C1 C1 L L2 LDD E D 1 D 2 d 1 D 2 d 2 d b e EE nSc×DG • LSc TKN TKmax nmax d1kmax d2kmax D1 D2 C1 L L2 Nm Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm WS0710 100 130 390 7250 45 45 105 65 49 150 37,5 WS0712 125 250 750 6000 55 55 126 80 56 170 42,5 WS0714 145 400 1200 5250 65 65 145 92 60,5 189 44 WS0717 170 630 1900 4500 75 75 170 110 74,5 217 58 WS0720 200 1100 3300 3750 95 95 200 135 98,5 274 82 WS0723 230 1700 5150 3250 110 110 230 160 110 301 90 WS0726 260 2650 7950 3000 125 125 260 180 112,5 321 88 WS0730 300 3900 11700 2500 140 140 300 200 131,5 376 105 WS0736 360 6500 19500 2150 160 160 360 225 172…
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For more than 40 years, Danfoss has been developing state-of-the-art components and systems for mobile machinery used in off-highway operations around the world. We have become a preferred supplier by offering the best of what really matters: The hardware inside your vehicle application. The H1 range is built around an advanced control and available in a wide range of displacements. It is designed for quality and reliability and offers expanded functionality, greater total efficiency, and easy installation. All H1 control and sensor options are PLUS+1® Compliant. PLUS+1® allows you to rapidly…
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118 Poleret rustfrit sidedørshængsel, 180°. Godstykkelse: 2,5 mm. Polished stainless hinge. Thickness: 2,5 mm. 103,85 Rustfrit bladhængsel. Speciel flad udførelse. Stainless flap hinge. Special flat model. 130,5 Flad rustfrit hængsel. Flat stainless hinge. Poleret rustfrit bladhængsel. Polished stainless flap hinge. Rustfrit hængsel. Alternativ evt.: 50.DL1110. Stainless hinge. Optionally use: 50.DL1110. Rustfrit bladhængsel. Stainless flap hinge. Krøbt rustfrit hængsel. Alternativ evt.: 20.40245. Stainless cranked hinge. Optionally use: 20.40245. Rustfrit forkrøbbet hængsel. Stainless cranked…
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0 15 20 25 30 100 150 50 300 200 250 5 01 (5.3) (6.6)(1.3) (4.5)(2.6) (7.9) (1450) (730) (2180) (2900) (3630) (4350) 400 350(5080) (5800) 1 2 0 15 20 25 30 10 15 5 30 20 25 5 10 3 2 4 1 (1.3) (145) (73) (218) (290) (363) (435) (2.6) (4.5) (5.3) (6.6) (7.9) 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1S1 S2S1 S2 SD2E-A4/H3 3/4-16 UNF • Qmax 30 l/min (8 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) 4 3 (P) 2 1(T) S1 S2 Změny vyhrazeny · SD2E-A4_H3_4097_1cz_03/2022 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com 4/3 elektromagneticky ovládaný vestavný šoupátkový rozváděč Čtyřcestný třípolohový šoupátkový rozváděč s připojovacím závitem 3/4-16 UNF ovládaný…
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ORDERING EXAMPLE DISC PACK COUPLINGS THE COUPLING. RW-COUPLINGS.COM 1 ORDERING EXAMPLE LP1 700 D 154 25 57.15 XX Model Special designation only (e.g. special bore diameter tolerances, balancing, etc.). Contact R+W for more information Size Type (S or D) Overall length (mm) Bore diameter Ø D1 H7 Bore diameter Ø D2 H7 For custom features place an XX at the end of the part number and describe the special requirements (e.g. LP1 / 700 / D / 154 / 25 / 57.15 / XX - balanced for 8,000 rpm) ORDERING EXAMPLE LP2 500 170 25.4 48 XX Model Special designation only (e.g. special bore diameter tolerances,…
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easyE-line linear in-line actuators The flyer is subject to technical alterations and printing mistakes. Bansbach easylift GmbH Barbarossastraße 8 D-73547 Lorch Tel. +49 (0) 7172/9107-0 Fax +49 (0) 7172/9107-44 info@bansbach.de www.bansbach.de 04/2017 Connecting parts „motor side“: FEATURES: - Adjustable start and stop ramp - Adjustable current limit - Continuous-mode, impulse-mode - Easy interfacing to PLC etc. - DIN-rail fittable - Hall sensors not supported TECHNICAL DETAILS: - Supply: 12 or 24 VDC - Over voltage protection: 40 V - Idle current: Approx. 15 mA - Driving current: 10 A…
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185 Varenr. Item no. B mm L mm R mm S mm H mm V mm 52.DK1615 410 1.350 430 860 430 60 52.DK1620 450 1.350 430 860 430 60 52.DK1635 500 1.700 550 1.100 540 75 52.DK1640 550 1.700 550 1.100 540 75 52.DK1650 550 1.900 630 1.260 590 75 52.DK1655 600 1.700 545 1.100 540 75 52.DK1665 600 1.900 630 1.260 590 75 52.DK1670 650 1.900 630 1.250 600 75 52.DK1674 405 1.900 650 1.300 590 75 52.DK1675 430 1.900 650 1.300 580 75 52.DK1676 460 1.900 650 1.300 590 75 52.DK1679 405 2.010 650 1.310 640 75 52.DK1680 430 2.125 650 1.300 690 75 52.DK1681 460 2.010 650 1.310 640 75 52.DK1685 670 2.125 670 1.340 680…
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53 www.elettrotec.com Pagina 1 di 2 Sheet 1 of 223-1-3-01 EPX02 Campo di lavoro -1...0 bar, 0÷0.1 bar, 0 fino a 1000 bar Temperatura media -20°...+80°C (in funzione della guarnizione) Temperatura di lavoro -20°...+80°C (in funzione della guarnizione) Temperatura di stoccaggio -40°...+85°C (in funzione della guarnizione) Uscita segnale corrente 0÷10 V, 4÷20 mA, 0÷5 V, 0÷4.5 V o altri Tipo di interruttore di uscita 2x allarmi PNP o NPN regolabili Tempo di risposta ≤ 4 ms Tensione di alimentazione 10÷30 Vcc Precisione ≤ 0.5% F.S. (standard) Display LED, 4 digits Max. consumo di energia 3 W Vita…
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Široká škála aplikácií: Spojky REELFLEX pokrývajú širokú škálu požiadaviek. K dispozícii sú v 27 rôznych veľkostiach s rozsahom krútiaceho momentu od 5 do 250 000 Nm. Viac informácií...
Model STAUFF SMFS-U-DL dopĺňa sortiment mobilných bypassových filtračných agregátov. Skladá sa z pevného vozíka pre transport a manipuláciu so štandardizovanými sudmi, s maximálnym objemom 200 litrov a hmotnosťou 250 kg.