43 105/124 ED 1/14 43 105/124 ED KT* SOLENOID OPERATED CARTRIDGE, POPPET TYPE SERIES 1 OPERATING PRINCIPLE — The KT* are 2-port pilot operated poppet valves, actuated by solenoid. They are available in three nominal sizes, in normally closed versions (NC) and in normally open versions (NO). — Single flow, reverse flow and double seal designs are available, with maximum flow rate up to 150 l/min. — KT* valves ensure a low internal leakage, which decreases while the pressure increases. — Coils for DC power supply with standard connection type EN 175301-803 (ex DIN 43650), AMP Junior or DEUTSCH…
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DSPE* PROPORTIONAL DIRECTIONAL VALVES, PILOT OPERATED 83 310/222 ED 1/16 SUBPLATE MOUNTING DSPE5 CETOP P05 DSPE5R ISO 4401-05 DSPE7 ISO 4401-07 DSPE8 ISO 4401-08 DSPE10 ISO 4401-10 DSPE11 ISO 4401-10 oversize ports — The DSPE* are proportional directional control valves with electric proportional control and mounting interface in compliance with ISO 4401 standards. — They are suitable for directional and speed control of hydraulic actuators. — Valve opening and hence flow rate can be modulated continuously in proportion to the current supplied to the solenoid. — The valves can be controlled…
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PRM8-06 Dn 06 (D03) Qmax 140 l/min (37 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) T P B A G 0,75 (0.03) 4xM5-6Hx13 15,5 (0.61) 31,75 (1.25) 5,1 (0.20) 25,9 (1.16) 31 (1.22) 12 ,7 (0 .5 0) 21 ,5 (0 .8 5) 30 ,2 (1 .1 8) 40 ,5 (1 .5 9) ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 Změny vyhrazeny · PRM8-06_5178_4cz_05/2021 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 Nepřímo řízený proporcionální rozváděč › Nepřímo řízený proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč s vysokým hydraulickým výkonem › Montážní obrazec tělesa rozváděče podle normy ISO 4401 (Dn 06), DIN 24340 (CETOP 03) › Ventil je určen pro řízení směru pohybu spotřebiče a plynulé řízení rychlosti…
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PC-Series™ Precision Linear Actuators Optimize Your Machine and Save Energy With Reliable, High Performance, Compact Actuators www.thomsonlinear.com 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Make the Change to Electric Enjoy superior performance and save time and energy Next generation machines and equipment need to be more compact while delivering higher performance and more flexibility. Making the change from pneumatic cylinders to electric actuators can simplify your design and deliver savings at the same time. Estimate Your Annual Energy Savings Visit www.thomsonlinear.com/pc_calc to see how much you could…
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E d 2d 1 L8 DD 1 L8L2 H3 L C1 C2 TKNHD 1) TKNHT 1) nmax 2) d1;d2 3) min d1;d2 3) max C1 / C2 E 5) H3 D1 L2 L nSc L8 XDX Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 100 210 82 750 1050 3600 38 60 55 140 10,5 116 10 250 6 4 180 290 100 220 98 1350 1750 3600 50 70 60 140 12 140,5 11 260 6 5,3 180 300 100 250 118 2400 3000 3600 50 75 75 140 13 166,5 12 290 6 5,3 180 330 141 4000 5200 3400 65 95 90 140 15 198,5 14 320 6 7,5 180 360 140 390 169 6500 8500 3000 65 105 125 180 21 238 16 430 6 10 250 500 205 21000 26000 2500 95 145 160 200 28 295 22 520 8 10 250 570 224 624 254 36000 44000 2100 94 160 200…
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www.hydrocontrol-inc.com HYDRONEWS Informazione Tecnica Technical Information TI.002.00.15 SK8 Distributore Monoblocco per Skid Steer Loader New Monoblock Valve for Skid Steer Loader INFORMAZIONE TECNICA TECHNICAL INFORMATION HYDRONEWS IT.002.00.15 1HYDROCONTROL MEMBER OF INTERPUMP GROUP SK8 Distributore Monoblocco per Skid Steer Loader Monoblock Valve for Skid Steer Loader SK8 è una famiglia di valvole di controllo direzionale concepite specificamente per Skid Steer Loader. Il circuito è composto da tre sezioni, connesse tramite un circuito serie: 1) Sezione braccio (boom): la prima sezione,…
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187 Rulli per curve Rollers for curves 3 Serie KRF: conici folli KRF Series: idle tapered rollers Serie KRO: conici folli KRO Series: idle tapered rollers Serie KRM/S2: conici comandati KRM/S2 Series: driven tapered rollers Serie KRM/S3: conici comandati KRM/S3 Series: driven tapered rollers Serie KRO: conici comandati KRO Series: driven tapered rollers Criteri di progettazione Design criteria Rulli folli doppi per curve Double idle rollers for curves 188 190 194 196 198 200 193 188 Serie Series KRF3 RULLI CONICI FOLLI IN ACCIAIO I rulli conici KRF sono stati progettati per realiz - zare curve…
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For more than 40 years, Danfoss has been developing state-of-the-art components and systems for mobile machinery used in off-highway operations around the world. We have become a preferred supplier by offering the best of what really matters: The hardware inside your vehicle application. The H1 range is built around an advanced control and available in a wide range of displacements. It is designed for quality and reliability and offers expanded functionality, greater total efficiency, and easy installation. All H1 control and sensor options are PLUS+1® Compliant. PLUS+1® allows you to rapidly…
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Herderstraat 4 Industriepark Zuid B-8700 Tielt T. +32 (0)51 403 806 F. +32 (0)51 401 567 O.N. 0 405 233 534 info@vulkoprin.be www.vulkoprin.be INDUS POLYAMID • INDYS NYLON PL • PL SEPARATES RAD • SINGLE WHEEL 90 5 5.1 5.1.1 0 1 /0 7 /2 0 1 7 IND US POLYAMID 515/01/2014INDYS NYLON PL 5.1PL5.1.1SEPARA TES RA DSINGLE WHEEL Rad in hochwertigem Polyamid PA6: Farbe weiß, hohe Abriebfestigkeit, stoß- und schlagfest - mit Gleitlager. Wheel in high quality polyamide PA6: colour white, high wear resistance, shock- and impact resistant - on plain bearing. i Y U X 1 z h V T a 21# • #21.8# • #21.8.27# • #…
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L L2 EI1 H3 C1 C2 d 2d 1D 4 D 1 SD E SB TKNHD 1) TKNHT 1) nmax 2) dpre 3) d1k;d2k max 4) C1 / C2 EI1 E 5) H3 D1 D4 L2 L SB SD nSc VDV Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 47 170 230 8400 10 25 33 4 60 7,5 70,5 37 5 70 11 24 6 39,5 31 100 110 63 320 420 6800 14 32 41 4 70 9 88 48 8 86 14 32 6 45 6 80 96 82 750 1050 5400 15 44 55 10 100 10,5 116 64 10 120 16 40 6 55 50 140 160 98 1350 1750 4600 19 50 59 4 100 12 140,5 77 11 122 19 47 6 60 42 140 162 118 2400 3000 3800 25 60 60 4 100 13 166,5 90,5 12 124 21 55 6 75 14 140 164 141 4000 5200 3400 30 75 81 6 140 15 198,5 114 14 168 23 64…
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