SUCO Pressure Monitoring Mechanical Pressure Switches Electronic Pressure Switches Pressure Transmitters Sensor Technology Welcome to SUCO What you‘ll see on the following pages: SUCO MECHANICAL PRESSURE SWITCHES ELECTRONIC PRESSURE SWITCHES PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS esi SENSOR TECHNOLOGY SUCO – A leading specialist in pressure monitoring SUCO – A success story SUCO – Prepared for the future General technical explanations Overview of mechanical pressure switches Special technical explanations Selection Matrix – Choose your mechanical pressure switch Product descriptions and order numbers Overview…
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Herderstraat 4 Industriepark Zuid B-8700 Tielt T. +32 (0)51 403 806 F. +32 (0)51 401 567 O.N. 0 405 233 534 TECHNISCHE VORMARTIKELEN • PIECES TECHNIQUES HALFFABRIKATEN • PRODUITS SEMI-FINIS PLATEN PRINTHANE D • PLAQUES PRINTHANE D 1 1 1.1 1.1.1 0 1 /0 7 /2 0 1 7 TECHNISCHE VO RMA RTIKELEN 12016PIECES TECHNIQUESPRODU ITS SEMI -FINISHALFFABR IKATEN 1.11.1. 1PLA TEN PRIN THANE DPLA QUES PRINTHAN E D Plaat in elastische polyurethaan PRINTHANE® D 70°, 80° en 90° Shore A: kleur natuur, heel slijtvast, makkelijk vervormbaar. Feuille élastique en polyuréthane…
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“Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world: it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius” George Sand WHY AIREKA AIREKA is the new brand under which Stima S.p.A. has decided to gather a series of diverse products that share the common feature of being simple and yet innovative solutions to long- standing and complex issues, for which we believe the market does not offer adequate answers. The simplicity is the result of creative work, know-how, and extensive experience that the designers instilled in these products. So, special features make them…
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Referenced at: | www.deublin.euMT 233 DREHDURCHFÜHRUNGEN für Werkzeugmaschinen | Bearbeitungszentren | Transferstraßen DE Werkzeugmaschinen Katalog 2 DEUBLIN Werkzeugmaschinenkatalog 1 Hat die Maschine einen einzelnen Versorgungsanschluss (z.B. Kühlschmiermittel) oder mehrere Versorgungsanschlüsse (z.B. für Kombinationen aus Kühlschmiermittel, Druckluft und Hydrauliköl)? 2 Welches Medium oder Medien müssen durch die Drehdurchführung übertragen werden? 3 Welches ist der maximal benötigte Druck? 4 Wie hoch ist die maximale Spindeldrehzahl? 4 Schritte, die richtige Drehdurchführung für Ihre…
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221 Galvaniseret C-skinne. Længde: 5,8 m. Galvanized C-rail. Length: 5,8 m. Jernrulle med leje. Ø30 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020010. Galvaniseret C-skinne. Længde: 5,8 m. Galvanized C-rail. Length: 5,8 m. Jernrulle med leje. Ø44 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020020. Jernrulle med leje. Ø30 Til skinne 50.020010. Iron roller with bearing. For rail 50.020010. Forniklet messing møtrik. Indv. sekskant. Indvendig M6. Nut, nickle plated brass. Inside thread M6. Galvaniseret træmøtrik med Ø7,5 mm hals. Indslagsmøtrik M6 x 12 mm. 1.000…
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Industrial Disc Brakes R e g a l R e x n o r d Twiflex, with headquarters in Twickenham, England, specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of Advanced Braking Technology for industrial applications. With extensive in-house facilities, Twiflex enjoys a global reputation for quality. Founded in 1946, Twiflex has produced more than half a million brake units, frequently for safety-critical duty, for applications around the world. From textile machines in the north of England to the world’s deepest mine shaft in South Africa, Twiflex brakes are specified by engineers and system designers…
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Industrial Disc Brakes R e g a l R e x n o r d Twiflex, with headquarters in Twickenham, England, specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of Advanced Braking Technology for industrial applications. With extensive in-house facilities, Twiflex enjoys a global reputation for quality. Founded in 1946, Twiflex has produced more than half a million brake units, frequently for safety-critical duty, for applications around the world. From textile machines in the north of England to the world’s deepest mine shaft in South Africa, Twiflex brakes are specified by engineers and system designers…
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PRM6-10 Dn 10 (D05) Qmax 80 l/min (21 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) 13,5(0.53) 24,6(0.97) 39,7(1.56) 46(1.81) 16 ,7 (0 .6 6) 27 (1 .0 6) 37 ,3 (1 .4 7) 50 ,8 (2 ) 54 (2 .1 3) 3, 2( 0. 13 ) 4xM6 -6Hx15+ 1/18-2 TAA B P TB ISO 4401-05-04-0-05 Změny vyhrazeny · PRM6-10_5115_4cz_02/2021 www.argo-hytos.comStrana 1 Proporcionální šoupátkový rozváděč Technické parametry Jmenovitá světlost 10 (D05) Max. provozní tlak v připojovacích otvorech P, A a B bar (PSI) 350 (5080) Maximální provozní tlak v kanálu T bar (PSI) 210 (3050) Rozsah provozní teploty kapaliny (NBR) °C (°F) -30 ... +80 (-22 ... +176)…
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CABLE GLAND BARRIER SERIES UK / Europe / Africa / North America T: +44 (0)141 810 9644 E: Asia / Middle East / South America T: +44 (0)141 810 9666 E: MADE IN BRITAIN H KE -D S- PS G /5 53 /R AC -V 5 Ju ne 2 02 2 PSG 553 RAC Flameproof, Increased Safety, Dust Protection, Restricted Breathing Certified ATEX / IECEx / UKEX Provides an instant barrier seal around the individual cable conductors Accommodates range of conductor diameters in a single seal No punch tool required for seal installation Seals around heat shrunk drain wires Provides armour…
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P O M P E E L E T T R I C H E P E R G R A S S O M o d . D C 1 2 V “ M e c - G r e a s e ” PRESSIONE MASSIMA = 360bar PORTATA = 750 g/min E L E C T R I C G R E A S E P U M P S “ M E C - G R E A S E ” P O M P E E L E T T R I C H E P E R G R A S S O M o d . D C 1 2 V “ M e c - G r e a s e ” PRESSIONE MASSIMA = 360bar PORTATA = 750 g/min E L E C T R I C G R E A S E P U M P S M o d . A C 2 3 0 V “ M e c - G r e a s e ” MAX PRESSURE = 320bar DELIVERY = 275 g/min MADE IN ITALY 2 010-2020-230 010-2050-230 010-2200-230 V./HZ 230/50 230/50 230/50 A 12 12 12 bar 320 320 320 BSP F 1/4” G F 1/4” G F 1/4” G…
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