81 510/217 ED 1/6 — ZDE3 valves are direct operated pressure reducing valves with electric proportional control, with mounting interface in compliance with ISO 4401 standards. — These valves are used to reduce pressure in the secondary circuit branches thus ensuring stability of controlled pressure in the event of variations of the flow rate through the valve. — The valve can be controlled directly by a current control supply unit or by means of the relative electronic control units to exploit valve performance to the full (see par. 10). ZDE3 DIRECT OPERATED PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WITH…
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83 Sort PVC dørholder. Han-del. Europæisk kvalitet. Black PVC door retainer. Male part. European quality. Gummidørholder. Hun-del. Europæisk kvalitet. Rubber door retainer. Female part. European quality. Rustfri tap for dørholder. Indvendig og udvendig udløser. Til 22.661R og 22.662R. Stainless tap for door retainer. External and internal release. PVC body. For 22.661R and 22.662R. Dørholder med udvendig udløser. Hun-del. Metal med PVC kappe. Door retainer with external release. Female part. Metal with PVC body. Hård sort gummidørholder. Hun-del. Med 7 mm montagehul. Hard black rubber door…
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SR1A-CA2 1-1/16-12 UN • Qmax 120 l/min (32 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) P T T P ( 17 )2 6 (2901) ( 26)7 (5076) (5802) (3626) (4351) 100 50 300 400 (5.3) (10.6) (15.9) (2 .1)1 (26.4) (3 .7)1 20 40 60 80 100 120 350 ( 51)14 150 200 250 5 4 3 1 2 Změny vyhrazeny · SR1A-CA2_5077_1cz_10/2024 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com Vestavný tlakový přepouštěcí ventil, přímo řízený Technické parametry Popis funkce Technická data Charakteristiky měřeno při ν = 32 mm2/s (156 SUS) Pojistný tlak v závislosti na objemovém průtoku Tl ak p [b ar (P SI )] Objemový průtok Q [l/min (GPM)] Symbol › Vysoký objemový průtok…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Precision Ball Splines Robust Rotary and Linear Motion Integration for High-Precision Applications 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Multi-Motion Performance and Stability As automation spreads farther and wider into the industrial sector, the need for flexible solutions that address multi-axis motion exponentially grows. Thomson precision ball splines meet the demands of this trend by offering nearly friction- free linear and rotary motion integrated on a single shaft. Merging Motions Thanks to a design that incorporates one or more linear grooves that guide balls along the shaft,…
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43 105/124 ED 1/14 43 105/124 ED KT* SOLENOID OPERATED CARTRIDGE, POPPET TYPE SERIES 1 OPERATING PRINCIPLE — The KT* are 2-port pilot operated poppet valves, actuated by solenoid. They are available in three nominal sizes, in normally closed versions (NC) and in normally open versions (NO). — Single flow, reverse flow and double seal designs are available, with maximum flow rate up to 150 l/min. — KT* valves ensure a low internal leakage, which decreases while the pressure increases. — Coils for DC power supply with standard connection type EN 175301-803 (ex DIN 43650), AMP Junior or DEUTSCH…
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For more than 40 years, Danfoss has been developing state-of-the-art components and systems for mobile machinery used in off-highway operations around the world. We have become a preferred supplier by offering the best of what really matters: The hardware inside your vehicle application. The H1 range is built around an advanced control and available in a wide range of displacements. It is designed for quality and reliability and offers expanded functionality, greater total efficiency, and easy installation. All H1 control and sensor options are PLUS+1® Compliant. PLUS+1® allows you to rapidly…
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MinimessXtreme® Pressure Technisches Datenblatt Technical data sheet Seite 1/8 Rev. 00 • 2020-10-22 © Hydrotechnik GmbH Holzheimer Str. 94-96 • D-65549 Limburg MinimessXtreme-Pressure_TED_ML2 Alle Rechte vorbehalten • All rights reserved www.hydrotechnik.com MinimessXtreme® Pressure Testpunkte und Zubehör / Test points and equipment MinimessXtreme® Pressure Test- punkte sind mechanisch entsperr- bare Rückschlagventile. Sie dienen als Systemzugang für Analyseaufga- ben und Untersuchungen in Kreis- läufen mit flüssigen oder gasförmi- gen Medien und können bei Be- triebsdrücken von 1.000 bar und…
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MinimessXtreme® Pressure Technisches Datenblatt Technical data sheet Seite 1/8 Rev. 00 • 2020-10-22 © Hydrotechnik GmbH Holzheimer Str. 94-96 • D-65549 Limburg MinimessXtreme-Pressure_TED_ML2 Alle Rechte vorbehalten • All rights reserved www.hydrotechnik.com MinimessXtreme® Pressure Testpunkte und Zubehör / Test points and equipment MinimessXtreme® Pressure Test- punkte sind mechanisch entsperr- bare Rückschlagventile. Sie dienen als Systemzugang für Analyseaufga- ben und Untersuchungen in Kreis- läufen mit flüssigen oder gasförmi- gen Medien und können bei Be- triebsdrücken von 1.000 bar und…
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E-SMART Data sheet - rev. 1.0 rollon.com ACTUATORS AND SYSTEMS https://rollon.com/ E-SMART SERIES | Data sheet rollon.comrollon.com myRollon MyRollon is your digital working platform for line- ar guides, telescopic slides, actuators and actuator systems. With myRollon, it is possible to determine the best linear motion solution according to our application specifications. SCAN ME! 2 https://rollon.com/ https://my.rollon.com/uk/en Ordering key 4 Features and advantages 5 Components and dimensions 6 Accessories 14 Use and maintenance 19 E-SMART SERIES | Data sheet rollon.comrollon.com Index 3…
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41 430/123 ED 1/14 41 430/123 ED — The DSP8 are 4-ports directional valves, pilot operated, solenoid actuated, with mounting surface according to ISO 4401-08 standards. — DSC8 are the hydraulic actuated versions. — A high pressure version (H) is available. — These valves are available with different spool types (see points 2 and 3), with some options for the opening control. — They are available also with zinc-nickel surface treatments, that ensure a salt spray resistance up to 600 hours. MOUNTING INTERFACE DSP8 DSP8H Maximum operating pressure - ports P - A - B - port T (external drainage) -…
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