The BTS3000 with IO-Link combines Barksdale's core strength with product technical knowledge and customization capabilities with the progressive IO-Link communication protocol, which supports Industry 4.0, one of the key visions of the global industrial market. The Barksdale BTS3000 electronic dual temperature switches combine three separate components (dual temperature switch, transducer and digital temperature switch) into one compact package. The BTS3000 is available in several output configurations, including combinations of: (1) single or dual temperature switch, (2) single or dual temperature switch with analog output (4-20 mA or 0-10 V), or (3) optional digital output ( IO-Link communication protocol). The required values and dead band can be easily set using the user-friendly menu, in which the hysteresis up to 125% of the measuring range can be set. The outputs of the analog converter are scalable from 25% to 100% of the entire adjustable range. The BTS3000 offers an easy-to-read 4-digit 14-segment angular LED display that rotates up to 320 °. Thanks to the BTS3000's inversion capability, the units can be installed upside down while maintaining the original text orientation. The BTS3000 is the ideal solution for temperature control applications requiring accuracy, flexibility and long life.