www.thomsonlinear.com Miniature Lead Screws Precise Linear Motion Components for Small-Scale Applications DIAMETERS AS SMALL AS 2 MM 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Lead Screws to Meet Today’s Design Challenges As the demand for increasingly compact devices grows within various industries, the need for ever smaller components has grown with it. To help engineers meet these stringent design requirements, the Thomson line of miniature lead screws delivers the linear motion precision you’ve come to know from our lead screws with diameters as small as two millimeters. Big Precision in a Little Package…
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Stepper Motor Linear Actuators Pre-engineered motorized lead screw assemblies and actuators for precision applications www.thomsonlinear.com 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Technology Overview Rotating screw assemblies (MLS) actuate by having the motor rotate a lead screw and translate a load that is attached to the lead nut. Rotating nut assemblies (MLN) actuate by rotating a nut within the motor body. Motion is achieved by constraining the motor and translating a load attached to the lead screw or constraining the lead screw and translating a load attached to the motor. Thomson offers three basic…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Precision Ball Splines Robust Rotary and Linear Motion Integration for High-Precision Applications 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Multi-Motion Performance and Stability As automation spreads farther and wider into the industrial sector, the need for flexible solutions that address multi-axis motion exponentially grows. Thomson precision ball splines meet the demands of this trend by offering nearly friction- free linear and rotary motion integrated on a single shaft. Merging Motions Thanks to a design that incorporates one or more linear grooves that guide balls along the shaft,…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Electrak® XD Heavy Duty Smart Electric Linear Actuator Designed for the Toughest Applications Ideal for Hydraulic Conversion Opportunities Handles Heavy Loads in Harsh Environments 2 Electrak® XD – The Next Evolution of Electric Actuators Electric linear actuators have come a long way since their origin as basic, slow, medium load pushing-and-pulling devices more than a half century ago. Protection against the elements has greatly improved, integrated controls have added intelligence to their functionality, and life, reliability and performance have all steadily improved.…
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Tieto komponenty stroja a štandardné prvky, ako sú úchytky, rukoväte, pánty a západky, sú dostupné iba z nehrdzavejúcej ocele. Viac informácií...
Ball Screws, Trapeziodal Screws and Lead Screws Precision Screws Built for Optimized Performance, Repeatability and Stiffness www.thomsonlinear.com Thomson – the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of performance, life and cost. Quickly Configure the Optimal Mechanical Motion Solution Thomson has several advantages that makes us the supplier of choice for motion control technology. • Thomson owns the broadest standard…
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Profile Rail Linear Guides High-Precision Rails and Carriages Produced for Easy Retrofitting into Existing Linear Applications or Designing into New Ones www.thomsonlinear.com Application Centers Global Design & Engineering CentersGlobal Manufacturing Operations Thomson – the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of perfor- mance, life and cost. The Best Positioned Supplier of Mechanical Motion Technology Thomson has…
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