www.thomsonlinear.com Electrak® XD Heavy Duty Smart Electric Linear Actuator Designed for the Toughest Applications Ideal for Hydraulic Conversion Opportunities Handles Heavy Loads in Harsh Environments 2 Electrak® XD – The Next Evolution of Electric Actuators Electric linear actuators have come a long way since their origin as basic, slow, medium load pushing-and-pulling devices more than a half century ago. Protection against the elements has greatly improved, integrated controls have added intelligence to their functionality, and life, reliability and performance have all steadily improved.…
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A L T R A I N D U S T R I A L M O T I O N 4 BZFM Brake for Offshore and Marine Application, flood- and seawater-proof Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of…
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Catalogue 1 STAUFF Clamps Block Clamps Light Series Construction Series Metal Clamps Saddle Clamps U-Bolt Clamps Special Clamps Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all data and figures in this product catalogue are approximate values and are only valid as references, which are not binding (also in respect to any third parties’ rights of protection) and thus do not release the customer / user from checking and testing the suitability of the products for the foreseen purposes. Therefore, data and figures can only be used in a limited sense for construction purposes. The application of the…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag Storm Brakes VISIT US ON THE WEB AT STROMAG.COM Stromag Founded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements. Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of hydraulically, pneumatically, and…
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A, E, G, H, EP series ATEX operating instructions 2 Rossi ATEX Operating instructions − UTD.123.04-2018.00_EN 1 - General safety information ..............................................................................................................4 1.1 - Recycling ...................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 - Safety .........................................................................................................................................................4 2 -…
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Stromag Couplings Set Standards A l t r a I n d u s t r i a l M o t i o n The Brands of Altra Industrial Motion Couplings Ameridrives www.ameridrives.com Bibby Turboflex www.bibbyturbofl ex.com Guardian Couplings www.guardiancouplings.com Huco www.huco.com Lamiflex Couplings www.lamifl excouplings.com Stromag www.stromag.com TB Wood’s www.tbwoods.com Geared Cam Limit Switches Stromag www.stromag.com Electric Clutches & Brakes Inertia Dynamics www.idicb.com Matrix www.matrix-international.com Stromag www.stromag.com Warner Electric www.warnerelectric.com Linear Products Warner Linear…
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185 Varenr. Item no. B mm L mm R mm S mm H mm V mm 52.DK1615 410 1.350 430 860 430 60 52.DK1620 450 1.350 430 860 430 60 52.DK1635 500 1.700 550 1.100 540 75 52.DK1640 550 1.700 550 1.100 540 75 52.DK1650 550 1.900 630 1.260 590 75 52.DK1655 600 1.700 545 1.100 540 75 52.DK1665 600 1.900 630 1.260 590 75 52.DK1670 650 1.900 630 1.250 600 75 52.DK1674 405 1.900 650 1.300 590 75 52.DK1675 430 1.900 650 1.300 580 75 52.DK1676 460 1.900 650 1.300 590 75 52.DK1679 405 2.010 650 1.310 640 75 52.DK1680 430 2.125 650 1.300 690 75 52.DK1681 460 2.010 650 1.310 640 75 52.DK1685 670 2.125 670 1.340 680…
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Our newly developed Electromagnetic Fail-Safe Brake This special electromagnetic fail-safe brake combines highest performance on smallest space with best protection against environmental influences up to IP67. This working, holding and emergency stop brake makes your application safe! This new design is based on the current technologies and calculation methods to meet all current requirements. The modular system offers different variations. The high protetcion of each part allows a long lifetime in harsh environments, like offshore or marine. Usable for nearly all kinds of winches, hoists and…
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Niederdruckfilter Pi 1500 Nenndruck 10/25 bar, bis Nenngröße 600 Filterelemente nach DIN 24550 1. Kurzdarstellung - - Leistungsfähige Filter für moderne Hydraulikanlagen - Vorgesehen zum Einbau in Rohrleitungen Baukastensystem für optimale Filterauswahl Geringer Platzbedarf durch kompakte Bauweise Minimaler Druckverlust durch strömungsgünstige Gestaltung der Bauteile Optische/elektrische/elektronische Wartungsanzeige Ausführung mit Gewindeanschlüssen Servicefreundliche Handhabung Ausgestattet mit hocheffizienten PS Filterelementen Garantierte Abscheideraten gemäß Multipass-Test nach ISO 16889…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag Storm Brakes Altra Motion www.stromag.com P-XXXX-XX-A4 X/XX The Brands of Altra Motion Couplings Ameridrives www.ameridrives.com Bibby Turbofl ex www.bibbyturbofl ex.com Guardian Couplings www.guardiancouplings.com Huco www.huco.com Lamifl ex Couplings www.lamifl excouplings.com Stromag www.stromag.com TB Wood’s www.tbwoods.com Linear Systems Thomson www.thomsonlinear.com Geared Cam Limit Switches Stromag www.stromag.com Engineered Bearing Assemblies Kilian www.kilianbearings.com Electric Clutches & Brakes Matrix www.matrix-international.com Stromag…
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