83 100/121 ED 1/8 — The DSE2 valve is a proportional directional valve, direct operated, with ports in compliance with ISO 4401-02 standards. — It is suitable for directional and speed control of hydraulic actuators. — Valve opening and hence flow rate can be modulated continuously in proportion to the current supplied to the solenoid. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or combined with an external electronic card to maximize the valve performances (see point 11). — Boot and knob manual overrides are available. DSE2 PROPORTIONAL DIRECTIONAL VALVE SERIES 10…
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L H3L2 C2C1 d 2d 1D 2 D 1 SD E TKNHD 1) TKNHT 1) nmax dpre 3) d1k;d2k max 4) C1 / C2 E H3 D1 D2 L2 L SD nSc HSH Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 47 170 230 8400 10 32 39,5 7,5 7,5 70,5 47 5 86,5 24 6 63 320 420 6800 14 42 45 9 9 88 62,5 8 99 32 6 82 750 1050 5400 15 55 55 10,5 10,5 116 82 10 120,5 40 6 98 1350 1750 4600 19 65 60 12 12 140,5 98 11 132 47 6 118 2400 3000 3800 25 85 75 13 13 166,5 118 12 163 55 6 141 4000 5200 3400 30 95 90 15 15 198,5 141 14 195 64 6 169 6500 8500 3000 39 115 125 21 21 238 169 16 271 81 6 205 21000 26000 2500 59 140 160 28 28 295 205 22 348 112 8 254…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Electrak® XD Heavy Duty Smart Electric Linear Actuator Designed for the Toughest Applications Ideal for Hydraulic Conversion Opportunities Handles Heavy Loads in Harsh Environments 2 Electrak® XD – The Next Evolution of Electric Actuators Electric linear actuators have come a long way since their origin as basic, slow, medium load pushing-and-pulling devices more than a half century ago. Protection against the elements has greatly improved, integrated controls have added intelligence to their functionality, and life, reliability and performance have all steadily improved.…
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A L T R A I N D U S T R I A L M O T I O N Stromag Vector® Couplings Altra is a leading global designer and manufacturer of quality power transmission and motion control products utilized on a wide variety of industrial drivetrain applications. Altra clutches and brakes, couplings, gearing and PT component product lines are marketed under the industries most well known manufacturing brands. Each brand is committed to the guiding principles of operational excellence, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Highly-engineered Altra solutions are sold in over 70 countries and utilized in…
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www.argo-hytos.com Monitor částic OPCom Průběžné monitorování stavu oleje Monitor částic Použití OPCom je kompaktní monitor částic pro průběžné sledování znečištění hydraulických a mazacích médií. Popis funkce Identifikace změn Monitory částic oznámí přesně každou změnu ve znečištění systému. Tak lze při zvýšené koncentraci částic rychle zareagovat a zavést příslušná protiopatření. Minimalizují se tak následné škody a redukují se náklady. Vysoký rozsah tlaků Monitor částic OPCom je dimenzován pro použití při vysokém pracovním tlaku. Lze ho tak připojit přímo na tlakové vedení. Intuitivní…
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M.8 Druckschalter in ATEX-Ausführung - 0340-0341 / 0165 Explosion-protected pressure switches according to ATEX directive 2014/34/EU and IECEx scheme ATEX certi cation for the Ex-protected zones: - 1 + 2 (Gases and vapours) - 21 + 22 (Dust) - M2 Mining (Methane / coal dust) Types 0342/0343 are certi ed according to IECEx scheme Switching point can be easily adjusted by the user while system in operation Compact design Excellent price-performance ratio • • • • • M.8 ATEX 80 Explosion-protected pressure switches Technical details Technical explanations Explosion-protected pressure switches are…
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M.8 Druckschalter in ATEX-Ausführung - 0340-0341 / 0165 Explosion-protected pressure switches according to ATEX directive 2014/34/EU and IECEx scheme ATEX certi cation for the Ex-protected zones: - 1 + 2 (Gases and vapours) - 21 + 22 (Dust) - M2 Mining (Methane / coal dust) Types 0342/0343 are certi ed according to IECEx scheme Switching point can be easily adjusted by the user while system in operation Compact design Excellent price-performance ratio • • • • • M.8 ATEX 80 Explosion-protected pressure switches Technical details Technical explanations Explosion-protected pressure switches are…
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M.8 Druckschalter in ATEX-Ausführung - 0340-0341 / 0165 Explosion-protected pressure switches according to ATEX directive 2014/34/EU and IECEx scheme ATEX certi cation for the Ex-protected zones: - 1 + 2 (Gases and vapours) - 21 + 22 (Dust) - M2 Mining (Methane / coal dust) Types 0342/0343 are certi ed according to IECEx scheme Switching point can be easily adjusted by the user while system in operation Compact design Excellent price-performance ratio • • • • • M.8 ATEX 80 Explosion-protected pressure switches Technical details Technical explanations Explosion-protected pressure switches are…
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C-CB-BA-A C C B B A A FC-A25G 16_01_02 Kundenanschluss Anschlusstoleranzen und Anschlussmaße des Kunden kundenseitiges Gehäuse (zwingend erforderlich zur Sicherung der Anlaufscheibe) 30 814 5 h7 2x M6 für Demontage 8x Ø6,6 für Befestigungs- schrauben M6 - 12.9 2x M8 für Demontage und Befestigungsschrauben M6 - 12.9 10x Ø6,6 für Befestigungs- schrauben M6 - 12.9 11 33,521 0,3 0,035 B m in . 11 4 - m ax . 11 5 B A 0,030 A * * * * * * ) M( 6 22,5 Z (3:1) Z 22 0, 3 * max. R0,5 max. R0,5 22 ,5 ° 45° (33,5) ) M( 8 11 111 30 ° 13 0 14 H7 5 JS9 16 ,3 - 0 ,00, 1 + 60 h 7 11 2 80 1, 5 11 0 h7 14 4 1 30°…
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C1 C1 L L2 LDD E D 1 D 2 d 1 D 2 d 2 d b e EE nSc×DG • LSc TKN TKmax nmax d1kmax d2kmax D1 D2 C1 L L2 Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm WS0710 100 130 390 7250 45 45 105 65 49 150 37,5 WS0712 125 250 750 6000 55 55 126 80 56 170 42,5 WS0714 145 400 1200 5250 65 65 145 92 60,5 189 44 WS0717 170 630 1900 4500 75 75 170 110 74,5 217 58 WS0720 200 1100 3300 3750 95 95 200 135 98,5 274 82 WS0723 230 1700 5150 3250 110 110 230 160 110 301 90 WS0726 260 2650 7950 3000 125 125 260 180 112,5 321 88 WS0730 300 3900 11700 2500 140 140 300 200 131,5 376 105 WS0736 360 6500 19500 2150 160 160 360 225 172…
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