Movomech profile system
Mechprofile is the construction system that formed the basis and beginning of Movomech. At a very early stage Movomech realised the possibilities offered by a system of profiles that not only could be combined but could also move relative to one another. Since then Movomech have developed those profiles with the controlled movement relative to another resulting in today's extensive range of absorbing lifts.
The different types of profile have been progressively developed to cope with various types of difficulty that arise in mechanical engineering. As a result, Movomech's well documented experience of using profiles gives us the ability to let customers avail themselves to these unique skills.
Technical data - aluminium profiles:
- Alloy: 6063
- Density: 2,7 kg/dm³
- Coefficient of expansion: 23*10 / °C
- Coefficient of elasticity: 70 000 N/mm²
- Module of rigidity: 27 000 N/mm²³
- Yield point in tension R: 200 N/mm²
- Ultimate breaking strength R: 230 N/mm²
Flexible profile system Mechprofile

Mechprofile TM includes a product line made of anodized aluminum profiles and accessories with wide areas of application.
Standardized components
T-tracks run on all sides of the accessory mounting profile. All components, such as mounting plates, corner brackets, hinges, handles, screws and nuts, are standardized items for easy installation.
Ideal system for tailor-made solutions
Common uses are adjustable tables, security barriers, specially designed trolleys, machine stands and many other applications, mostly in the workshop environment.
Ján Plavák
Tel.: +421 37 7777 923
Mobile: +421 903 575 748
Fax: +421 37 7777 928