Herderstraat 4 Industriepark Zuid B-8700 Tielt T. +32 (0)51 403 806 F. +32 (0)51 401 567 O.N. 0 405 233 534 info@vulkoprin.be www.vulkoprin.be APPA-MEDI GUMMI • APPA-MEDI RUBBER RT SG • RT SG PLATTE • TOP PLATE 18 1 1.1 1.1.1 0 1 /0 7 /2 0 1 7 APPA-MEDI GUMMI 115/01/2014APPA-MEDI RUB BERRT SG 1.1RT SG1.1.1PLATTETO P PLATE Rad Polypropylen-Felge mit thermoplastischem Gummireifen 80° Shore A: Farbe grau, nicht kreidend, leichtlaufend - mit Gleitlager. Montiert in einem stahlgepreßten Gehäuse mit zweireihigem Kugelkranz: glanzverzinkt, leicht schwenkbar - Typen: Lenk, Lenk+Feststeller, Bock.…
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www.thomsonlinear.com Miniature Lead Screws Precise Linear Motion Components for Small-Scale Applications DIAMETERS AS SMALL AS 2 MM 2 www.thomsonlinear.com Lead Screws to Meet Today’s Design Challenges As the demand for increasingly compact devices grows within various industries, the need for ever smaller components has grown with it. To help engineers meet these stringent design requirements, the Thomson line of miniature lead screws delivers the linear motion precision you’ve come to know from our lead screws with diameters as small as two millimeters. Big Precision in a Little Package…
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Herderstraat 4 Industriepark Zuid B-8700 Tielt T. +32 (0)51 403 806 F. +32 (0)51 401 567 O.N. 0 405 233 534 info@vulkoprin.be www.vulkoprin.be INDUS POLYAMID • INDYS NYLON PL • PL SEPARATES RAD • SINGLE WHEEL 90 5 5.1 5.1.1 0 1 /0 7 /2 0 1 7 IND US POLYAMID 515/01/2014INDYS NYLON PL 5.1PL5.1.1SEPARA TES RA DSINGLE WHEEL Rad in hochwertigem Polyamid PA6: Farbe weiß, hohe Abriebfestigkeit, stoß- und schlagfest - mit Gleitlager. Wheel in high quality polyamide PA6: colour white, high wear resistance, shock- and impact resistant - on plain bearing. i Y U X 1 z h V T a 21# • #21.8# • #21.8.27# • #…
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203 Rulli per trasportatori comandati con cinghie Rollers for belt driven conveyors 4 Serie 135/138 per cinghie dentate 135/138 series for toothed belts Serie KRO per cinghie tonde KRO series for round belts Serie 135/138 per cinghie tonde 135/138 series for round belts Rulli con gole per trasmissione con cinghie tonde Grooved rollers for round belt transmission Serie 135/138 per cinghie Poly-V 135/138 series for Poly-V belts Cinghie Poly-V Poly-V belts Serie KRO per cinghie tonde rulli conici comandati con puleggia KRO series for round belts driven tapered rollers with two grooves head 204…
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Mobile machine management Danfoss PLUS+1® controllers are elements of the flexible, powerful, expandable, and affordable family of mobile machine management products. These devices are general-purpose controllers that are equally suited for use as a member of a distributed machine control system, with intelligence in every node, or as a stand-alone controller. Product highlights The PLUS+1® High Current controller employs a 32 bit Cortex-M3 Processor, providing the controller with extremely fast single cycle processing speed and 512K internal flash. It features high current capabilities for…
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A L T R A M O T I O N Stromag Storm Brakes Altra Motion www.stromag.com P-XXXX-XX-A4 X/XX The Brands of Altra Motion Couplings Ameridrives www.ameridrives.com Bibby Turbofl ex www.bibbyturbofl ex.com Guardian Couplings www.guardiancouplings.com Huco www.huco.com Lamifl ex Couplings www.lamifl excouplings.com Stromag www.stromag.com TB Wood’s www.tbwoods.com Linear Systems Thomson www.thomsonlinear.com Geared Cam Limit Switches Stromag www.stromag.com Engineered Bearing Assemblies Kilian www.kilianbearings.com Electric Clutches & Brakes Matrix www.matrix-international.com Stromag…
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SD2E-A4/H3 3/4-16 UNF • Qmax 30 l/min (8 GPM) • pmax 350 bar (5100 PSI) 4 3 (P) 2 1(T) S1 S2 Změny vyhrazeny · SD2E-A4_H3_4097_4cz_02/2023 Strana 1 www.argo-hytos.com 4/3 elektromagneticky ovládaný vestavný šoupátkový rozváděč Čtyřcestný třípolohový šoupátkový rozváděč s připojovacím závitem 3/4-16 UNF ovládaný dvěma elektromagnety, určený pro vestavbu do standardní komory A4 (C-8-4) v bloku. Ventil řídí směr proudění kapaliny a tím směr pohybu spotřebiče, nebo jej zastavuje. Technické parametry Popis funkce Technická data Charakteristiky měřeno při ν = 32 mm2/s (156 SUS) Teplota oleje 80 °C…
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83 270/121 ED 1/16 — The DSE5G* are proportional directional control valves, direct operated, with integrated electronics and mounting surface compliant with ISO 4401-05 standards. — They are used for the control of position and speed of hydraulic actuators. — Valves are available with different types of electronics,with analogue or fieldbus interfaces. — A solenoid current monitoring signal is available. — The valves are easy to install. The driver manages digital settings directly. DSE5G* PROPORTIONAL DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE WITH INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS HYDRAULIC SYMBOLS (typical) MOUNTING…
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41 440/122 ED 1/12 41 440/122 ED DSP1* DIRECTIONAL VALVES, PILOT OPERATED, SOLENOID OR HYDRAULIC (DSC1*) ACTUATED — The DSP10 and DSP11 are 4-ports directional valves, pilot operated, solenoid actuated, with mounting surface according to ISO 4401-10 standards. The DS*11 valves have ports Ø48. — The directional valves DSC10 and DSC11 are the versions with hydraulic actuation. — They are available with different spool types (see point 2) and with some options for the opening control. — The DSP* valves are available with internal or external pilot supply and internal or external drain. A version…
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BARKSDALE BOT PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Series BTX Transducer 2 www.barksdale.de Subject to technical changes BOT: THE NEXT- GENERATION DIGITAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Configure Standard Options or Cus- tomize With Fully Engineered Solu- tions to Meet Your Unique Needs Get the digital pressure transducers that match your exact monitoring and control requirements for gas delivery or mobile hydraulic equipment and vehicle applications right when you need them. That’s the value of specifying the new BoT Series Pressure Transducer from Barksdale. Configure it from 55 available standard options. Or, leverage…
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