CAPSELECT - freely configurable probe for measuring level height from the company CAPTRON

CAPTRON is an experienced manufacturer of measuring technology for the industry and a market leader in measuring the level of filling in the field of dosing technology. CAPTRON capacitive probes accurately and reliably measure the level of liquids, bulky goods, pastes, adhesives and chemically aggressive materials. With the CAPselect system for level sensors, you can freely configure the probe of your choice depending on the application, vessel type and sensor properties. CAPTRON manufactures them to the nearest millimeter to ensure complete flexibility.
There are two systems to choose from: compact probes, in which the electronics and the probe form one unit. Probes with external amplifiers suitable for use at high temperatures and pressures.
Thanks to their wear-free electronics in combination with high-quality materials such as stainless steel, Teflon and steel, CAPTRON level sensors are reliable, robust and long-lasting.