14 101/318 ED 1/10 RV1D VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT VANE PUMPS WITH DIRECT PRESSURE ADJUSTER SERIES 10 OPERATING PRINCIPLE — The RV1D pumps are variable displacement vane pumps with mechanical pressure compensator. — The pressure compensator keeps the cam ring of the pumping group in the eccentric position with use of an adjustable load spring. When the delivery pressure equals the pressure corresponding to the spring setting, the cam ring is moved toward the center instantaneously, adjusting the flow rate to the values required by the plant. — Energy consumption is reduced and adequate in every…
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14 101/318 ED 1/10 RV1D VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT VANE PUMPS WITH DIRECT PRESSURE ADJUSTER SERIES 10 OPERATING PRINCIPLE — The RV1D pumps are variable displacement vane pumps with mechanical pressure compensator. — The pressure compensator keeps the cam ring of the pumping group in the eccentric position with use of an adjustable load spring. When the delivery pressure equals the pressure corresponding to the spring setting, the cam ring is moved toward the center instantaneously, adjusting the flow rate to the values required by the plant. — Energy consumption is reduced and adequate in every…
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TKNHD 1) TKNHT 1) nmax d1;d2 3) min d1;d2 3) max C1 / C2 E H3 D1 L2 L nSc XSX Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 82 750 1050 3600 38 60 55 10,5 10,5 116 10 120,5 6 98 1350 1750 3600 50 70 60 12 12 140,5 11 132 6 118 2400 3000 3600 50 75 75 13 13 166,5 12 163 6 141 4000 5200 3400 65 95 90 15 15 198,5 14 195 6 169 6500 8500 3000 65 105 125 21 21 238 16 271 6 205 21000 26000 2500 95 145 160 28 28 295 22 348 8 254 36000 44000 2100 95 160 200 32,5 32,5 345 26 432,5 8 E d 2d 1DD 1 L8 L8 L L2 H3 C1 C2 Tech Paper Partner for Performance 08.2021EN www.ringfeder.com 1 Steel Disc Couplings RINGFEDER®…
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136 PA, Sort Black PA = Nylon PA6 GFR30 Zinkstøbt, rå Zinc cast, raw Zinkstøbt, sort Zinc die, black coated Zinkstøbt, forkromet Zinc die, chrome plated Med huller With holes 56.3012-100 56.3011-200 Med huller With holes 56.3012-100S 56.3011-210S 56.3011-220S Med bolte With bolts 56.3011-201 56.3011-211S 56.3011-221 En side med huller, en side med bolt One side with holes, one side with bolt 56.3011-205 56.3011-215 56.3011-225 PA, Sort Black PA = Nylon PA6 GFR30 Zinkstøbt, rå Zinc cast, raw Zinkstøbt, sort Zinc die, black coated Zinkstøbt, forkromet Zinc die, chrome plated Med huller With…
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www.hydrocontrol-inc.com HYDRONEWS DVS14 Nuovo Distributore Componibile New Sectional Valve Informazione Tecnica Technical Information TI.001.00.15 INFORMAZIONE TECNICA TECHNICAL INFORMATION HYDRONEWS IT.001.00.15 1HYDROCONTROL MEMBER OF INTERPUMP GROUP DVS14 Nuovo Distributore Componibile New Sectional valve Il distributore DVS14 è il nuovo distributore componibile da 80 l/min di Hydrocontrol, dotato di comandi elettroidraulici inte- grati. Il nuovo prodotto è ottimale per le più svariate applicazioni: gru da camion, pale, terne, compattatori, scarrabili, macchine di perforazione, carrelli,…
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21 SUCO Antr iebstechnik Elektromagnetkupplungen und -bremsen Individuallösungen Fliehkraftkupplungen und -bremsen Produktkatalog Antriebstechnik 3. Ausgabe, März 2019, © Inhalte und Design sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Artikelnummer: 1-0-00-999-131 Nachdruck und Vervielfältigung nur mit Genemigung des Herausgebers 2 1 Willkommen bei SUCO Das erwartet Sie auf den nächsten Seiten: SUCO PRESSOSTATS MÉCANIQUES TRANSMETTEURS DE PRESSION SUCO SUCO – ein weltweit agierender Spezialist für Antriebstechnik SUCO – eine Erfolgsgeschichte SUCO – ein Produktionsstandort mit Zukunft SUCO weltweit –…
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Symbol Ekvivalentní symbol SL2H-CP3/H2I12 1 1/16-12 UN Qmax 120 l/min (32 GPM) pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) SL2H-CP3/H2I12* SL2H-CP3/2I12*D05* Tlakový stupeň 6 200 20 bar (290 PSI) 5 140 14 bar (203 PSI) 4 100 10 bar (145 PSI) 3 060 6,0 bar (87 PSI) 2 030 3,0 bar (44 PSI) 1 005 0,5 bar (7 PSI) Symbol Ekvivalentní symbol Změny vyhrazeny · SL2H-CP3/H2I12_5089_1cz_04/2024 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com Vestavný logický ventil, šoupátkový, v základní poloze zavřený Technické parametry Technická data Charakteristiky měřeno při ν = 32 mm2/s (156 SUS) Objemový průtok Q [l/min (GPM)] Tl ak ov á zt rá ta Δ p…
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SD6H-AY3 3/4-16 UNF • Qmax 30 l/min (8 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) Y 3 2 1 3 2Y 3 2 1 1 Y 1 Změny vyhrazeny · SD6H-AY3_4052_1cz_01/2024 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 2/2 vestavný hydraulicky ovládaný rozváděč Ventil je určen k rozvádění pracovní hydraulické kapaliny pomocí šoupátka, které se posouvá v ocelovém pouzdru působením tlaku kapaliny na čelní plochu (1). Tlak, potřebný k přestavení šoupátka, se nastavuje stlačením pružiny pomocí nastavovacího šroubu. Bodový přenos síly pružiny na čelní plochu šoupátka pomocí kalené kuličky eliminuje působení radiálních sil a příčení šoupátka v…
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RW-COUPLINGS.COM 1 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR R+W METAL BELLOWS COUPLINGS MODELS BK / MK GENERAL FUNCTIONING Please carefully and completely read the following installation, operation and maintenance procedures for the R+W safety couplings. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in poor performance and/or failure of the bellows coupling. Installation of the bellows couplings should be performed by a qualified technician. Additional information can be found in the individual product catalog, BK / MK. TRANSPORT R+W bellows couplings are delivered ready for…
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MODEL LP1 2x Hub with keyway 6x Bushing 6x Screw (ISO 4762) 6x Ring 6x Nut (ISO 4032) 2x Set screw (ISO 4029) Disc pack INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR R+W DISC PACK COUPLINGS: SERIES LP coupling while it is rotating. Make sure the machine is “locked out” and cannot be accidentally started during installation or maintenance of the coupling. Please pay attention to important notes / Safety warning MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION According to EG guidelines for machinery 2006/42/EG, Ap- pendix IIB. As per machinery guidelines (MR), shaft couplings are not considered machines, but rather…
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