Umschaltfilter VS87-1 Mit leichtgängiger Ventilumschaltung, Nenndruck bis 16 bar Anschlussgrößen: DN 100 bis DN 250, Gusskonstruktion 1. Kurzdarstellung Leistungsfähige, kontinuierliche Filtration Anwendung in Schifffahrt und Industrie Unterstützung des rationellen Ablaufs von Produktions- prozessen durch kontinuierliche Filtration Effiziente Filtration durch unterbrechungsfreien Betrieb Ausgereifte Technik und robuste Konstruktion Geringer Platzbedarf durch kompakte Bauweise Hohe Differenzdruckstabilität (bis zu 5 bar → konkurrenzlos) und Schmutzaufnahmekapazität der Elemente Filterfeinheiten…
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207 T-strop. Materiale: NR. Længde: 150 mm T-strap. Material: NR. Length: 150 mm T-stige. Materiale: NR. Længde: 250 mm T-strap. Material: NR. Length: 250 mm T-stige med 2 huller. Materiale: Hvid EPDM. Længde: 160 mm Strap with 2 holes. White EPDM. Length: 160 mm T-stige med to huller. Materiale: NR. Længde: 160 mm Strap with two holes. Material: NR. Length: 160 mm 160160 T-stige med tre huller. Materiale: NR. Længde: 285 mm Strap with three holes. Material: NR. Length: 285 mm Gummistrop, kombi. Materiale: EPDM. Længde: 360 mm Rubber strap, combi. Material: EPDM. Length: 360 mm. Gummistrop,…
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83 100/121 ED 1/8 — The DSE2 valve is a proportional directional valve, direct operated, with ports in compliance with ISO 4401-02 standards. — It is suitable for directional and speed control of hydraulic actuators. — Valve opening and hence flow rate can be modulated continuously in proportion to the current supplied to the solenoid. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or combined with an external electronic card to maximize the valve performances (see point 11). — Boot and knob manual overrides are available. DSE2 PROPORTIONAL DIRECTIONAL VALVE SERIES 10…
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187 Rulli per curve Rollers for curves 3 Serie KRF: conici folli KRF Series: idle tapered rollers Serie KRO: conici folli KRO Series: idle tapered rollers Serie KRM/S2: conici comandati KRM/S2 Series: driven tapered rollers Serie KRM/S3: conici comandati KRM/S3 Series: driven tapered rollers Serie KRO: conici comandati KRO Series: driven tapered rollers Criteri di progettazione Design criteria Rulli folli doppi per curve Double idle rollers for curves 188 190 194 196 198 200 193 188 Serie Series KRF3 RULLI CONICI FOLLI IN ACCIAIO I rulli conici KRF sono stati progettati per realiz - zare curve…
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R-SMART SERIES Data sheet - rev. 1.0 ACTUATORS AND SYSTEMS R-SMART SERIES | Data sheet myRollon MyRollon is your digital working platform for line- ar guides, telescopic slides, actuators and actuator systems. With myRollon, it is possible to determine the best linear motion solution according to our application specifications. SCAN ME! 2 R-SMART SERIES | Data sheet Index Ordering key 4 Features and advantages 5 R-SMART SERIES Components and dimensions 6 Standard vertical…
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Say hello to innovation! The new Ex-Valves 2.0 series brings solid enclosure coils, transforming safety measures in explosive environments. With compact design, flexible cable connections and impressive hydraulic power, these valves are a game-changer across industries. Let us explore the future of safety tech! NEW PRODUCT LINE OF EX-VALVES WITH A 2.0 COIL TECHNICAL ARTICLE T he fundamental difference in the new series of valves for potential explosive atmospheres lies in the method used to protect the electromagnetic coil. While the original series has the coil protected by potting compound…
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Niederdruckfilter Pi 1500 Nenndruck 10/25 bar, bis Nenngröße 600 Filterelemente nach DIN 24550 1. Kurzdarstellung - - Leistungsfähige Filter für moderne Hydraulikanlagen - Vorgesehen zum Einbau in Rohrleitungen Baukastensystem für optimale Filterauswahl Geringer Platzbedarf durch kompakte Bauweise Minimaler Druckverlust durch strömungsgünstige Gestaltung der Bauteile Optische/elektrische/elektronische Wartungsanzeige Ausführung mit Gewindeanschlüssen Servicefreundliche Handhabung Ausgestattet mit hocheffizienten PS Filterelementen Garantierte Abscheideraten gemäß Multipass-Test nach ISO 16889…
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Services Riduttori e motoriduttori Gear reducers and gearmotors Istruzioni d'uso Operating instructions UTD.045.06-2013.00_IT_EN IT EN 3RossiIstruzioni d'uso − UTD.045.06-2013.00_IT_EN Indice 1 - Avvertenze generali sulla sicurezza 3 2 - Condizioni di impiego 3 3 - Stato di fornitura 3 3.1 - Ricevimento 3 3.2 - Targa di identificazione 3 3.3 - Verniciatura 3 3.4 - Protezioni e imballo 4 4 - Immagazzinamento 4 5 - Installazione 4 5.1 - Generalità 4 5.2 - Montaggio di organi sulle estremità d’albero 5 5.3 - Fissaggio pendolare 5 5.4 - Albero lento cavo 5 5.5 - Dispositivo antiretro 8 5.6 - Unità…
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ASO GmbH Produktkatalog 2021 Product Catalogue 2021 Safety, Sensors & Controls Gültig ab 3. Juni 2021 Valid from 3. June 2021 2 32 3 INHALT | CONTENTS ASO Produktmarken ASO Product Brands ASO Sicherheitskontaktleisten ASO Safety Contact Edges ASO Sicherheitskontaktpuffer ASO Safety Contact Bumpers ASO Sicherheitskontaktmatten ASO Safety Contact Mats ASO Lichtgitter ASO Light Curtains ASO Sicherheitsschaltgeräte ASO Safety Relays 8 Bestellschlüssel Order Key 9 Beschreibung SENTIR edge Description SENTIR edge 10–29 SENTIR edge Serie SENTIR edge Series 30–35 Kontaktstecker KS Contact Plug KS…
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Technical Information Counterbalance Valve Systems for H1B Motors in Open Circuits Revision history Table of revisions Date Changed Rev April 2023 Added DN32B 0102 October 2022 First edition 0101 Technical Information Counterbalance valve systems for H1B motors in OC 2 | © Danfoss | April 2023 BC428678672746en-000102 General information Function of the counterbalance valve......................................................................................................................................4 Theory of…
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