Tube Connectors Assembly Tools and Devices Catalogue 2 STAUFF Connect Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this product catalogue are approximate values and are only valid as references, which are not binding (also in respect to any third parties’ rights of protection) and thus do not release the customer / user from checking and testing the suitability of the products for the foreseen purposes. Therefore, data and figures can only be used in a limited sense for construction purposes. The application of the products is beyond the control possibilities of the…
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Tube Connectors Assembly Tools and Devices Catalogue 2 STAUFF Connect Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this product catalogue are approximate values and are only valid as references, which are not binding (also in respect to any third parties’ rights of protection) and thus do not release the customer / user from checking and testing the suitability of the products for the foreseen purposes. Therefore, data and figures can only be used in a limited sense for construction purposes. The application of the products is beyond the control possibilities of the…
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A l t r a M o t i o n Service Disc Brake for high performance braking The electromagnetic disc brake type 3CA2 belongs to the CA2 SIME Brakes range. This fail-safe brake is spring-applied and electromagnetically released. It is equipped with an automatic wear compensation, ensuring a constant torque whatever the wear of the lining pads. The CA2 disc brake range was initially designed to equip iron and steel cranes with heavy actuations, ensuring safety and reliability for dynamic braking. Today, these brakes answer the contraints of high- performance braking, whatever the application or…
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81 515/121 ED 1/8 — ZDE3K* are direct operated pressure reducing valves, with electric proportional control, with ISO 4401-03 mounting surface. — They are compliant with ATEX, IECEx, INMETRO or PESO requirements and are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, for surface plants or mines. — A low temperature version (up to - 40 °C) is also available. — The valves are used to reduce pressure in the secondary circuit branches thus ensuring stability of controlled pressure in the event of variations of the flow rate through the valve. — ZDE3K* valves are supplied with a finishing…
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A l t r a M o t i o n SIME Brakes Braking Systems Overview 2 P-8313-SG-A4 | BRC10102-01-H 12/19 S I M E B r a k e s | I n d u s t r i a l B r a k i n g S y s t e m s w w w . s t r o m a g . c o m Stromag is a world leading manufacturer of industrial brakes. Constant attention to evolving needs and its effort to focus its product development on quality and innovation allow our company to meet global supply requirements with standard or fully customised braking systems solutions. At Stromag, the accent is placed firmly upon research and innovation. That is why every year, the…
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Technology driving the best results WEGscan Motors Energy | Automation | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings Technology driving the best results Good results are achieved with technological intelligence. Therefore, we developed the WEGscan, which meets the needs of companies and industries with maximum precision and reliability. Modular, versatile and multipurpose, the sensor can be coupled to different types of equipment and assets, automatically collecting data and performing online monitoring. ▪ Remote operation for update, measurement and setup ▪ Integrated with WEG digital…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag Storm Brakes VISIT US ON THE WEB AT STROMAG.COM Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of hydraulically, pneumatically, and…
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Umschaltfilter UG54 Mit Küken-Umschaltung, Nenndruck bis 10 bar Anschlussgrößen: DN 20 bis DN 80, Gusskonstruktion 1. Kurzdarstellung Leistungsfähige, kontinuierliche Filtration für Anlagen Anwendung in Schifffahrt und Industrie Unterstützung des rationellen Ablaufs von Produktions- prozessen durch kontinuierliche Filtration Ausgereifte Technik und robuste Konstruktion Geringer Platzbedarf durch kompakte Bauweise Minimaler Druckverlust durch strömungsgünstige Gestaltung der Bauteile Hohe Differenzdruckstabilität und Schmutzaufnahme- kapazität des Filterelementes Filterfeinheiten von 25 – 5000…
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© 2024 Sun Hydraulics1 Rev. 2024-10-02a For detailed specifications visit New Product Announcement! Model: FXDC Fixed-Orifice, Pressure Compensated Flow Control Valve © 2024 Sun Hydraulics2 Rev. 2024-10-02a Cartridge Symbol and Dimensional Drawing FXDC Technical Features Fixed-orifice, pressure-compensated flow controls provide precise flow regulation for meter-in or meter-out applications where there may be wide pressure fluctuations. • Customer must select a nominal flow setting range from the available options. Factory flow settings are…
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© 2024 Sun Hydraulics1 Rev. 2024-10-02a For detailed specifications visit New Product Announcement! Model: FXDC Fixed-Orifice, Pressure Compensated Flow Control Valve © 2024 Sun Hydraulics2 Rev. 2024-10-02a Cartridge Symbol and Dimensional Drawing FXDC Technical Features Fixed-orifice, pressure-compensated flow controls provide precise flow regulation for meter-in or meter-out applications where there may be wide pressure fluctuations. • Customer must select a nominal flow setting range from the available options. Factory flow settings are…
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