Parallel ROSSI gearboxes with extruder
This type of gearbox is most commonly used in the rubber and plastics industries. Customer requirements for these gearboxes require high reliability and heavy load bearing, often in difficult environmental conditions.
That's why Rossi, with its state-of-the-art solutions, delivers gearboxes that are able to maintain high levels of performance even in small spaces. In the plastics industry, and especially in the extrusion process, our specialized product is characterized by high reliability and the best fit for all machine designs. Rossi has always delivered the best products for this particular industry and provides reliable and customizable heavy duty gearboxes and gearmotors.
We can also design special types of oil cooling for this type of gearbox as well as independent oil cooling, if required by the application.
- Extruder support designed for heavy duty applications
- the possibility of long models
- high level of performance and reliability
- long life
- excellent torque and gear ratio
- adaptation of applications and design of the most suitable solution for the customer
- heavy industry
- processing of plastics
- rubber processing

Patrik Kemlage
Tel.: +421 37 7777 957
Mobile: +421 914 336 528
Fax: +421 37 7777 968