.danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev January 2021 Changed document number from 'BC00000057' to 'BC152886483968' and added 280cc information 0901 November 2019 Speed sensor, Integral Charge Pressure Filtration data changes. 0703 April 2019 CCO topic update. 0702 May 2018 Angle sensor for EDC controls added. 0701 April 2017 NFPE and AC controls added. 0602 May 2016 Updated to Engineering Tomorrow design. 0601 Nov 2010-Nov 2015 Various changes. BA-0501 Jul 2009 First edition. AA Basic…
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Ball Screws, Trapeziodal Screws and Lead Screws Precision Screws Built for Optimized Performance, Repeatability and Stiffness www.thomsonlinear.com Thomson – the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of performance, life and cost. Quickly Configure the Optimal Mechanical Motion Solution Thomson has several advantages that makes us the supplier of choice for motion control technology. • Thomson owns the broadest standard…
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