Domov Prehľad produktov Hydraulika Ventily a bloky Duplomatic Duplomatic Hydraulické prvky : Na riadenie prietoku: rozvádzače spätné ventily hydraulické zámky brzdné ventily výberové ventily logické ventily Na riadenie prietoku: škrtiace ventily škrtiace ventily so stabilizáciou tlakového spádu sekvenčné ventily Na riadenie tlaku: poistné a prepúšťacie ventily redukčné ventily sekvenčné ventily odľahčovacie ventily na plnenie akumulátorov Príslušenstvo: elektronické riadiace jednotky V prevedení: jednostupňové (priame riadenie) a dvojstupňové (nepriame riadenie) posúvačovom alebo sedlovom…
Domov Prehľad produktov Mechatronika Prenos krútiaceho momentu Voľnobežné spojky a spätné brzdy Stieber Voľnobežné spojky a spätné brzdy Stieber by Vám chceli predstaviť novinku Uzáver spätného chodu typu RDBR-E od spoločnosti STIEBER je priamo namontovaný na hnacom hriadeli, napr. vysokovýkonných dopravných pásov, pohonov zmiešavacích bubnov a reťazových dopravníkov, keď sa vyžaduje obmedzenie krútiaceho momentu / zdieľanie zaťaženia alebo funkcia uvoľnenia. RDBR-E je vybavený konštrukciou spätného chodu valčekového typu s plne ložiskovou podporovanou multidiskovou brzdou pre funkciu…
Rulli per trasportatori a gravità Rollers for gravity conveyors 73 1 Serie GL GL series Serie 111 111 series Nuovo tipo per applicazioni silenziose New type for noiseless applications Serie GM GM series Serie MPS MPS series Serie PS PS series Rulli guida Guide rollers Esecuzioni tubo a richiesta Tube executions on request 74 78 89 Serie 117 117 series 82 91 94 102 108 110 Serie 119 119 series 98 74 Serie Series GL1 RULLI FOLLI PER TRASPORTO DI COLLI CON CARICHI LEGGERI E MEDI IN AMBIENTI INTERNI NORMALI Sono rulli in acciaio con rotolamento su cuscinetti radiali a sfere schermati e…
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Profile Rail Linear Guides High-Precision Rails and Carriages Produced for Easy Retrofitting into Existing Linear Applications or Designing into New Ones Application Centers Global Design & Engineering CentersGlobal Manufacturing Operations Thomson – the Choice for Optimized Motion Solutions Often the ideal design solution is not about finding the fastest, sturdiest, most accurate or even the least expensive option. Rather, the ideal solution is the optimal balance of perfor- mance, life and cost. The Best Positioned Supplier of Mechanical Motion Technology Thomson has…
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165 Pressure Transmitters and Transducers 1 ESI Technology Ltd THE WORLDWIDE SPECIALIST FOR CUSTOMISED HIGH PRECISION PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS & TRANSMITTERS For decades, ESI Technology with headquarters in Wrexham, UK, has served its customers with consistent product development, special engineered solutions and outstanding technical service and sales support. In 2009 ESI Technology Ltd was acquired by SUCO. By forming part of a bigger organisation, yet keeping its own independence, ESI has gained the strength to expand its sales efforts and services world-wide. ESI Technology has become one of…
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165 Pressure Transmitters and Transducers 1 ESI Technology Ltd THE WORLDWIDE SPECIALIST FOR CUSTOMISED HIGH PRECISION PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS & TRANSMITTERS For decades, ESI Technology with headquarters in Wrexham, UK, has served its customers with consistent product development, special engineered solutions and outstanding technical service and sales support. In 2009 ESI Technology Ltd was acquired by SUCO. By forming part of a bigger organisation, yet keeping its own independence, ESI has gained the strength to expand its sales efforts and services world-wide. ESI Technology has become one of…
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LINEA STAMPATA PRESSED LINE Martin Levelling Components Made in Italy ST A M PA TI PAG. 274 ACCIAIO ZINCATOZINC PLATED PAG. 280 INOXSTAINLESS STEEL 274 CODICE - CODE Standard Standard Antiscivolo Antislip DIMENSIONI PRINCIPALI - MAIN DIMENSIONSdescrizione description CARICO STATICO STATIC LOAD NEWTON DIMENSIONI PRINCIPALI - MAIN DIMENSIONSdescrizione description CARICO STATICO STATIC LOAD NEWTON 15760 15760/G M16X150 3 150 29 13 M16 11 179 182 20000 15762 15762/G M16X200 3 200 29 13 M16 11 229 232 20000 15764 15764/G M20X150 3 150 32 17 M20 11 182 185 20000 15766 15766/G M20X200 3 200 32 17…
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106 Horisontal spænder. Force-pressure-hold. Horizontal clamps. Force-pressure-hold. Spænder, horisontal sidemontage. Force-pressure-hold. Side horizontal clamp. Force-pressure-hold. Varenr. Item no. Vægt Weight F daN F1 daN F2 daN A A1 A2 A3 B B1 B2 C ØD G H H1 H2 L L1 L2 M N O α 58.901 0,09 90 25 6 13,3 25 5,7 - 21,5 32 15,6 - - 2 36 10 21 121 41 15-30 M5x30 4,9 5 90° 58.902 0,19 130 35 9 26 37 5,2 13,7 28,2 39 20,6 5 4,8 2,5 46 13 26 163 61 22-50 M6x35 5,5 6 90° 58.012 0,27 150 55 9 26 42 7,9 - 38 50 20,3 - - 3 51 14 29 186 57 17-44 M6x40 6,1 6 90° 58.903 0,4 210 60 12 25,7 40 7,6 12,9 30,3…
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Referenced at: MADE IN ITALY MADE IN ITALY LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT Catalogue 01/2022 Service Our company is able to offer to all our customers items of high quality and availability. It has a modern and innovative equipment of project, a lot of machines with a huge productive potential, a wide range of stamps, manufacturing cycles, tools, test and assemby machinery. Our customers represent the most important patrimony of MECLUBE. We are convinced that people make the difference, and we are at their disposal to start a relationship of growth and innovation, always having in mind the only…
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ACCESSORI INOX STAINLESS STEEL ACCESSORIES Martin Levelling Components Made in Italy M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP69K A CC ES SO RI M a rt in L e ve llin g Com p o n e n tsIP67 PAG. 198 SNODO PER CONSOLE STAINLESS STEEL ROTATING MOUNTING BRACKET PAG. 199 ACCESSORI INOXSTAINLESS STEEL ACCESSORIES PAG. 219 SUPPORTI INOX STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORTS 198 Caratteristiche: Snodo per console in acciaio inossidabile con guarnizione di tenuta, rotazione 90°, 180°, 270°, 360° Features: Steel Rotating Mounting Bracket with EPDM blue Gasket, Rotation 90°, 180°, 270°, 360° Rotazione 90° - 180° -…
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